However, the results were unexpected.

With a sudden force, the sword was easily pulled out by him.

Pulling it out so easily, Chen Feng was a little confused.

However, due to the excessive force, he was a little lost at this time, lost his balance directly, and fell to the ground.

"It's that simple?"

Lying on the ground, Chen Feng looked at the sword in his hand and murmured dumbly.

On the stone platform, where the sword was inserted just now, a spiritual energy floated out, and then a human shape was formed in the air.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng knew that this was that person's spiritual thoughts again.

This time, his appearance is more solid, except for his face, the rest of the place is still relatively clear.

I saw this man wearing a blue silk robe, holding a sword in his left hand and a gourd in his right hand.

"Yo, young man, I think you must have seen the two divine senses in front of me...".

The 1rd Octopus Orchid Dream in Distress (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Looking at the rather clear spiritual sense in front of him, Chen Feng said bluntly.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, do you have a reward here? Hurry up and take it out if you have it. If you don't have it, stop talking nonsense and send me away."

When the Spiritual Mind heard Chen Feng's words, he was stunned, his mouth opened, not knowing what to say.

After a while, he said a little dejectedly.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you away."

After speaking, his body, starting from below, turned into powder and fell downward.

After landing on the ground, a formation slowly appeared in front of Chen Feng's eyes.

Just when the Spiritual Mind was half-full, he suddenly remembered something and said.

"The reward is actually in your hands, don't lose it!!"

After saying that, the remaining part of the spiritual sense also turned into powder and fell into the formation on the ground, "[-]".

Hearing his words, Chen Feng froze for a moment, then looked at the sword in his hand.

Before he could take a closer look, the formation on the ground suddenly shone brightly, forcing him to close his eyes slightly.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in another place.

"Niang Xipi's is not very good, there are quite a lot of levels."

Knowing that he was teleported to the next level, Chen Feng couldn't help but murmured softly.

Looking around, I found myself in a passage with walls on both sides.

Here, everything was shrouded in darkness. Even with Chen Feng's eyesight, he could only see three meters in front and behind, and he couldn't see clearly any further.

Just when he was puzzled, a cry for help suddenly came from nearby.

Chen Feng calmed down, listened carefully, and found that the owner of this voice was Yulan Meng.

With cold eyes, Chen Feng hurried forward.

But after walking for a while, he realized something was wrong.

Because he felt that Yulan Meng's voice was getting further and further away from him.

But there was no corner in front of him. Looking at the darkness in front of him, Chen Feng turned and ran quickly to the rear.

Not long after, Chen Feng heard Yu Lanmeng's cry for help again.

"Lan Meng, wait a minute, I'll go right now!!"

With a loud shout, Chen Feng frowned and looked at the endless darkness ahead.

Yulan Meng also seemed to have heard Chen Feng's voice, and the shouting became more urgent.

Chen Feng looked around, wanting to see if there was any breakthrough.

Looking up at the top, I found that there is no top, and the wall is not too high. With joy in my eyes, I want to fly over from above.

After he jumped up, he found that these walls actually became higher.

Chen Feng continued to fly upwards in disbelief, and found that these walls were indeed rising with the height he climbed.

Realizing this, Chen Feng's eyes were even colder, he clenched his fists, and his whole body's spiritual power started to run wildly, and finally all converged on his right fist.

"Break it for me!!!"

With a roar, the wall in front of him shattered.

Seeing a big hole in the wall, Chen Feng was happy, but then he saw that these walls were slowly recovering.

Not daring to delay, Chen Feng hurriedly passed through the hole.

As soon as he passed through the wall, the big hole behind him suddenly closed.

Looking back at the intact wall, Chen Feng ignored it and flew straight towards the place where the sound came from.

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