After an unknown amount of time, a burst of applause came from the surroundings, and Fu Ying woke up with a start.

After regaining consciousness, Fu Ying pushed Chen Feng away and was about to leave, but Chen Feng grabbed him and pulled him back.

Looking at the kind eyes of everyone around, Fu Ying blushed and buried her head in Chen Feng's arms.

Lying in Chen Feng's arms, Fu Ying had a happy smile on her face, but she complained.

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault, it's all your fault for letting me be laughed at by others..."

While speaking, she also hammered Chen Feng's shoulder with her small fist.

Chen Feng nodded at the people around him with a smile on his face, then lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

"How can you blame me for this? Who made you so charming that I couldn't help it for a while."

"Hmph, ignore you..."

Hearing this, Fu Ying felt both ashamed and joyful in her heart. In the end, she could only let out a coquettish sigh, lay in Chen Feng's arms, and stopped talking.

Chen Feng touched the beautiful woman's hair in his arms and held her hand tightly.


Seeing this scene, the refining master on the side seemed to have entered a special state, and the movements in his hands suddenly sped up a bit.

Not long after, a pair of jade carvings embracing a man and a woman appeared in his hands.

If you look closely, the appearance of this jade carving is actually similar to that of Chen Feng and Fu Ying.

After he finished the second jade carving, he woke up.

Dingding looked at the two double jade sculptures floating in the air, and the refiner was a little stunned.

According to his previous realm, it is absolutely impossible to refine something with such a compact internal structure.

"I, my realm, it seems, seems to have improved again?!!!"

Looking at his hands in surprise, the refiner grabbed two jade carvings and ran to Chen Feng.

"This son, thank you, because you just revealed your true feelings, which has improved my realm, thank you very much!!"

After speaking, he handed the jade carving to Chen Feng and Fu Ying.

"This, I gave it to you, as a thank you for helping me improve the realm of refining."

Having said that, the refiner became a little embarrassed.

"Although it may be nothing compared to helping me improve my realm, I have nothing good, otherwise I wouldn't come here to set up a stall."

Chen Feng smiled and brought the jade carving over.

"It's okay, these two jade carvings are enough."

After speaking, he took Fu Ying out of here.

The refiner watched Chen Feng and the others leave, and after a while, he returned to his booth.

Now that his realm has improved, he is not going to continue to set up stalls anymore.

The most important thing for him now is to stabilize his realm and go back to continue refining.

Just as he was packing, he found a high-level spirit stone on the table.

"This is……"

Looking at this spirit stone, the craftsman thought for a while, and then he thought, this should be left by Chen Feng when he left.

Gratefully looking at the direction Chen Feng was leaving, the artifact refiner packed up his belongings and left.

Chapter 2 The Night of the Full Moon (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Gratefully looking at the direction Chen Feng was leaving, the artifact refiner packed up his belongings and left.

Now that he has a high-level spirit stone given by Chen Feng, he can sell a lot of refining materials. At least the materials used by a refining master of his rank are not expensive.

When Chen Feng left, he did not notice that Fang Qingtong was staring blankly at the two of them not far from them.

"Then, who is that woman? Why is she by Chen Feng's side?"

Dumbly watched the two leave here, but she still stayed where she was.

Looking at them, Fang Qingtong seemed to hear the sound of something shattering in his body.

Disappointed, he left here and walked towards the residence of Qimu Academy (bjch).

Along the way, he bumped into someone, and Fang Qingtong didn't realize it.

Until people caught her, she just apologized blankly, and then continued to move forward.

Back at the station, the dean had already returned, and when he saw Fu Ying like this, he asked.

"what happened?"

Fang Qingtong ignored the dean, still looking lost.

"What happened to her?"

The dean could see that Fang Qingtong was in a very bad mood now, but he couldn't do anything, so he could only frown.

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