At this moment, the mysterious man suddenly heard a word, and the whole person was stunned. .

Chapter [-] Lying to upgrade (plus two, please subscribe, please customize)

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the mysterious man immediately froze there.

It has been so many years, no matter where people see themselves, they are either respectful or fearful. Those who have heard Chen Feng say this, suddenly laughed in anger.

"Good, good, good!!!"

After shouting three times again and again, the mysterious man burst out with an amazing killing intent.

"Since you're impatient, I'll eat you first - okay!!"

After he finished speaking, the black energy all over his body soared, and a black giant with a height of more than ten meters condensed.

I saw this black giant, wearing armor, holding a sword in his left hand, and holding a bead in his right hand. On the armor, countless mysterious patterns circulated as if alive.

"Boy, it is also your honor to die under the incarnation of my ancestor, my demon ancestor, chatter chatter..."

Looking at the black giant, Ouyang Baili frowned and lowered his head to think about something.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, a look of panic and despair appeared on his face.

"This, this, this is, the legendary ancestor of all demons!!!"

All the participating students looked at the screaming Ouyang Baili in confusion, not knowing what he meant.

The students don't know, but those deans and senior sect leaders know it very well.

"What!! Ancestor of Ten Thousand Demons!!!"

"It's over, the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Demons has actually broken the seal. Now, the Earth Immortal World will be ruined!!"

"Hey, the old man has not seen that higher realm, so he died like this, the old man is unwilling!!"

"The ancestor of all demons, hehe, I guessed that there would be such a day, but I didn't expect that I would encounter it, it was destined!!!"

At this moment, these deans and the senior officials of the sect stood there slumped as if they had given up.

Seeing them like this, the students also became desperate.

For a while, an atmosphere of despair began to spread on the field.

The black giant made an inhalation motion, and then said happily.

"Yes, that's it, fear, fear, despair, these will make you more delicious food!! Chatter chatter!!"

Hearing these words, Chen Feng looked at the people on the field and the black giant with a headache.

Originally, he was not going to take care of these things, but there were many people from Qimu Academy on the field.

Even if it doesn't matter now, it will still fight after a while.

However, according to what they said, this ancestor of all demons should not be so easy to deal with.

However, Chen Feng seems to have heard that they said that this ancestor of all demons was born out of a broken seal?

"Then who, you came here as soon as you broke the seal, aren't you afraid of being planted??"

Chen Feng picked his nose and said casually.

The Ancestor of Ten Thousand Demons looked at Chen Feng in surprise, and said a little surprised.

"Aren't you afraid of me? Why can't I feel a trace of fear and fear in you?"

Chen Feng glanced at him like an idiot, and said disdainfully.

"What are you? Why should you be afraid of you? Just because you are an old immortal who was once sealed?"

"Hey, boy, forgive your sharp teeth and sharp mouth, if you are not strong enough, let's obediently be the food for my ancestors to restore strength!!"

The Demon Ancestor snorted coldly, threw the orb into the air, and reached out to grab Chen Feng.

Although he is very large, his movements are not slow at all.

In the blink of an eye, the giant black hand grabbed Chen Feng.

Chapter 1 Lying to upgrade (plus two, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

In the blink of an eye, the giant black hand grabbed Chen Feng.

It was so easy to catch Chen Feng, and the demon ancestor was a little surprised, but he quickly reacted and looked at Chen Feng with disdain.

"Oh, I thought you had the ability to fight against my ancestors, but I didn't expect it to be an embroidered pillow."

While speaking, the devilish energy in his hand wanted to penetrate into Chen Feng's body.

But soon, Demon Ancestor realized that no matter how much he stimulated the demonic energy, he couldn't get into Chen Feng's body.

Only then did he realize that Chen Feng's physical strength was a bit unexpected.

"Huh? It's interesting. Your physical strength is very good. If this is what you rely on, it's useless!"

The orb he had thrown into the air earlier, after his words fell, shot a black ray that enveloped Chen Feng.

Immediately, I saw that the demonic energy in the hands of the demon ancestors soared, and followed Chen Feng's eyes, ears, nose, and nose.

"Hahaha, boy, slowly in fear, become the best meal of my ancestors!!!"

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