Looking at this vortex, Chen Feng muttered.

At this time, Yulan Meng's slightly anxious voice sounded beside him.

"Chen Feng, Chen Feng..."

Chen Feng opened his eyes and looked at Yulan Meng.

"Look over there..."

Yu Lan dreamed that Chen Feng opened her eyes and hurriedly pointed to the place behind them.

Chen Feng looked suspiciously, but found that a large group of people gathered in the distance at an unknown time.

Preliminary calculations, there are almost two hundred people.

"How to do?"

Yulan Meng looked at these people timidly and asked Chen Feng.

"Are they going to attack us?"

"Hmph, dare to come? Come one to die, one pair to die!"

Chen Feng snorted disdainfully, and then released all the floating cannons.

"Little One, Mouse Three..."

With a casual shout, Xiao Yi got out of his cuff and instantly returned to his original form.

And the third mouse, also came over from one side and looked at him respectfully.

"Xiaoyi took your little brothers and cooperated with Shusan to show me that group of people. If there is any change, just kill them for me."

"Yes, son!!"


Mouse San and Xiao Yi responded one after another, and then flew towards the group of people.

After taking the medicine pill given by Chen Feng, the third mouse has regained his full potential, and his cultivation has soared.

Cooperating with Xiaoyi, it is not too easy to deal with this group of people.

The group of people saw that the three mice were walking towards them with a group of strange magic weapons, all with doubts on their faces.

"Everyone, my son said, please don't act rashly, otherwise, you will be killed."

Mouse San came over and said politely at first, but at the end of the sentence, it was killing intent.

Even a fool can hear it, what Mouse San said is true.

But there will always be people who can't recognize the gap between reality and strength, and always feel that they are very powerful.

"So, you are going to occupy the ruins? Why? We also want to enter the ruins!!"

If someone takes the lead, someone will naturally follow.

As soon as that person finished speaking, someone immediately picked it up.

"That's right! We also want the chance, and we also have to enter the ruins!! You can't occupy the ruins like this!!"

"Yes, yes, you can't occupy the ruins!! Let's go in too!!".

Chapter [-] Relics open (plus two, please subscribe, please customize)

When Chen Feng heard their shouts, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and a huge momentum was directly pressed over. (book=-house*0small-}say-+net)

The crowd that was still bustling suddenly quieted down.

Looking at Chen Feng standing beside the cliff, like a killing god, everyone dared not speak.

Just now, Chen Feng slashed with a knife, and the scene of the human wall blocking him was still replaying in everyone's minds.

Seeing the coldness on his face at this time, he immediately froze.

Especially the one who took the lead, Chen Feng glared at him like that, and sat down on the ground, his face turned pale, his body was constantly sifting, and his trousers were even more wet.

Glancing at the man on the ground disdainfully, Shu San turned to look at Chen Feng, and asked Chen Feng what to do with his eyes.

Chen Feng didn't speak, just casually glanced at the man on the ground, then turned around and stopped looking at them.

Although Chen Feng didn't speak, Mouse San saw a trace of killing intent in Chen Feng's eyes, and immediately walked to the man's side.

When the man sitting on the ground saw Mouse San approaching, he was so frightened that he crawled towards the back in a hurry.

While crawling, he looked at Mouse San in horror and shouted loudly.

"You, what are you doing! Don't come here!! Don't come here!!!"

This person's cultivation base is only in the realm of heaven and man, he just looks at the crowd and wants to arouse the dissatisfaction of everyone.

Who would have thought that Chen Feng's deterrent power would be so great, it directly made them speechless.

The third mouse looked at the man on the ground coldly, and was too lazy to touch him again, and cupped his hands to the little one next to him.

When Xiao Yi saw this, the tip of the front was actually bent, as if he was nodding in agreement.

This scene made everyone stunned, but at this time, no one was in the mood to be surprised.

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