"I'm sorry, I just lost my mind, what are you talking about?"

"It's alright, sir, what style do you want? This lady just chose a portrait."

The refiner smiled gently, glanced at Fu Ying, who had a ruddy face, and said.

"I, I want to..."

Hearing the Item Refiner's words, Chen Feng couldn't help but have a headache.

When I came out with Fu Ying this time, if I wanted a style, I would definitely prefer Fu Ying to have a portrait. However, if I only made Fu Ying's and there were three women in the family, what should I do.

Fu Ying looked at Chen Feng's hesitant look, and lowered her head in frustration. When she was about to say something, Chen Feng spoke up.

Chapter 1 Dating (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Fu Ying looked at Chen Feng's hesitant look, and lowered her head in frustration. When she was about to say something, Chen Feng spoke up.

"Well, master, follow this beauty and make me one."

Chen Feng's words made Fu Ying, who was originally lost, suddenly happy.

In fact, Chen Feng saw Fu Ying's expression just now.

Seeing her lost appearance, he couldn't help but feel distressed, and without thinking, he blurted out these words.

Looking at Fu Ying's happy expression with a hint of happiness now, Chen Feng felt that it didn't matter.

"Congratulations to the two lovers who are finally married. I have prepared a small gift for each Taoist couple here. When the meeting is over, I will give it to you."

The refiner looked at all this from beginning to end, smiled and said with a hand.

"we do not……"

"Thank you..."

Fu Ying was still very happy to hear the craftsman say that she wished her and Chen Feng's lover to be married, but for fear that Chen Feng would think too much, she was about to explain, but was interrupted directly by Chen Feng.

Looking at Chen Feng unexpectedly, Fu Ying lowered her head shyly.

"He, is he, is he acknowledging our relationship?"

Thinking of this, Fu Ying secretly raised her head and looked at Chen Feng's side face with a slight halo in the sun, and she immediately became insane.

"." He, why is he so good-looking, should I go up and kiss him? "

"No, in this way, he will think that I am very casual..."

"But, but it really seems like a kiss..."

"Hey, silly girl, what are you thinking, a monster is coming!!"

While she was thinking wildly, Chen Feng's voice came over and pulled her out of her imagination.

"Huh? Ah? What? What's wrong?"

Fu Ying, who woke up, looked around in panic like a frightened bunny.


Seeing her cute appearance, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing out loud.

The craftsman who was making the jade carving also laughed lightly.

"You, you are playing with me!!"

As soon as Fu Ying heard Chen Feng's laughter, she immediately understood that Chen Feng was teasing herself.

(Zhao? Zhao) With a swipe, his entire face turned red, and he stomped his feet and said in a coquettish manner.

"Hahaha, who told you to stare at me all the time, who wouldn't tease you, hahaha..."

Hearing that Chen Feng was still laughing, Fu Ying was suddenly dissatisfied, she walked over angrily, stretched out her delicate little hand and placed it on Chen Feng's waist.


Feeling the slightest coolness coming from his waist, Chen Feng's laughter stopped abruptly, and the cold sweat dripped down.

"Then, that, let's have something to say, don't do anything..."

Glancing at Fu Ying, whose face was vaguely proud, Chen Feng rolled his eyes and stammered.

"Let you laugh at me, are you still laughing?"

Fu Ying looked at Chen Feng proudly, and while speaking, her hands began to exert force.


A loud cry suddenly sounded, which immediately startled Fu Ying.

Immediately afterwards, she was stunned and her eyes widened. .

Chapter 2 The Night of the Full Moon (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

At this time, Chen Feng took advantage of Fu Ying's fright and kissed him directly.

Looking at Chen Feng blankly, after a while, Fu Ying closed her eyes.

"Clap clap clap..."

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