Worrying about whether Chen Feng will be besieged by 700 people, and whether he will be injured...

As soon as this series of worries appeared, I couldn't stop it, and in the end, I didn't even have the mood to eat.

"Fatty, take out your jade slip!!"

As soon as he patted the table, Yulan Meng said to Han Yide anxiously.

Han Yide was still in a daze at this time. Hearing Yu Lanmeng's words, he was stunned for a moment. Then he quickly put down the chicken leg in his hand, took out the jade slip, and handed it to her.

"Eldest sister, what do you want jade slips for?"

Yulan Meng looked at his greasy hands, hesitated for a moment, and grabbed it.

"Send a message to your boss."

"oh oh……"

Hearing her words, Han Yide nodded suddenly.

But then, he became suspicious again.

"Isn't the eldest sister able to contact the boss, why don't you use your own jade slip?"

How could he know that there is a saying that a woman in love has zero IQ.

In a hurry, Yulan Meng actually forgot that she could contact Chen Feng herself.

"Chen Feng, where are you? I know you're here. I heard about you. How is it? Are you not injured? Is there any difficulty? Come to the station quickly, so that the academy can protect you..."

In this way, hundreds of words were splattered and sent out directly. .

Chapter 1 Dating (3/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

The news of Yulan Meng was sent out, but Chen Feng's jade slip was thrown into a corner of the ring by him, and he didn't find it.

At this time, Chen Feng was shopping with Fu Ying.

As for the other three girls, they stayed in the house and did not come out.

In the words of Liu Xia'er and Nami, they were too tired and wanted a good rest.

And Bonnie, just about to say she was going to come out, was dragged into the inner hall by Nami covering her mouth.

In fact, their thoughts, Chen Feng is very clear.

Don't you just want to give yourself and Fu Ying some space to enhance their relationship?

Looking at Fu Ying, who looked like a little girl around him, left and right, with a happy expression on his face, Chen Feng didn't think about other things, but concentrated on accompanying the girl and went shopping.

"Hey, Chen Feng, look, there are people here who are refining jade carvings!!"

Suddenly, Fu Ying seemed to have seen something novel and ran over with a gust of wind pulling Chen Feng.

After looking at the booth for a while, Chen Feng realized that the person who made jade carvings should be a third-grade craftsman.

The technique is relatively subtle, but the control over the heat is somewhat lacking.

When the two came over, someone was already waiting in front of the booth, and the refiner was refining jade carvings for him.

Walking all the way, Chen Feng found that among the many stalls, many people were monks.

Some take advantage of this opportunity to treat this as a market, set up a stall, and sell some things they don't need.

Also, just like this refiner, he has his own unique craftsmanship.

Most, however, are still food-based.

What is roasted whole lamb, what is roasted whole wolf, and what's more, there are roasted frogs.

Of course, the sheep here is a kind of spirit beast with a relatively mild personality, a kind of sheep that is only produced in the hidden world.

The meat is very tender, delicious, and requires no processing.

Because it has been eating grass that contains weak spiritual power in the hidden world, there is no smell.

And this wolf is also a kind of monster in the hidden world. The meat is very tough and chewy.

As for this frog, the background is big.

This frog is a creature of Heilongtan. It is very large, and one is almost seven or eight meters long.

Also, they are gregarious creatures.

Among so many bizarre booths, Chen Feng admires this guy the most.

I bought two directly, basically, enough for him to sell this day.

Chen Feng, who was not interested in this at first, was forced to eat a piece of it under Fu Ying's "force".

Before eating, Chen Feng thought that the frog's meat was definitely not very tasty, but after eating it, he found out that the meat was actually one point better than the mutton he just ate.

It melted in the mouth and went down directly down the throat, leaving only the tenderness and deliciousness of the meat, as well as the taste of the seasoning, which remained in the mouth, making people want to eat another piece.

I was thinking about the frog meat I just ate when suddenly Fu Ying's voice came over.

"Chen Feng, what are you thinking, people are asking you something!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng froze for a moment, then smiled awkwardly and said.

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