Chen Feng walked in front of Chen Chusheng and said softly.

In Chen Chusheng's astonished eyes, Chen Feng waved his hand and pushed Chen Chusheng out of the ring.

Just like that, Chen Chusheng maintained a posture, slowly floated out of the field enveloped in the air, and then fell to the ground outside the ring.

After getting Chen Chusheng out, Chen Feng took over the domain.

"Okay, it's done."

Chen Chu gave birth to the realm and returned to normal.

"I, just lost like this?"

Staring blankly at Chen Feng who was still on the stage, Chen Chusheng shook his head mockingly.

Chen Feng tilted his head in disbelief, then looked around.

"Now, is anyone else coming to fight me?"

The contestants below who did not appear on the stage looked at Chen Feng standing proudly on the stage, and shook their heads in unison.

Just kidding, go up and fight with you, just looking for abuse.

You, a person who has comprehended the fields related to the law of time, come here to bully people, is it a bit too much?

Of course, they only dared to think about these words in their hearts, and dared not say them out, for fear of angering Chen Feng. .

The three hundred and thirtieth octopus orchid dream lost? (3/3 please subscribe, please customize)

After Chen Feng dealt with Chen Chusheng, seeing that no one came up, Chen Feng stood there bored and watched the surrounding games.

The people around in the arena, seeing that Chen Feng had dealt with Chen Chusheng, suddenly came back to their senses and turned to look at their opponents.

In the arena between Yu Lan Meng and Hua Ye, Yu Lan Meng has recovered, but Hua Ye seems to be still in a daze, standing there dumbfounded.

Yulan dreamed, and immediately seized this opportunity.

The spirit of both hands changed, and a stream of water was born out of thin air, rolling towards Huaye.

He didn't wake up until the water surrounded him.

In a hurry, he directly took out a jade slip, squeezed it hard, and a milky white mask shrouded him.

As soon as the mask appeared, the water flow around him immediately began to shrink.

However, due to the existence of this layer of mask, it did not directly wrap him.

Yu Lan dreamed, and had to sigh helplessly.

However, Huaye himself is not involved, but the same is true for the mask.

Yulan Meng didn't intend to hurt him, just wanted to throw him off the stage.

Controlling the flow of water to roll up the mask, he also brought Huaye up along the way.

Seeing this situation, Huaye realized what Yulan dreamed of.

With a cold snort, Huaye's gaze towards Yulan Meng was no longer so friendly.

"Hmph, damn it, do you think it's that simple for what Ben Shao spent a lot of money on?"

While speaking, both hands began to quickly pinch Lingjue.

The jade slip he just crushed was bought for him by his family through some secret channels, for this competition.

Originally, he thought that he basically couldn't use this thing in front of him, but it turned out to be used here in Yulan Meng, which made him very annoyed.

Yulan Meng looked at Huaye in the air, bit her lip, and was making some moves again, but at this time, Huaye had already completed the spell.

"Break me! 々"! "

With his loud shout, the mask suddenly shone brightly and began to expand continuously.

Yu Lanmeng frowned, trying hard to control the flow of water, tightening it hard, but it was useless.


As the mask continued to expand, the water flow could not maintain its shape, and was directly broken open, spread out toward the surrounding, and then disappeared into the air.

After breaking the shackles of the water, Huaye looked at Yulan Meng with a gloomy expression.

"Hmph, I never imagined that you could actually force me to do this. In that case, don't blame me for being tricky and rushing flowers!!"

After speaking, he quickly rushed towards Yulan Meng.

The mask around him had shrunk to its normal size at this time. As he sprinted, several sharp light thorns appeared in front of the mask.

Yulan Meng looked at Hua Ye with a serious face, her mind was spinning quickly, and she kept thinking about how to deal with it.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and her hands moved again.

Following her movements, a swamp suddenly appeared on the way Huaye was advancing.

This is not over yet, a block of ice walls also appeared on the road of Huaye's progress at the same time.

As soon as these ice walls appeared, they were directly stacked on top of each other, and the layers were almost ten meters thick.

Due to the full consideration of the range of the monks' spellcasting, each arena is very large, and it is basically not a problem after a dozen meters.

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