Seeing this situation, Ouyang Baili couldn't help but secretly said that he had foresight.

"What? Say it again? I just didn't catch it!"

Fang Gan didn't even have time to wipe the water stains on his chin, and asked with an incredible eagerness.

"Brother Fang, your clothes are wet."

He was in a hurry, but Ouyang Baili was not in a hurry.

Pointing to the placket of his shirt, he said with a smile.

"Hey, what's your mood right now about whether your clothes are wet or not, tell me quickly, is what you just said true?"

Fang Gan was stunned for a moment, then became more anxious.

He regrets it a little now. He just pretended to be compulsive, and now he is a little slapped in the face, and there is a burning feeling on his face.

"Hey, what's the hurry, how about I help you dry your clothes?"

He slowly took a sip of the tea, but Ouyang Baili still refused to turn to the topic.

Hearing this, Fang Gan reluctantly used his spiritual power to dry his clothes.

"Okay, okay!! Hurry up and say it, and I'll leave if you don't say anything."

Ouyang Baili, seeing that his goal has been achieved, no longer wants to entice him.

"It's true, and it was destroyed by one person."


The news was confirmed, Fang Gan couldn't help but gasped, his face full of horror.

"Destroyed by one person, this, this, this is unlikely, right?"

He said the truth from Ouyang Baili's mouth, he didn't believe it too much.

But seeing the serious look on Ouyang Baili's face, he couldn't help but believe it.

"If you go to the street and ask anyone at random, you all know about it. Now it has spread throughout the Hidden Realm."

Although Ouyang Baili was very plain on the surface, when he remembered who killed him, his heart palpitated for a while.

"Do you know who did this?"

Fang Gan was stunned when he heard the words, and became a little puzzled.

If Ouyang Baili can ask this, it means that they know this person.

If you don't know each other, Ouyang Baili can't say that.

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If you don't know each other, Ouyang Baili can't say that.

Thinking about it again, at the very beginning, Ouyang Baili mentioned Chen Feng, and his face became strange.

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible to be him."

Waving his hand and shaking his head like a rattle, Fang Gan tried his best to deny it.

In the end, he actually got up and walked towards the door.

His actions made Ouyang Baili confused.

"Hey, why are you going? I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Hey, brother Ouyang, if you called me here to listen to such a joke, don't mention it again. I have something to do at my academy, so let's say goodbye first!"

Turning back and snorting lightly, Fang Gan cupped his hands and flew away without waiting for Ouyang Baili to speak.

Ouyang Baili looked at Fang Gan who flew away, but did not recover for a while.

After a while, he shook his head with a wry smile and sighed.

If he hadn't personally been in the streets and alleys, looking for news everywhere, he wouldn't have believed it.

Because of this, it's so unbelievable.

Chen Feng also knew that the person who inspired the dragon soul was the one of the gods.

However, even if the talent is against the sky, it is impossible to smash the first sect of the hidden world in just two months, right?

There must be something in it that they don't know yet.

Ouyang Baili sat alone in the yard, staring blankly at the vortex of spiritual power that was gradually dissipating in the distance.

At this moment, all those who entered the hidden world from the outside world already knew that a young demon named Chen Feng had wiped out the first sect of the hidden world, Shenyanzong.

Incidentally, the Qi clan and nearly ten sects, large and small, were also destroyed.

"I'm holding a big grass!! The boss is so awesome, why didn't I know?"

Han Yide sat in the lobby of the inn, his mouth was full of greasy, and a large piece of meat caught on the chopsticks fell onto the table, but he didn't notice it, and said dumbly.

Yu Lanmeng ignored him and listened carefully to the words of others, and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her heart.

But then she started to worry.

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