The three hundred and thirtieth octopus orchid dream lost? (3/3 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Due to the full consideration of the range of the monks' spellcasting, each arena is very large, and it is basically not a problem after a dozen meters.

Seeing the swamp on the ground, Huaye showed a disdainful smile.

The spiritual power is directly attached to the soles of the feet, just like walking on the ground, and is not affected by the swamp at all.

However, when he hit the ice wall, he realized that he had underestimated Yulan Meng.

Since these ice walls are stacked together, the thickness is not ordinary.

Halfway through Huaye's advance, he began to run out of stamina, and after he had broken through all the ice walls, he had lost his momentum.

"Hmph, even so, so what?"

Seeing this, Huaye simply stopped and looked at Yulan Meng with a sneer.

Yulan Meng frowned, and a bad premonition rose to her heart.

The next scene confirmed that her hunch was correct.

When Hua Ye waved his hand, the thorns on the mask suddenly increased, and then suddenly broke away from the mask and shot at Yulan Meng.

When these light thorns shot over, Yu Lanmeng stepped back again and again, dodged a lot of light thorns, and finally retreated directly to the edge of the ring.

Seeing that there are still many light thorns in the sky, Yulan Meng looked at the light thorns in the sky a little unwillingly, gritted her teeth, and was ready to resist.

He took out a crystal clear lotus-shaped magic weapon, and was reluctant to throw it away.

I saw that after the magic weapon was thrown out by Yulan Meng, it was good in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it became bigger than a person.

Yulan Meng saw that the light thorns were about to come, and hurriedly jumped into the middle of the lotus.

After she jumped in, the petals quickly closed, protecting her inside.

"." It's useless, I see how long your magic weapon can last..."

Huaye laughed when he saw Yulan Meng hide.

"Junior sister, I think you might as well just admit defeat. In that case, senior brother, I don't care about your offense to me before, how?"

"You are dreaming!!"

In the lotus flower, Yu Lanmeng listened to the constant crashing sounds around her, looked at Chen Feng's direction, gritted her teeth, and shouted loudly.

"Really? Hmph, then don't blame senior brother for being cruel!!"

Hearing this, Huaye's face turned gloomy again, and the spirit of his hands began to change again.

His one-time magic weapon can have three form changes, and each time has a different effect.

The first one was defensive, the one with spikes was both offensive and defensive, and the third time, all defensive power was discarded and concentrated to attack.

With the movement of his hand, the mask around his body began to condense in front of him, and finally turned into a lightsaber.

Finally, with a wave of Huaye's hand, the lightsaber flew directly into the air.

The lightsaber that flew into the air exuded a suction force, and the aura in the air was actually absorbed by it.

With the absorption of spiritual power, the lightsaber also began to grow rapidly, and finally became as long as twenty or thirty meters.

The width of the sword alone is almost two or three meters.

Yulan Meng raised her head, looked at the giant sword in the air through the transparent petals, and suddenly felt a little desperate.

"Could it be that, in the first round, am I going to lose?".

Chapter [-] The crisis is coming (plus one, please subscribe, please customize)

Chen Feng on the side also saw this situation.

Just now, he had noticed the fighting situation over there, and he had been paying attention to it. At this time, seeing that the situation of Yulan Meng was more urgent, he directly threw a spiritual power over there.

This spiritual power is very obscure, at least, no one present can find it.

The spiritual force flew out and hit the great sword in the air.


When Hua Ye was looking at Yulan Meng with a grim face, he suddenly heard such a crisp sound and was stunned.

Staring blankly at the great sword that began to appear shattered in the air, Hua Ye wondered if he was dazzled.

You must know that this is already his strongest attack, which is equivalent to the attack of the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm, and it shattered for no reason.

This made him doubtful, a little suspicious, whether he had bought a fake.

Otherwise, how could it be directly unbearable to shatter because it absorbs too much spiritual power?

That's right, he is now suspecting that it is because he absorbed too much spiritual energy, which made this inferior one-time real jade sword slip unbearable and broke himself.

In any case, he never imagined that it would be Chen Feng's hands and feet.

Although he couldn't feel 827, he was very sensitive to Chen Feng's breath, Yu Lan Meng, but he was aware of it.

He glanced at Chen Feng suspiciously, and when Chen Feng saw her looking over, he smiled at her, and then turned his head away.

It was this smile that warmed Yulan Meng's heart.

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