This text is just a very ordinary broken word.

When he first started writing, there was nothing, but when he was halfway through writing, a coercion from heaven and earth began to descend upon him.

And, in the nearby space, tiny cracks began to appear.

Strong suction came out from these cracks.

[Warning, warning, Earth Immortal Realm cannot bear the words of the beginning, please stop writing the words of the beginning. 】

Hearing the system's warning sound, Chen Feng was stunned, looked at the two-thirds of the original text in front of him, gritted his teeth, and wanted to continue writing him.

At this moment, a small sound rang beside him.

Chen Feng turned his head to look, but found that he didn't know when, there were black cracks all around him, frantically devouring everything around him.

"Ah!!! Help! 〃〃!"

"Help me!! I don't want to die!!"

"I finally survived, can't I escape the end?"

The crack kept expanding and extending, and soon, it would extend to the location where everyone in Qimu Academy was.

When they found out that something was wrong, they wanted to escape, but the suction of the crack was too great, and they couldn't leave it. There was no other way but to stand in place and resist the suction.

Seeing this, Chen Feng hurriedly dispelled two-thirds of the writing in Taichu.

As soon as the text disappeared in the beginning, the cracks in the space suddenly closed, and the suction stopped as the cracks disappeared.

Everyone who felt that the crisis had disappeared showed expressions of the rest of their lives.

Chapter 3 The power of text in the beginning (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Everyone who felt that the crisis had disappeared showed expressions of the rest of their lives.

"Chen Feng, what happened just now?"

Yulan Meng looked worried, came to Chen Feng's side, and asked worriedly.

"Uh, it's okay, it's just that I experimented with a move and something went wrong."

Embarrassedly scratching his head, Chen Feng explained.

After speaking, in order to prevent Yulan Meng from continuing to ask, Chen Feng turned his head to look at the position of the demon ancestor in the distance.

The time he had just experimented with Taichu writing was not long, basically only three or four minutes.

The demon ancestor in the distance is still struggling at this time, but it seems that it is completely erased, and it is only a matter of time.

At this time, except for the head, which was still intact, the other parts of the demon ancestor were already incomplete.

"How to do how to do?"

At this point, Demon Ancestor was not in a hurry, forced himself to calm down, and began to think about ways to escape.


Suddenly thinking of something, Demon Ancestor reluctantly raised his hand and tapped it on his forehead.

A cloud of transparent mist floated out from his forehead.

However, as soon as the fog floated out, it was printed on by the rune, and then it became invisible together with the rune.

Seeing this, Demon Ancestor immediately showed a happy expression.

He clicked on his forehead again, and a large amount of mist floated out of his forehead.

These white mists are the remaining souls of those he devoured before.

One of the souls is very special, although it is also pale white, but there is a trace of black remnant in it.

This is the plan of the demon ancestor.

Use other remnant souls to disturb the breath, and let your own remnant soul escape.

After his remnant soul left, without the body of the main soul, his eyes suddenly lost their agile expressions, and they just floated in the air without struggling.

Soon the remnant soul in the air and the remnant body of the demon ancestor were erased by the ancient runes.

The Demon Ancestor, who was taking a sigh of relief, suddenly realized that there was an ancient rune behind him, and he was shocked, but he quickly calmed down.

Because at this time, there are other remnant souls wrapped outside his main soul, and he threw these remnant souls directly towards the rune, while himself, speeding up, (well, well) escaping into the distance.

The ancient rune did not find the breath of his main soul, and went straight to the part of the remnant soul.


A sharp hissing sound, the remnant soul and the rune, dissipated at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Demon Ancestor was completely relieved.

"Damn, boy, wait for the ancestors, and one day, the ancestors will want you to die without a place to be buried."

The main soul of the Demon Ancestor glanced at the direction of the arena from a distance, and then fled forward.

On the arena, Chen Feng regained his attention as he watched from a distance that the Demon Ancestor's body was surrounded by countless runes and then disappeared.

To be honest, this Demon Ancestor is the toughest enemy he has ever encountered so far.

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