Even the demon ancestor was taken aback by Chen Feng's appearance at this time.

"Fuck, this kid should be a demon, right? I'm more crazy than my ancestors!!".

Chapter 2 Ancient Text (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

For Chen Feng, except for the people he cares about, everyone else is irrelevant, even if he kills them.

After cutting a bloody path, Chen Feng went straight to Han Yide's side. After cutting off the tentacles, he ignored him and flew towards Yulan Meng.

After approaching Yu Lanmeng, he swung his sword again, cut off the tentacles that bound Yulan Meng, and then carried her and flew out.

When he went out again, he met some people from Qimu Academy, and Chen Feng rescued them.

"Are you OK?"

After putting down Yulan Meng, Chen Feng asked.

"Well, but..."

Looking at the people who were still being held by the Demon Ancestor, Yu Lanmeng's face showed an unbearable look.

In just this time, many people were absorbed by Demon Ancestor.

Chen Feng turned his head to look at the demon ancestor, and his headache became even more severe.

Because the more people the Demon Ancestor swallowed, the more his strength slowly recovered.

Although he said he was not afraid, but once his strength recovered, it would not be so easy to solve it.

After thinking for a while, Chen Feng decided to make a quick decision.

I saw his body shaking, and countless figures appeared on the field, surrounding the Demon Ancestor.

These figures are exactly Chen Feng's clone technique.

As soon as these clones came out, they rushed directly to the demon ancestor, and cut off all the tentacles that his demonic energy transformed into.

And those who were entangled by the demonic energy began to flee before they landed.

"Ah!!! Boy!! You damn it!!!"

Seeing this, Demon Ancestor was even more annoyed.

If Chen Feng was a little later, he would almost be able to recover half of his strength.

He believed that even with half of his own strength, dealing with Chen Feng would not be a problem at all.

But now, it was too late for him to arrest those people.

Because Chen Feng is standing right in front of him now, holding his sword, staring at him indifferently.

"Hmph, you can kill me first, otherwise, next year's day will be your death day!!"

With a cold snort, Chen Feng charged towards the Demon Ancestor with full of killing intent.

At the same time, nearly a thousand avatars also rushed towards the Demon Ancestor.

"Just rely on your clones? Joke!!"

The Demon Ancestor sneered, and the jewel in his hand shone brightly again.

It is said that this Demon Ancestor, thousands of years ago, has already reached the cultivation level above the Supreme.

Now that it has been sealed for nearly ten thousand years, although the strength has declined a bit, but at the time just now, it has also recovered to the realm of the emperor.

Therefore, although Chen Feng's clone has [-]% of his strength, it is not enough to see in front of the demon ancestor.

However, if there are too many ants, they can also kill people, not to mention, there are nearly a thousand clones with tricky methods?

Therefore, the demon ancestor is destined to be tragic.

The orb in his hand kept shooting out black rays of light, and at the same time, mysterious runes flew out from the orb and attacked the clone.

Chen Feng took a closer look and couldn't help but be a little stunned.

He actually knew all these runes in the sky.

After thinking about it, I remembered.

After learning how to make magic talismans with the help of Tianshi talisman, he did not read all the information in his head, but only read part of it.

Chapter 2 Ancient Text (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

After learning how to make magic talismans with the help of Tianshi talisman, he did not read all the information in his head, but only read part of it.

When I saw these runes now, I immediately recognized them as the part of the content that I didn't read.

He just remembered it, but the clone had already recognized these runes because of his fighting instinct.

Now that you know what the other party is using, everything is easy to handle.

I saw all the clones, and at the same time began to draw runes with spiritual power out of thin air.

As soon as these runes appeared, they quickly collided with the runes flying in the sky.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The runes all over the sky collided and a violent explosion occurred.

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