The students under the stage who had not yet been on stage exclaimed when they heard his name.

On the other hand, Hua Ye, when he heard the name, was also distracted for a while and looked at this side in surprise.

"What? Chen Chusheng of the Golden Light Academy?"

"Chen Chusheng? Didn't he disappear long ago? Why did he suddenly appear?"

"Disappeared? You are not mistaken? People are in retreat!!"

"What? Retreat? Didn't he say that he was abolished because of his troubles? Why is he in retreat again?"

"Cut, why do you abolish your cultivation base? With such a high talent, you can almost arouse the dragon soul. Will it be easily abolished? Are you kidding me?"

"Chen Chusheng is just being hidden, hiding things."

"real or fake?"

When the people around him heard this, they all had expressions of disbelief.

After all, almost everyone knows what Chen Chusheng did.

And he is not like Chen Feng, he has a strong father and family background, and if he gets into trouble, basically no one dares to protect him.

Therefore, after that incident, everyone thought that he had been evaporated from the world.

But now, Chen Chusheng actually appeared again, attracting everyone's attention.

Looking at Chen Chusheng in front of him in surprise, Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Chen Feng..."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Chen Chusheng was stunned.

Chapter 1 The Fallen Tianjiao (plus one, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Chen Chusheng was stunned.

Staring blankly at Chen Feng in front of him, Chen Chusheng suspected that he was dreaming.

He had also heard about Chen Feng's rumors, but he had never seen Chen Feng's appearance.

Therefore, he didn't know that he chose Chen Feng.

"You are Chen Feng? Chen Feng who destroyed Shen Yanzong?"

Chen Feng tilted his head noncommittally, neither denying nor agreeing.

Chen Chusheng has a very headache now. He doesn't know whether he can choose someone else if he takes the initiative to step down.

But looking around, all the arenas are already filled with people.

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"Can I choose again?"

Hearing his words, Chen Feng smiled and smiled very happily.

Originally listening to people's discussions, Chen Feng thought that this guy was really powerful, but now he said these words, he was suddenly disappointed.

At this moment, Chen Chusheng's expression suddenly changed, he rushed up suddenly, and at the same time slapped his fist.

"A raid?"

Seeing that he moved, Chen Feng didn't take it seriously, and stretched out his hand to grab it.


With a soft sound, Chen Feng grabbed Chen Chusheng's fist.

"Are you capable of this?"

Chen Chusheng, who was caught by Chen Feng's fist, pouted and said.


"It seems that I think too much."

The voice fell, and the figure suddenly retreated, away from Chen Feng.

He could sense that Chen Feng's physical strength was very strong. If it was solely based on physical strength, he would have no chance of winning.

"Next, I'm going to use my strongest weapon and magic weapon, you have to be careful."

Hearing his words, Chen Feng was speechless.

If you want to go up, go up, why so much nonsense?

Seeing that he was still in the preparation stage, Chen Feng was not in a hurry and just stood there waiting for him.

Chen Chusheng glanced at Chen Feng gratefully, knowing that Chen Feng was giving him time, and he would not delay now.

He took out a triangular magic weapon and threw it into the air. The spirit of both hands kept changing rapidly.

With the change of his spirit, the triangular magic weapon in the air stopped in mid-air, releasing faint fluctuations.

After a while, Chen Chusheng's forehead became full of sweat.

"Chen Feng! Pick it up!!!"

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