After the light from the teleportation formation completely disappeared, Chen Feng could see clearly the environment he was in.

The dark cave, the swords stuck all over the ground, and the huge stone sword in the middle.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was stunned.

Because the scene he saw at this time was a bit too familiar.

This is simply a tomb of a sword, referred to as a sword mound! !

I don't know how many times I've seen it on TV before.

There are many TV shows or movies that have this scene.

It's just that every episode of such a scene in TV or movies seems to be a bit dangerous, right?

Feeling the gloomy atmosphere here, Chen Feng raised his brows and flew towards the giant stone sword in the middle.

On the way, the consciousness was released by him all the time, covering the entire sword tomb, observing the movement of every sword.

However, what surprised him was that until he flew to the platform where the stone swords were located, none of these swords moved.

"Well? Could it be that I thought wrong?"

Doubtfully, he looked back at the bottom of the platform, those swords that were a bit shabby but still flashed with cold light, Chen Feng whispered.

After thinking about it, he couldn't figure out what he was going to go through, so Chen Feng had no choice but to fall down.

Just when he landed on the platform, the mutation protruded.

It should be that he stood on the platform and triggered some conditions. The giant stone sword in front of him suddenly shone brightly.

Then, the light on the stone sword fell quickly, covering the entire sword tomb.

"Clang clang clang..."

The humming sound of metal, at the moment when the light covered the entire sword tomb, sounded endlessly below.

Chen Feng turned his head to look, and found that the swords below were wrapped in this pale green light and trembled.

"Chuck choke choke..."

It didn't take long for these swords to rise from the ground one after another, floating in the air, and the tips of the swords pointed uniformly at Chen Feng.

"Tsk tsk, I'll just say, how could Jianzhong have nothing to do with Jian? That's right."

Chapter 1 Sword Tomb (plus two, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Tsk tsk, I'll just say, how could Jianzhong have nothing to do with Jian? That's right."

Looking at the densely floating swords in the air, Chen Feng licked his lips and said with a sneer.

As soon as the voice fell, swords from the sky attacked Chen Feng from all directions.

However, the owner here should have never imagined that a pervert like Chen Feng would come to his place in a long time.

Because these swords are completely useless to Chen Feng.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

The sound of metal crashing kept ringing, and Chen Feng was already wrapped up by the sword that filled the sky.

However, these swords could not injure Chen Feng at all.

On the contrary, because some swords were too old or too damaged, the moment they hit Chen Feng, they broke into two pieces.

"Well, it's a bit annoying to do this."

Frowning, looking at the seemingly endless sea of ​​swords, Chen Feng looked at the giant stone sword.

At this time, some words appeared on the stone sword because it was activated.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????

Chen Feng didn't care about those flying swords, he flew up and floated in mid-air, carefully examining the words on the stone swords.

"To enter the sword tomb, you must cross the sea of ​​swords, and the sword will come out of the stone, and the sea of ​​swords will surrender."

Seeing this line of words, Chen Feng's mind flashed, no matter how these flying swords attacked him, he flew straight to the top of this giant stone sword.

After reaching the top, Chen Feng found a hole here.

He looked around at the flying swords that were still attacking him, rolled his eyes, and went straight in.

He flew into the hole, and those flying swords also flew in, constantly attacking Chen Feng, and then bounced off.

Just in the endless sound of ding ding ding, Chen Feng finally reached the end, a stone room in the stone sword.


When they arrived here, all the flying swords stopped attacking Chen Feng, but stopped at the top and kept circling.

Chen Feng looked around and found that there was a table in the stone room, and on the table was a sword that radiated cold light, and was inserted into it.

Walking over, Chen Feng took a deep breath and put his hand on the hilt of the sword.


Chen Feng felt that since it was placed here and inserted on the stone platform, it should be difficult to pull it out.

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