After recovering, Chen Feng immediately used his spiritual energy to create a shield, covering himself and the thunder beast.

This place is really not easy.

First, the water curtain, which had just adjusted his physical state, and the aroma that could make him lose his mind, all revealed the extraordinaryness of this place.

You know, he is the body of a demon! !

The Demon God's body is an invincible existence. He doesn't know whether it is invincible or not, but based on past experience, poison or something is ineffective against him.

But just now, he was first adjusted by the water curtain, and then, because of this inexplicable aroma, he was lost for a moment, which was what puzzled him.

"System, what's going on' 々?"

Frowning, Chen Feng asked.

[This incense is a god, and it is a product of chaos. No matter how high the cultivation base is, it will be affected by this fragrance and lose consciousness. 】

Hearing the system's explanation, Chen Feng became even more puzzled.

The product of chaos, why is it here? Could it be that the owner of this mansion is a creature from chaos?

With this doubt, Chen Feng vigilantly observed the surroundings and walked towards it.

As soon as he walked in, the door behind him closed.

After a brief period of darkness, the house lights up.

Inside, it seems that the Sumeru mustard seed technique has been applied. The space is very large, but it is very empty and there is nothing.

In this empty room, there was only a teleportation formation on the ground in the middle, emitting a faint light.

Chapter 3 is full of crises (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

In this empty room, there was only a teleportation formation on the ground in the middle, emitting a faint light.

Seeing this, Chen Feng was about to walk towards the teleportation formation.

At this moment, rays of light suddenly shot out from all around.

Chen Feng stepped back again and again, backed to the wall, and then stopped.

Those rays of light kept stirring, and finally, above the teleportation array, they gathered.

A strange image gradually appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Not long after, a strange monster image appeared in front of Chen Feng's eyes.

Looking at this monster, I was a little suspicious.

Suddenly, the monster's figure solidified, and then charged towards Chen Feng.

The speed of the monster was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already come to Chen Feng's side.

Before he could take a closer look at the monster's appearance, Chen Feng instinctively dodged to one side.


With a muffled sound, Chen Feng turned to look.

But found that the monster's tail, like cutting tofu, made a deep mark on the ground.

Although his body of the devil is not afraid of attacks, the previous battles have also proved this.

But here, after passing through the water curtain and the fragrance of Shenlu, Chen Feng didn't dare to care.

Who knows, if this thing is also a chaotic creature, it can hurt itself.

On this point, Chen Feng thought too much.

When the water curtain just adjusted the body state, because it was not harmful, the defense mechanism of the body of the devil did not work.

As for the gods just now, it was aimed at the mind, because the incident happened suddenly, and because it was a product of chaos, it was only a matter of time.

Once attacked, the invincible posture of the Demon God's body will come into play.

Looking at the scorpion-like monster in front of him, Chen Feng took out Xiao Yi.

The Thunder Beast had already ducked aside when the monster attacked just now.


After shouting a few times, a giant lightning bolt shot towards the monster.

However, there was no effect (Zhao's), the monster's tail flicked, and the lightning bounced to the side.

Seeing this, Chen Feng hurriedly took the sword that Xiao Yi had transformed and rushed towards the monster.

Seeing Chen Feng rushing up, the monster didn't dodge, neighing and holding its tail high, rushing towards Chen Feng.

The speed on both sides was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, they collided together.


A shrill hissing sound sounded, followed by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Chen Feng and the monster passed by and stopped.

And the monster stopped behind him.

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