This made Hua Ye, who had been following Chen Feng all the time, half-dead from anger.

Nima Laozi attaches so much importance to you, why did you just glance at me?Anyway, should you give me a hint?

"Haha, as expected of the genius true monarch who is number one on the Earth Ranking, I hope you can do the same in the future, hum!"

With a gloomy face, Huaye said such a sentence yin and yang strangely.

However, Chen Feng seemed to have not heard, half-squinting his eyes, waiting for someone else's challenge.

After a while, all the people in the arena had already stood up, and the game was officially started.

Among these thirty people, apart from Chen Feng, there is no one from Qimu Academy.

Originally, Yulan Meng wanted to go up, but the four arenas around Chen Feng had already been occupied.

In desperation, she had to wait. When the game officially started, she was going to challenge the ring beside Chen Feng.

She wanted to stand with Chen Feng, even if the position was first than him, then she would be satisfied.

Therefore, as soon as the elder of Yaozong announced the official start of the competition, she jumped directly onto the arena where Huaye was located.

"In Yulan Meng of Qimu Academy in Xiawu Mansion, please ask senior brother for advice..."

All the colleges have already inquired about the information of the contestants like them.

Yulan Meng is a freshman who just entered the school this year, so it is not an exaggeration to call Senior Brother Huaye.

Huaye entered school relatively early, and now his cultivation base has already exceeded the limit for entering the ruins, but what he wants is not to enter the ruins, but to enter the three major sects.

"Hehe, Junior Sister, don't worry, someone from Hua will never play hard on girls, especially those like..."

Huaye laughed, and then a flower appeared in his hand, walking towards Yulan Meng.

"A beautiful and moving fairy like Junior Sister would never do such a vulgar thing."

Yulan Meng looked at Hua Ye with a strange expression, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes, and then said with a forced smile.

"This, this senior brother, it's a game now..."

"Oh, I'm really sorry. When Hua saw his junior sister, he was too beautiful, and he forgot his love for a while. Please forgive me."

Huaye looked like a gentleman, with a hint of apology on his face, and said again.

"Then, please go down on your own, Junior Sister Hua, I don't want to hurt you, Junior Sister."

When Yu Lanmeng heard this, she couldn't bear it any longer. With a wave of her hand, a blue stream of water appeared out of thin air, and following her movements, it rolled towards Huaye.

"Hey, junior sister, how can you do this, let's chat, how good you go down by yourself, if Hua Mou makes a move, he may hurt the beautiful woman."

Seeing Yulan Meng's shot, Hua Ye pretended to be pity and shook his head, sighed, and shot at the same time.

Seeing him like this, a sneer appeared on Yulan Meng's face. .

Chapter [-] Fallen Tianjiao (plus one, please subscribe, please customize)

The Lingjue in his hand changed again and again, and the water flowing towards Huaye suddenly changed into a water dragon, and then the water dragon circled Huaye twice, spitting out ice thorns from his mouth. (Book^House*Small}Said + Net)

You must know that Yu Lan Meng has now reached the tenth grade of concentration. If it wasn't for entering the ruins, she would have broken through to the real world, or even the realm of heaven.

After all, the spiritual fruit and medicinal pills that Chen Feng gave were not for nothing.

After eating a lot, even a person with dull aptitude can cultivate to the state of concentration in three months, not to mention the talent of Yulan Meng is not bad.

At this time, the ice thorn spit out from the water dragon's mouth contains a lot of spiritual power, and when it touches it, it will burst open immediately.

Think about it, the grenades that are equivalent to high-explosive bombs exploded intensively, even if they were in the realm of heaven, I am afraid they would not be able to catch them.

Originally, there was still a trace of relaxed and freehand Hua Ye on his face, but after seeing these ice thorns, his face changed greatly, and he hurriedly avoided it.

Although he dodged, those ice thorns also landed near him, and the violent aura burst out immediately.

Hua Ye was torn back and forth by this violent aura, and after a while, the aura fluctuated a little, and then he stabilized his figure.

Looking at Yulan Meng with a gloomy face, Huaye couldn't care less about maintaining his demeanor.

He also saw at this time that Yulan Meng's strength was not simple.

At the beginning, when he saw that Yulan Meng was a woman, he had a crooked mind and wanted to pretend to make Yulan Meng retreat.

Then imagine, Yulan Meng's strength is almost the same as his.

You know, he is much older than Yulan Meng, and he has never seen Yulan Meng's name on the Tianjiao list.

Chen Feng naturally heard the conversation between Yulanmeng and Huaye, but now that Yulanmeng was fighting him again, he didn't say that he was going to mess with him.

He believed that with Yulanmeng's strength, it would not be a problem to fight such a Huaye.

Standing on the arena, boredly looking at the surrounding arena.

The surrounding arena has already started, but Chen Feng is still uninterested here, and he is a bit boring.

After a while, when Chen Feng was about to sit on the ground and wait, suddenly a figure flashed, and a person came to the stage.

"Chen Chusheng at Tianrenfu Jinguang College, please enlighten me."

A man in strong suit said to Chen Feng.

"I don't know, what should I call you?"

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