"Formation? Why didn't you see anything?"

Chen Feng looked forward suspiciously, but saw nothing.

"Uh, this formation is a phantom formation, not a barrier-like formation, nor is it an enchantment."

Hearing Chen Feng's question, Han Yide quickly explained.

"Anyone who enters this formation will come out unconsciously."

"Oh, phantom array..."

Chen Feng nodded, then looked forward with concentration.

A faint halo appeared in his eyes, and in Chen Feng's eyes, the phantom formation had nowhere to hide.

"Fat man, keep up."

Pulling Yulan Meng and explaining to Han Yide, Chen Feng lifted his foot and walked forward.

Seeing this, Han Yide opened his mouth to say something, but then closed his mouth and quickly followed.

On the other side, except for those who had seen Chen Feng's strength just now on the field, they all showed mocking smiles when they saw Chen Feng walking inside.

"I bet he came out with a stick of incense."

"A stick of incense?? Is it too long? I think he can hold on to half a stick of incense."

"Cut, I bet on a middle-level spirit stone, he can't exceed a minute."

"Half a minute, no more, a high-level spirit stone."



Chen Feng heard their conversation clearly, snorted coldly, and then walked in.

"Old, boss, let's, can we really pass?"

Han Yide was obviously at a loss in the illusion, and he hesitated at this time.

"Are you going? If you don't go, you will stay, but if there is any benefit in it, then it will not be yours."

Chen Feng glanced at him and said lightly.

When he spoke, his tone was not as good as before.

When Han Yide heard the words, he was shocked, and he quickly shook his head and said sternly.

"Go! Why don't you go, boss, where you are, I'm right there, boss, what your blade points to is where I, Han Yide, charge!!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his chest and headed up quickly and walked in front of Chen Feng.

"Boss, I'll give you a head start!!"

Before Chen Feng could stop him, Han Yide had already walked into the illusion.

Shaking his head helplessly, Chen Feng hurriedly dragged Yulan Meng and walked in.

If he doesn't hurry up and take this fat man to the right path, I'm afraid he will be out in a while.

Entering the formation, all kinds of illusions suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng and Yu Lanmeng.

But soon, the illusion in Chen Feng's eyes disappeared without a trace.

Instead, there are lines and dots one by one.

After looking around, Chen Feng found Han Yide.

At this time, Han Yide was running from the other side, screaming and running towards the outside of the illusion.

Chen Feng walked over, grabbed him, took him, and walked towards the inside of the formation.

"Who! Who pulls me!! Let me go!! I've never done anything!!"

Who knows, Han Yide was probably frightened by the illusion. After being caught by Chen Feng, he closed his eyes and cried.

"I said, can you be a good boy?"

In desperation, Chen Feng let go of his hand, and then quickly pinched out the spirit, wiping it in front of his eyes, and said angrily.

"Old, boss?"

Hearing Chen Feng's voice, Han Yide opened his eyes a little hesitantly.

When he saw that the person in front of him was really Chen Feng, he lay down on the ground, hugging his legs and howling loudly.

"Boss, you're finally here, I'm a motherfucker, you scared the fat man to death..."

Chapter 1 Breaking the Array (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Boss, you're finally here, I'm a motherfucker, you scared the fat man to death..."

Chen Feng looked at Yu Lanmeng next to him with some embarrassment, kicked him, and kicked him away.

"Fuck you, can you be a man? Don't be ashamed here, okay?"

"Boss, don't abandon me, I was wrong, don't abandon me!!"

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