After Han Yide was kicked away by him, he crawled over with his hands and feet, hugging his legs and groaning again.

"Go go go, can you go? I'll go if you don't go!"

It was really impatient for him to do it. After Chen Feng freed him again, he lifted his legs and walked forward.

Seeing this, Han Yide didn't dare to cry any more, he quickly stood up and followed closely behind him.

"Why, aren't you going to be a pioneer? Aren't you going to cry?"

Seeing him follow, Chen Feng sneered.

"Why don't you go ahead?"

"Old, boss, I, I was wrong, don't mind."

I have to say, the fat man's heart is wide.

I was so grief-stricken from crying just now, and the feeling of grief in heaven and earth is now immediately shameless.

I saw Fatty Han's sleeves, wiped off his nose and tears, and said with a smile.

"Didn't I get scared just now? I'm fine now."

"Cut, it's useless."

Yulan Meng, who was on the side, glanced at him disdainfully and said something.

But Fatty Han didn't take her words to heart and smiled at Yulan Meng.

Yulan Meng rolled her eyes, took Chen Feng's hand and followed him forward.

With Chen Feng leading the way, the illusion formation is basically equivalent to a fake.

Although in the middle, Han Yide fell into an illusion again because he stepped on the wrong position, but because Chen Feng pulled it in time, he was not frightened again.

In this way, it took everyone less than a stick of incense to walk out of the illusion.

Just before they came out, the people outside the magic formation looked straight ahead, hoping to see Chen Feng and the others.

A man with a sword box on his back looked forward suspiciously and whispered.

"Why haven't you come out yet? Isn't it already out?"

Although he spoke in a low voice, the people here were all monks, and they had good ears.

270 Hearing his words, a bearded man with a big axe said decisively.

"Impossible, at most it is to walk farther inside, it is impossible to pass through this illusion."

"That is, we can't go out, why can they go out?"

And those who had seen Chen Feng's strength showed contempt for them.

So, a person who participated in the competition couldn't help but speak out.

"A person who can defeat the ancestor of all demons, can you compare?"

"What ancestor of all demons, you are making fun of me."

When the bearded man heard his words, he said with a snarl and raised his big axe.

However, suddenly he found that the surroundings became very quiet, turned his head to look around, and found that everyone was staring blankly in the direction of the illusion.

Looking at the reaction of everyone, a bad idea rose in his heart.

Dumbly turned his head and looked in the direction of the illusion.

I saw three figures, already appearing on the square in front of the palace.

Seeing this scene, a look of despair flashed in the beard's eyes, and then he shouted, spit out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

"I'm the best spirit stone!!!"

Just when he made the bet, this person was still relatively cautious. He didn't bet on time, he just bet that Chen Feng and the others wouldn't be able to break through.

And his bet was two whole top-quality spirit stones. .

Chapter 2 The Luxurious Hall (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Looking at Chen Feng and the three of them walking towards the palace, the people outside were stunned for a moment, then they boiled over and rushed towards the illusion.

"I'm Cao, I'm going in too!!"

"They can pass the illusion, and I can definitely pass!!!"

"Yes, it makes no sense that they can pass, but we can't."

The crowd shouted in excitement as they ran towards the phantom array.

At this time, an untimely voice interjected, which immediately stopped people's movements.

"You heard it just now. They are the ones who can kill the ancestors of all demons. What if they have a special way? Do you have any?

Although the voice was small, it quickly spread to the entire crowd, and everyone could hear it clearly.

However, the crowd also paused, and then boiled again.

"Damn, the ancestor of all demons, I have never heard of it."

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