At this time, a burst of thunder and lightning fell from the sky and directly hit the top of its head.

Chapter 1 Two Beasts Without Love (plus one, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

At this time, a burst of thunder and lightning fell from the sky and directly hit the top of its head.

Lei Beast climbed from Chen Feng's back to his shoulder and looked at the alpha wolf dissatisfied.

"Squeaky squeak!!!"

Thunder beasts are the strength of the upper sect, and it is not an easy task to take care of such a little wolf who has just broken through to the peak of the venerable realm.

Hearing the cry of the thunder beast, the alpha wolf fell to the ground with some grievances.

"Wow!!! Such a cute little guy!!!"

When Yulan Meng saw the thunder beast, she screamed and hugged it into her arms.

The pair on the chest is huge, directly burying the thunder beast.


The Thunder Beast's short claws weakly pushed the culprit that was about to suffocate it, but because it was too soft, it couldn't exert any force at all.

Moreover, it didn't dare to use any force. It just hid in Chen Feng's clothes, and already knew the importance of Yulan Dream to Chen Feng.

If you really hurt Yulan Meng accidentally, Lei Beast estimates that Chen Feng will dismantle himself.

The alpha wolf on the side looked at what happened to the thunder beast, with a gloating look in his eyes, and a huge wolf mouth showed a humane smile.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng smiled a little.

However, when he looked at the Thunder Beast in Yulan Meng's arms, he couldn't help but feel jealous.

To tell the truth, the pair was huge, and he had not felt it before, so he was enjoyed by this little guy in advance, how could he not be jealous.

"OK OK……"

Seeing Thunder Beast turning his head with difficulty and looking at himself with tears in his eyes, Chen Feng couldn't bear to speak.

But when Yulan Meng saw that Chen Feng was about to take the Thunder Beast, he turned his body to one side, and then looked at Chen Feng pitifully.

When Chen Feng saw Yulan Meng's expression, he immediately surrendered.

He gave Lei Beast a self-seeking look, and his words changed immediately.

"You like it so much, just hold it."

"Well, Brother Feng, I knew you were the best, Mu ah..."

Yu Lanmeng immediately smiled when she heard Chen Feng's words, stood on tiptoe and kissed Chen Feng's face.

The Thunder Beast, on the other hand, was lying on Yulan Meng's arm in an unrequited form, and he almost didn't bring it a background music.


Chen Feng turned to look at the alpha wolf and shouted.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Alpha Wolf was obviously stunned for a moment, then turned his head left and right to look, and finally looked at Chen Feng, and pointed at him with his wolf claws.

You mean asking, are you calling me?

Chen Feng nodded and spoke again.

"Yes, just calling you, you will be called Heizi from now on."

Hearing Chen Feng's undeniable words, Hei Zi lay helplessly on the ground, his eyes also showing an expression of unrequited love.

Inadvertently, the eyes of the two beasts met, and there was a feeling of pity and sympathy for each other.

"Okay, don't look at it, call all your subordinates, I will strengthen them all at once, and then take you away."

Chen Feng waved his hand, interrupting the gaze of the two beasts.

Hei Zi jumped up from the ground as soon as he heard Chen Feng's words, wagging his tail happily at the men next to him, howling a few times.

Those subordinates heard Kuroko's cry, turned around and ran towards the depths of the forest. .

Chapter three hundred and forty-seven the bitter beast (plus two, please subscribe, please customize)

While waiting for Heizi's subordinates, Chen Feng and Heizi signed a contract.

As for Lei Beast, Chen Feng did not sign a contract with it.

Because, for some unknown reason, Thunder Beast had already signed an equality contract with him.

Chen Feng only discovered it when he signed the contract with Heizi.


Hei Zi walked to Chen Feng's feet, fell down obediently, and rubbed on his leg.

"You are also wolf-type monsters, right? That kind of-?"

When I touched the flame on its back, it didn't even feel the slightest heat.

Chen Feng looked at its eyes curiously, and the faint blue flame asked.

"They are the Netherfire Swift Wolf clan, they are still very powerful, but they are not as powerful as my Thunder Beast Lord!!"

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