Chen Feng was not in a hurry, and he was still dissatisfied.

Finally, when Bai Zi was about to be cornered, Chen Feng's eyes flashed.


With a wave of his right hand, a white child landed heavily on an empty spot.

The fall of this child directly cleared a large area of ​​the area occupied by the sunspot.

Following this defeat, under Chen Feng's pressing step by step, the sunspots were eaten one after another, and finally they were cleared.

After he did all of this, the vision created by the formation disappeared immediately.


With a soft click, the arch at the other end of the path opened.

Chen Feng looked at the chessboard that was slowly disappearing on the stone table, picked up the little yellow beast he named the Electric Mouse, and walked towards the arch.

At this moment, the voice just now appeared again.

"Young man, it's not bad. You actually broke my Jiutian Jedi formation. It seems that your chess skills are also very high."

Chen Feng heard the sound and looked, but saw the phantom that should have disappeared just now appeared in front of him again.

Watching the phantom warily, Chen Feng was about to ask who he was, but saw the little yellow beast pounced directly on him.

However, this is a phantom. How could it be possible to reach 180, naturally it is empty.

Lying on the ground, he turned his head to look at the phantom in confusion, the little yellow beast had tears in his eyes, showing a sad look.

"Okay, little guy, you can follow him in the future. I believe that with him, you will grow faster."


The little guy shouted a little reluctantly.

Xu Ying shook his head and turned to look at Chen Feng.

"Boy, I didn't hold on to this spiritual sense for a long time, but you broke the Nine Heavens Jedi formation, and this touched my spiritual sense. I came out to see who it was, and by the way, I will tell you about this little guy."

Just as Chen Feng was about to speak, he was interrupted by the virtual shadow.

"This little guy is a very ancient alien beast, a thunder beast. As for how ancient it is, I don't know."

Hearing this, Chen Feng looked at the little yellow beast in surprise, but he didn't expect his background to be so big.

"After it grows up, it can control the power of thunder, and its power is comparable to the power of the catastrophe, and it may even exceed the power of the catastrophe."

"It's just that everything depends on how you cultivate it. Remember, you must treat it kindly, and when it grows up, it will definitely become a big help for you."

Finally, after the virtual shadow said this, he disappeared into the air directly. .

The 3th chapter is full of crises (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Lei Beast looked at the place where the phantom disappeared, and actually left a few tears from the corner of his eyes.

Chen Feng looked at Lei Beast like this, sighed a few times, and picked it up.

Taking a deep breath, he spoke to the place where the phantom disappeared.

"Niang Xipi!! Are you so surprised just to tell me its origin? Then you might as well come out sooner, and I'll get it out for you if you break a Lao Shizi formation..."

The speed of speech was very fast, and the words blurted out.

Thunder Beast was in his arms, looking at him with a very surprised look, thinking what happened to him.

After a while, Chen Feng pouted, turned and walked towards the arch.

He couldn't help it just now and complained a bit.

If according to that person's statement, wouldn't he go to a place by himself and get something done, and he would come out for a while?

Moreover, Chen Feng speculates that the memories of his spiritual senses are not common to Te Niang's, absolutely not.

Therefore, Chen Feng couldn't help but scolded him.

With the Thunder Beast, Chen Feng followed the path and came to the arch.

At this time, the door of the archway has been opened, but it is blocked by a layer of water curtain, and the situation on the opposite side cannot be seen clearly.

After watching it for a while, it was really hard to see clearly, Chen Feng directly raised his leg and stepped over.

A really refreshing coolness swept across his body, which seemed to have swept away any discomfort from his body.

Looking back at the water curtain, Chen Feng was a little surprised.

This water curtain turned out to be able to adjust even the state of his Demon God's body, and it was adjusted to its peak state.

Chen Feng, who was a little disinterested in this place at first, suddenly became serious after experiencing this, and began to look at this place seriously.

That water curtain, like a portal, transported Chen Feng and the others to another place.

This is a yard, a small space, only one tall building.

When I came to the front of the building, I stretched out my hand and pushed the door open, and a burst of aroma floated out from the inside, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Asked about the fragrance, Chen Feng was in a trance for a moment, but then he recovered immediately.

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