In a daze, the little beast suspected of Pikachu swept past him and landed on the ground in front of him, with a pair of black eyes full of hostility.

I looked at this little beast carefully, but found that it was fundamentally different from Pikachu.

The little beast in front of him did not have Pikachu's iconic lightning tail, nor feet, only a pair of pointed ears, short arms, and a round body.

There are also lines on the body, but these lines are formed by some runes.

After seeing it clearly, Chen Feng was a little disappointed.

After all, if it is really Pikachu, maybe it can be taken out.

"Squeaky squeak!!!"

The yellow beast became a little annoyed when he saw that Chen Feng was stunned when he saw him.

The two pointed ears saw lightning flashing again, and with its cry, it attacked Chen Feng.

"Tsk tsk, come with me, be a mascot, and have you delicious and delicious."

Dispersing the lightning that was enough to stun people in the early days of Heaven and Human Realm, Chen Feng reached out and grabbed the little yellow beast.

"Squeaky squeak!!!"

Chapter 1 What the hell, Pikachu? (3/1 for subscription, for customization) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Squeaky squeak!!!"

The little yellow beast seemed to be able to understand Chen Feng's words, and immediately became even more annoyed.

What's even more amazing is that Chen Feng seems to be able to see a trace of sadness in his eyes.

This discovery surprised Chen Feng.

sad?What is it mourning?

Although there are some doubts, in order to go to the octagonal pavilion, Chen Feng must pass it.

Even if you don't care, you can still get past it, but it's annoying after all.

Reach out and draw in the air.

Not long after, an ancient character, sleepy character, appeared in the air.

With a slight push, the sleepy word fluttered towards the yellow beast.

The yellow beast looked at this word, although it could not feel any spiritual power fluctuations on it, but the innate feeling made it flee towards the flowers in an instant...  

At the moment when it just took off, the rune suddenly accelerated and was printed on it.

An invisible force immediately trapped it in mid-air.

No matter how he releases the lightning, it can only be within half a meter.

"Hey, you'd better come with me."

With a smile, Chen Feng reached out and grabbed the little beast, and then dissipated the power of the rune.

In Chen Feng's hands, the little beast kept struggling, trying to escape from Chen Feng's clutches.

However, after Chen Feng took out the nine-pattern enlightenment leaf, its movement stopped.

Staring straight at the nine-pattern enlightenment leaf on Chen Feng's hand, saliva kept flowing down from his mouth.

"Want it??"

Looking proudly at the little beast in his hand, Chen Feng asked.


Nodding frantically, he looked at Chen Feng with a pitiful look.

With such an expression, coupled with that cute appearance, Chen Feng almost surrendered.

But fortunately he is a man, with strong willpower, and is not fooled by its cute appearance.

"If you want to eat, then be obedient and enter my secret realm."

Holding the nine-pattern enlightenment leaf and shaking it in front of its eyes, Chen Feng said.

He believed that this little beast that looked like Pikachu would definitely be able to understand his words.

Sure enough, the little beast listened to his words, showing a thoughtful look 4.7.

Then he raised his head and looked at this sea of ​​flowers, his eyes overflowing with reluctance.

After a while, Chen Feng clearly saw that this little beast stretched out its short claws, wiped the corners of his eyes, then turned to look at him and nodded firmly.

After being stunned for a while, Chen Feng's heart softened.

"Okay, okay, this is for you, if you are reluctant to leave, just stay."

Helplessly put it on the ground and handed it the nine-pattern enlightenment leaf.

"However, you can't stop me from going to the octagonal pavilion, or I won't be able to leave here."

After speaking, Chen Feng walked towards the octagonal pavilion again.

The little beast fell on the ground, holding the nine-pattern enlightenment leaf in a daze, looking at Chen Feng's back, and then looking at the nine-pattern enlightenment leaf in his hand, chasing after him. .

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