Everyone in Qimu Academy heard Chen Feng's shouting, and they all came to their senses. After being stunned for a while, they all ran over.

"Yes, can you come in?"

The dean looked at the purple light gate in front of him and asked in disbelief.

"Well, that's ok, but only those who are in the contemplative state, including those in the contemplative state, can go in, otherwise, they will be directly moved out by the moving array inside."

Chen Feng nodded and said to the dean.

"Really? Then you can't get in either??"

Hearing the words, the dean said to Chen Feng with some pity.

He could see that Chen Feng's current strength had definitely surpassed the level of concentration.

"No, I'm still going in."

Chen Feng smiled and said to the dean.

"How do you get in? Can you take me in?"

When the dean heard this, he was instantly refreshed and asked repeatedly.

"No no no, this method can only let me go in alone, and can't help others."

Chen Feng shook his head and said with a sigh.

"Oh, well, then you go, you must pay attention to safety."

The dean sighed helplessly, waved his hand, and motioned Chen Feng to take them in.

Chen Feng nodded, did not speak any more, and dragged Yulan Meng towards the purple vortex.

The other Qimu Academy students who participated in the competition looked at each other, suppressed their excitement, and followed.

Just walking to a place not far in front of the purple vortex, a strong suction passed over, and immediately sucked everyone in.

After the purple vortex twisted a few times, it returned to its normal appearance.

After watching Chen Feng and the others entering the vortex, Mouse San quickly walked to the edge of the cliff, waved his hand, and the formations were laid down by him.

Afterwards, he himself sat cross-legged on the cliff, staring closely at the people below.


Chapter 1 What the hell, Pikachu? (3/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

After entering the purple vortex, Chen Feng opened his eyes wide and looked around. (book=-house*0small-}say-+net)

Yulan Meng, who was still holding hands just now, has disappeared at this time, and it should have been separated by the formation.

Inside the vortex is a long tunnel, without him moving, an inexplicable force pushes him forward.

Around the passage is a pure purple barrier, but through this barrier, you can still vaguely see the outside scene.

However, when Chen Feng saw the situation outside, he was greatly disappointed.

I saw that the outside of the passage was pitch black and there was nothing.

Just when Chen Feng was about to withdraw his gaze, he suddenly found a dark shadow passing by.

When he wanted to see it again, it had already disappeared.

Although it was only for a moment, Chen Feng dared to conclude that that thing was definitely two or three times bigger than the biggest thing he had ever seen, the "three two three" whale.

After regaining his senses, before Chen Feng could ponder what he had just seen, a brilliant flash of light had already reached the end of the passage.

Squinting slightly to reduce the effect of light on his eyes, Chen Feng looked forward.

I saw that he was in a large garden at this time, and a path passed through the flowers to an octagonal exquisite pavilion not far away.

Chen Feng roughly estimated that this garden was almost the size of a football field.

After all, Nima's garden is so big, how big must this whole ruin be! !

Behind him was an arch, but this time it was closed, with a few words on it.

"If you want this door to open, you must go to the octagonal pavilion."

Seeing these words, Chen Feng pondered for a while, and stopped thinking about those messy things. He followed the path under his feet and walked to the Octagonal Linglong Pavilion among the flowers.

Just after walking halfway, suddenly there was a rustling sound from the flowers next to him.

Chen Feng looked vigilantly towards the place where the voice came from, the voice rang for a while, then suddenly stopped.

After waiting for a while, but there was no sound, Chen Feng looked at where he was in doubt, then raised his foot again and walked forward.

At this moment, a small yellow beast suddenly jumped out of the flower and released a large amount of lightning in mid-air, attacking Chen Feng.

"Hey, it's you who's waiting!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he turned around abruptly, ignoring the lightning, and directly reached out and grabbed the little yellow beast.

However, when he saw the thing clearly, he was stunned, and then he cried out.

"Fuck, Pikachu???!!!"

Indeed, this yellow little beast is very similar in appearance to Pikachu in the Pokemon on Earth.

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