Turning around, looking at the thick tail on the ground next to him, Chen Feng waved his sword and charged up again.

It may be that the loss of the tail caused the monster to be severely injured and its movements became sluggish.

Before he could turn around in a hurry, Chen Feng had already come to its side and slashed down with a sword. .

Chapter [-] Customs Clearance Rewards? (Add one more, please subscribe, please customize)

This sword directly chopped off the monster's head.

The headless body struggled a few times on the ground, and then completely stopped moving.

Holding the sword, he stepped forward and found that the monster was indeed dead, so he took the Thunder Beast to the teleportation formation.

Just standing on it, the teleportation array started on its own.

"Huh? Fully automated?"

Looking at the formation at his feet, Chen Feng murmured.

The arrangement here is quite convenient, for example, the layer of water curtain that just passed through the arch.

It seems that it is for those who come to the ruins to better carry out the next challenge.

Just thinking, the transmission has ended.

Looking around, it was no different from the first floor, except that there was an extra crystal.

The size of the crystal is two meters, and there are occasional colored lights flashing on it.

There are also some more runes on the surrounding walls.

Chen Feng just stood here, and the runes around him all lit up.

As the rune was activated, the crystal began to light up, and the colorful rays of light kept shining on it.

Seeing this, Chen Feng became vigilant again, raised his sword and stared at the crystal in front of him.

897 The colorful light, with the passage of time, is getting higher and higher, and it is impossible to see the situation inside.

Not long after, a sharp hissing sound came out from the light group.

Then, the colorful light group suddenly burst open.

After the light group disappeared, a crystal-like monster appeared in front of him.

The monster looks like a beetle, with eight legs dancing non-stop, and there is a red light above its head.

"Huh? What is this?"

Looking at the monster in front of him, Chen Feng frowned and charged up with his sword.

Seeing Chen Feng rushing up, the monster made a sharp hissing sound from within the crystal's body, and charged towards Chen Feng with its eight legs dancing.


A sword slashed, but only a shallow scratch was left on the surface of the monster crystal above, which did not cause any serious damage.

"Well? Is it useless?"

Frowning, looking at the sword in his hand, Chen Feng made Xiao Yi return to his original appearance.

"Try this."

Chen Feng snapped his fingers, and the remaining twenty-three floating cannons also appeared around the monster, surrounding it.

In addition to Xiaoyi, twenty-four floating cannons shot energy bullets at the crystal monster in unison.

I saw that these invincible energy bullets were shot at the crystal monster, and all of them were bounced off.

Seeing this, Chen Feng hurriedly dodged, and the energy bomb was bounced off the wall, eroding the walls one by one.

"It's really troublesome."

Looking at this crystal monster, Chen Feng pouted and said impatiently.

This crystal monster is indeed a bit difficult to deal with, and it is much more troublesome than the previous Ancestor.

It can't be cut with a sword, and the floating cannon shoots up, and it will be bounced back.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng began to condense spiritual power on his fingers, and then began to write in the air.

He wants to try the power of the ancient runes, whether it can be effective.

Because it was only an ancient text, Chen Feng quickly drew it, and with a wave of the character he flew towards the crystal monster.

The characters are printed on the crystal monster, emitting a strong light.

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The characters are printed on the crystal monster, emitting a strong light.

The effect of this word-breaking is to be able to break the target's defense or formation barrier.

The light dissipated, and Chen Feng looked at the crystal monster again.

I saw the luster on the surface of the monster's body, which darkened a little, but then it returned to its original appearance.

Seeing the drama, Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he drew again in the air.

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