She knew that she guessed right, and it was Chen Feng who secretly helped her.

Although I don't know how far Chen Feng's cultivation base has now reached, it can be seen from the reactions of the people around them that they haven't noticed.

After calming down, Yu Lan Meng gritted her silver teeth and rushed out of the lotus flower.

Halfway through, with a wave of Su's hand, the Lotus Magic Treasure quickly shrank and flew in front of her.

Huaye panicked when he saw Yulan Meng rushing over.

His hole card has been used up just now, and although Yulan Meng has used his hole card, it is not a one-time use.

I saw Lianhua, under the command of Yulan Meng, the speed soared again, and came directly to a place not far from Huaye and stopped.

The lotus blossoms suddenly, and ten thousand rays of brilliance are released from it.

One after another light belts wandered in the air, following the instructions of Yulan Meng, entwining towards Huaye.

Huaye looked at the airtight surrounding, and suddenly a dense layer of cold sweat appeared on his head.

Now, he has no choice but to use all the techniques he knows.

"No, it's impossible! I'm not going to lose!! I'm not going to lose!!!"

The surrounding light belts gradually narrowed towards the middle, and Huaye's range of activities became smaller and smaller.

In the end, in Huaye's desperate eyes, he was wrapped in a light belt and turned into a human-shaped light cocoon.

Finally, Yulan Meng waved her hand, and the light cocoon flew towards the bottom of the ring.

During this process, Huaye kept struggling, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from the shackles of the light belt.

At this moment, a hoarse voice came from the air.

"Chat, what a delicious taste, this time, it's really a bumper harvest!!"

Chapter 1 Crisis is approaching (plus one, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Chat, what a delicious taste, this time, it's really a bumper harvest!!"

Everyone looked up at the sky in unison, but found nothing.


Just when everyone was puzzled, a shrill scream came from the side.

Hearing this voice, everyone was shocked, and then looked towards the place where the screams came from.

I saw a man with black gas all over his body and his face could not be seen clearly. At this time, he was holding on to Huaye, which was wrapped into a light cocoon, and the black gas kept seeping into the light cocoon.

Seeing this, Yulan Meng quickly lifted the spell. (bjbc)

When the light belt drifted away, everyone saw Huaye's tragic situation, and they all showed unbearable expressions.

Hua Ye, who was entangled in black qi, was twitching uncontrollably, and the black qi penetrated into his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose wherever he could.

After a while, he stopped convulsing, and the whole person began to slowly turn into a mummified corpse.

In the end, a black gas emerged from the mysterious man again, wrapped Huaye's body, and returned to the mysterious man.


As if he was full, the mysterious man actually hiccupped.

Reaching out and wiping the corner of his mouth, the mysterious man looked around, and finally set his eyes on Chen Feng.

When he saw Chen Feng, the position of his eyes immediately lit up with red light.

"Good punctual food, not bad, not bad. I was born again, and it's amazing that I can encounter such delicious food. However, I will start enjoying you after a while."

It seemed that he was greedy and began to drool. Drops of green liquid fell on the ground, and green smoke came out.

Known as an invincible arena, under the corrosion of these liquids, pits appeared one by one.

Because the incident was too sudden, everyone hadn't reacted yet. When the mysterious man turned his attention back to these people, they woke up.

The people who woke up began to panic, screaming loudly and starting to flee.

"Chatat, the prey I've fallen for, haven't run past one yet..."

Seeing people's actions, the mysterious man laughed a few times.

With a wave of his hand, tens of thousands of black qi spread out and landed around the arena, forming a huge formation that trapped everyone inside.

On the black formation wall, rays of light flowed, and from time to time a white skeleton would appear on it.

Some people do not believe in evil, and they have the courage to rush out.

However, when they hit the formation, they instantly turned to ashes.

Seeing this, everyone suddenly became quiet and did not dare to move.

"Hohohohoho, that's right, be eaten by me obediently, and be a part of me, how nice."

Seeing that people were no longer running away, the mysterious man nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the ring.

"Well, not bad, I feel all your fears, go on, fear, the more fearful you are, the more delicious it will be for me."

"Damn, you are so stupid, aren't you stupid?"

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