Fortunately, there are basically no people on the field now, only some people who are injured and those who have no time to escape.

"Well? You're not from our era, how could you have such words?!!"

When the demon ancestor saw that the clone had also drawn runes, he immediately screamed.

"Isn't this kind of text lost in the immortal world long ago?"

Hearing his words, Chen Feng frowned and asked silently in his heart.

"System, what's going on? Isn't this a rune?"

[This can be said to be a rune, but it can also be said to be an ancient script. 】

[This world has experienced three periods, the early period, the ancient period, and the ancient period. 】

[During those times, the spiritual power was abundant, and the text was also endowed with the power of the law. The current cultivator of the Earth Immortal Realm obtained some incomplete text, and after combining it, it became a talisman. 】

[The host has learned how to make magic talismans, and naturally traces the origin, and will know this ancient text. 】

"Well? If you say so, will I still have the writings of the ancient and ancient times?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng raised his brows and said somewhat unexpectedly.


Hearing this, Chen Feng looked at Demon Ancestor maliciously.

"Yes, there just happens to be a ready-made subject here."

During the period of 960 he communicated with the system, the demon ancestor was tirelessly being harassed by the clone.

Although the clone has a fighting instinct, it is still not flexible enough.

After playing for such a long time, it can only cause some minor injuries to the demon ancestor, and it cannot cause him much damage.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and kept looking for information about the rune.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

His pupils turned golden yellow, his hands glowed with golden light, and he moved slowly in the air according to certain rules.

The other clones also became the same as Chen Feng.

With his movements, a strange breath began to fill the air.

In the air, a little golden light also began to emerge.

Those who were injured, after being exposed to the golden light, the wounds on their bodies began to heal slowly.

However, following Chen Feng's actions, the aura in the air suddenly changed, becoming a little colder.

Looking at Chen Feng, there was already a vague text in front of him.

The style of this text is very strange. Although it is only the size of a palm, it exudes endless killing intent. At a glance, it seems that you can see endless mountains of corpses and seas of blood. .

Chapter 3 The Power of Text at the Beginning (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

The Demon Ancestor was stunned when he looked at the runes that filled the sky.

These runes looked familiar to him.

In his time, there were also these words.

However, no one will use it, or in other words, no one will use it.

This is an ancient text that is older than their era, and basically no one used it in their era.

Because these words are blessed by the rules of the world, the power of blessing is too great, and everyone who wants to try will end in failure.

Moreover, the consequences are very tragic, either being swallowed up by this force, or dying by exploding.

Now, seeing that Chen Feng had written such words so easily, he was shocked.

These runes floated in the air, exuding endless killing intent. Under the command of Chen Feng, they floated towards the Demon Ancestor.

Demon Ancestor's eyes flashed with horror, and he quickly fled far away.

However, these ancient runes are not so simple.

After locking the breath of the demon ancestor, in an instant, he has caught up with the demon ancestor.

"Do not!!!"

The monstrous killing intent surrounded the Demon Ancestor, and each rune was printed on his body.

Every rune can make his body disappear forever.

Moreover, these runes fundamentally erased his existence.

"No, no!! I can't die!!!"

The demon ancestor looked at the runes in the sky in panic, and kept thinking of ways to escape.

Chen Feng looked at the Demon Ancestor surrounded by runes not far away, and sighed.

"I can't think of it, this ancient thing is so awesome, what about the primordial?"

Thinking of this, he tried, and began to use spiritual power to write the words of the beginning in the air.

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