Living for tens of thousands of years is not in vain, there are too many means.

He even had some doubts that the demon ancestor was not dead. .

The [-]th chapter finally reaches the ruins (plus one, please subscribe, please customize)

This game, being so disturbed by the Demon Ancestor, can't go on at all.

With the exception of Qimu Academy, almost all the academy sects have been severely injured and suffered heavy casualties.

As for Yaozong, who was in charge of this competition, he didn't know where he went.

Originally, the role of Yaozong was to be in charge of this competition. After the competition was over, he would lead the college students who were qualified to enter the ruins to the ruins.

But now the people of Yaozong have disappeared, where can they go to find the ruins?

In desperation, the dean was ready to bring the students to the college.

"Hey, let's go back to the academy first. Without the people from the three major sects to lead the way, we can't find the location of the ruins."

At this time, Chen Feng stopped him.

"Wait a minute, I'll look around and see if I can find the ruins."

Hearing Chen Feng say this, the dean looked at him in amazement.

"You, can you find the ruins?"

"Always try."

Shrugging his shoulders, Chen Feng said.

Then he closed his eyes and pretended to use his spiritual sense to probe, but in fact he was letting the system probe the location of the ruins.

"System 883, let me check the location of the ruins."


[After scanning, the ruins are located about two kilometers to the northwest, where there is a giant enchantment. 】

When Chen Feng heard the words, he opened his eyes and looked towards the northwest.

"I found it, let's go."

Hearing this, the dean stared at Chen Feng with wide eyes.

He really could not have imagined that Chen Feng could actually find it.

After all, apart from the people from the three major sects, no one else knew the location of the ruins, and Chen Feng could find it. How could he not be surprised?

"Did you really find it?"

Chen Feng nodded, jumped up, and flew toward the northwest.

When the people from Qimu Academy saw Chen Feng fly away, they hurriedly followed Chen Feng to the northwest under the leadership of the dean.

Near Chen Feng and the others, a person heard Chen Feng and the others talking, and immediately made a small calculation in his heart.

He whispered to some of his companions, and then they followed Chen Feng from a distance.

And when they were talking about the news (bjag), because they were a little excited, they didn't control the volume properly when they spoke.

They originally found a hidden place, but what they didn't expect was that there were just two people talking about something in the place separated by a wall.

As a result, things spread like this.

Immediately, everyone who had not left on the field chased after them.

It's just that they don't have much hope of being able to enter the ruins.

After all, the three sects said that the number of people is limited, they still know that, they just want to fish in troubled waters.

Because Chen Feng was with a group of people, his speed was not very fast. After flying for a long time, he arrived at the place the system said.

Looking at the cliff in front of him, and then at the bottomless abyss below the cliff, Chen Feng asked suspiciously.

"System, are you sure Shite's mother is in this ghost place?"

[Please don't doubt the professional level of this system, the abyss is just a defensive measure, and the entrance to the ruins is three meters ahead. 】

Hearing this, Chen Feng didn't quite believe it. He stared in front of him for a long time, but found nothing.

"Did you make a mistake? I didn't see anything?"

[Please wait a moment for the host, the ruins are gathering energy at this time and will open in three minutes. 】

Chapter 1 Finally Remains (Add one more, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

[Please wait a moment for the host, the ruins are gathering energy at this time and will open in three minutes. 】

Hearing the system's words, Chen Feng closed his eyes and radiated his consciousness.

The consciousness that has evolved once is much clearer than before.

He can clearly sense the movements of all the energies around him, including changes in attributes.

He clearly "saw" that a glowing vortex appeared in the space sensed by divine consciousness, and this vortex was still absorbing the surrounding spiritual power.

"This, it should be the relic that the system said will absorb energy when it is turned on?"

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