Chen Feng doesn't even bother to despise him now. This person doesn't even have the qualifications to use the ancient runes. Compared with that Demon Ancestor, it's not even a star.

"That's because you are too weak."

Saying these words with disdain, Chen Feng's figure suddenly disappeared in front of the black emperor's envoy.

When he appeared again, he was already behind him.

"Okay, enough to play, now, it's time for you to hit the road."

One hand became a palm, attached with light blue spiritual power, and suddenly inserted into the position of his back.

Hei Huang Zun's expression suddenly changed when he heard Chen Feng's voice, and then he was about to leave the place.

But it was already too late, Chen Feng's speed was not something he could dodge at all.

So, just after moving a bit, his movements stopped in place.


With a soft sound, Chen Feng took his hand from his back and pulled it out.

A large amount of purple blood 970 spurted out from the wound on his back.


The body of the black emperor's envoy also fell to the ground with a bang, lying on the ground, twitching from time to time.

Glancing at the envoy of the Black Emperor, whose breath was gradually weakening, Chen Feng walked towards the interior of the palace.

The palace is not that complicated, which saves Chen Feng a lot of trouble.

Turning left and right, he came to a staircase leading to the ground, and Chen Feng walked straight down.

Below, is a dungeon.

Different from the buildings that Chen Feng had seen along the way, in the dungeon, there were strange runes everywhere and blood red everywhere.

The combination of the black runes and the blood-red walls of the prison makes people feel dizzy.

But Chen Feng didn't have any special feeling. Following the perception of his divine sense, he came to the prison where the three mice were locked.

In the cell, twenty-three floating cannons were floating around Mouse San, protecting him.

On the other hand, Xiao Yi is somewhat humanized, constantly wandering in the air.

Seeing Chen Feng coming, Xiao Yi let out a screeching scream, went straight through the cell, came to Chen Feng's side, and rubbed against him.

"Okay, let me take a look at the situation of the third mouse and then talk about other things."

Touching Xiaoyi, Chen Feng looked at the red railing of the cell, waved his hand, and broke it open. .

Chapter 3 Demonic Flames (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Master, son, subordinate, subordinate failed to complete son's entrustment, please punish son, cough...cough...cough..."

When Mouse San saw Chen Feng coming in, his faint breath suddenly fluctuated. He struggled and wanted to get up and salute Chen Feng.

However, after struggling a few times, he fell to the ground again, coughing non-stop.

Chen Feng frowned and looked at the miserable state of the three mice.

I saw that he coughed a few times, and he spat out a large amount of black blood. Combined with his half black and half green face, it was obvious that he had been poisoned.

Thinking of the black emperor's envoy outside, Chen Feng is not surprised.

After a few clicks in the air, he clicked on Mouse San.

After being tapped a few times by him, his face suddenly changed, turning pale, and then a large mouthful of colorful blood spurted out.

This mass of blood, controlled by Chen Feng, condensed in the air.

Then he took out an elixir and threw it into Mouse San's mouth.

"Tsk tsk, this time you can be considered a blessing in disguise. The ancients said that if you don't break, you won't stand. After this time, your cultivation base should increase greatly."

Seeing that his breath had stabilized and his face became better, Chen Feng once again threw a blood-red fruit in the past.

Mouse San caught the fruit thrown by Chen Feng, glanced at it, his face changed, and asked cautiously.

"Master, Master, is this the blood bodhi that is produced every thousand years and ripened every ten thousand years?"

"Yo, do you still recognize this?"

Chen Feng looked at Mouse San with some surprise, and said casually.

"Well, it is the blood bodhi. After eating it, it can purify the blood vessels and enhance the blood qi."

"This, this, please take it back, the third mouse can't bear it!!"

When Shu San heard the words, his eyes suddenly turned red, he knelt on the ground, held the blood bodhisattva in both hands, raised it above his head, and said to Chen Feng.

Don't look at Chen Feng's lightness, but Mouse San's heart is very clear.

This blood Bodhi, in his early years, he had seen the introduction in the teacher's door.

It's not as light as Chen Feng said.

Blood Bodhi will bear fruit every thousand years, but it will take ten thousand years to mature.

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