"How much can that Haizong rank in overseas sects? Tell me everything you know."

Chen Feng pondered for a while and decided to understand these things.

Maybe in the future, it is possible to go to the sea for a lap.

"Yes, yes, senior, just please don't kill me!!"

The man answered in a hurry, and then pleaded with Chen Feng.

"Hmph, you are not qualified to negotiate conditions with me now. Whether or not to kill you depends on your mood."

Glancing at him, Chen Feng said coldly.

"Said, there is still a chance of life. If you don't say it, you will die."

After saying that, he put him on the ground.

After the man landed, he wiped the cold sweat on his head, hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and started talking.

"That Haizong is one of the top sects overseas...".

Chapter [-] Two beasts born without love (plus one, please subscribe, please customize)

After listening to this person's remarks, Chen Feng also had a certain understanding of overseas forces.

"Okay, I know everything I need to know, so you can leave in peace."

With a wave of his hand, before the man could say anything, he turned him into smoke and dissipated into the air.

After solving this man, Chen Feng turned to look at the alpha wolf.

At this time, the alpha wolf was almost unable to hold it, and the four legs of the wolves under it were trembling non-stop.

"How is it? Have you considered it?"

Chen Feng wanted to subdue these wolves, but he just did it casually. Sometimes it would be simpler and rude to let the monsters solve some things.

The Alpha Wolf's eyes were full of grief, but when he saw his subordinates struggling to support him, the Alpha Wolf had no choice but to nod his head.

After all, if it doesn't agree, Chen Feng will kill not only one of them, but the entire group.

Seeing its action, Chen Feng nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, let your subordinates stop."

Alpha Wolf heard Chen Feng's words, nodded again, and let out a low hiss.

The wolves next to it groaned when they heard its cry, and then fell to the ground obediently.

Without the support of these subordinates, the alpha wolf fell to the ground again.

Seeing this, Chen Feng took back the aura of Cage 087 covering it, and threw a pill at random.

The alpha wolf jumped up from the ground and caught the pill.

Seeing that Wolf had taken the medicinal pill, Chen Feng spoke again.

"Remember, don't think about betraying me, I want to destroy you, anytime, anywhere."

After he finished speaking, a gust of cold air emerged from his body and spread around him.

All the trees and flowers covered by the cold air have turned into ice crystals.

When the wolves saw this, their eyes showed a look of horror.

And the alpha wolf also showed a look of rejoicing, it was very fortunate that he did not choose to fight against Chen Feng.

Otherwise, as soon as this trick comes out, one hundred more people will probably fall here.

At this moment, the drug's power suddenly attacked.

A heat flow, born from its body, rapidly circulated back and forth in its body, strengthening its physical strength.

The alpha wolf lay on the ground in pain, wailing in a low voice with a hideous expression.

With puzzlement in his eyes, he looked at Chen Feng fiercely. He thought that Chen Feng gave him some kind of poison.

(bjcd) Those of its subordinates, seeing the alpha wolf like this, also surrounded Chen Feng with fierce eyes.

"Be patient, this is strengthening you."

Chen Feng rolled his eyes and explained.

Hearing this, the head wolf also felt the change in his body, and his eyes changed immediately.

It is no longer ferocious, but with a little kindness and joy.

With a low voice, the wolves that surrounded Chen Feng immediately dispersed, but they surrounded the head wolf, facing Chen Feng, watching him vigilantly.

For fear that Chen Feng would take the opportunity to sneak attack on their leader.

It didn't take long for the reinforcement to end.


The alpha wolf stood up from the ground, raised its head, and a loud howl came out of its mouth.


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