What Chen Feng said, purifying blood vessels and enhancing blood qi are just the most basic functions of this blood bodhi.

His strongest effect is that he can unconditionally improve the physique of the person who takes it, and it is still strengthening all the time.

How much a person's potential is, to what extent it can strengthen you, or even exceed this critical point.

This is where the blood Bodhi is of the highest value.

When he accepted the nine-pattern Enlightenment Leaf, he was not considered to be with Chen Feng, the two were considered a transaction, and he accepted it was nothing.

The later medicinal pill was considered to be that he followed Chen Feng, and Chen Feng rewarded him.

But this Blood Bodhi was used to heal his wounds and replenish his blood after he saved him.

He is truly ashamed of using such a high-value blood bodhi.

Chen Feng looked at him and said lightly.

"The things I sent out have never been taken back. Besides, you just ended up in this field just because I told you something, so you can accept it with peace of mind."

"The stronger you are, the more things you can do. Otherwise, if you can't keep up with my footsteps, what do I need you for?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Mu San was shocked, and his eyes gradually became clearer.

Yes, if I can't help you, what's the use of me staying by your side?It would be better to accept this blood bodhi, to improve the cultivation base, and to do things for the son. This is a better way to repay! !

Thinking of this, the eyes of the three mice firmed.

Holding the blood bodhi, he solemnly kowtowed at Chen Feng a few times, and then swallowed the blood bodhi in one bite.

Chapter 3 Demonic Flames (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Holding the blood bodhi, he solemnly kowtowed at Chen Feng a few times, and then swallowed the blood bodhi in one bite.

After eating the blood bodhi, Mu San's face suddenly turned red.

"Cultivation cross-legged, I will help you refine this blood bodhi."

Seeing him like this, Chen Feng gave a low drink.

When the three mice heard the words, he quickly got up and sat cross-legged to start his own exercise.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and then he drew in the air with one hand.

An ancient rune was drawn by him, and with a casual shot, it was printed on Mouse San's body.

He didn't see what this rune meant, but only knew that this rune could help people refine things.

As this rune was printed on Mouse San's body, he stood aside and watched silently.

I saw Mu San's face was flushed, and red blood energy appeared faintly on his body.

"This can't be done, it's all wasted."

Seeing the blood energy overflowing due to insufficient refining, Chen Feng shook his head and pointed out again.

A large amount of spiritual energy condensed in Chen Feng's sight, and then floated to the top of Mouse San's head.

Then, a light mask appeared on the surface of Mouse San, covering all the blood that overflowed.

Mouse San also noticed that Chen Feng was helping him, a hint of gratitude appeared on his face, and then he refined the blood energy in his body even harder.

Counting the time, almost a quarter of an hour has passed. At this time, there is no blood and energy overflowing from the surface of Mouse San's body, and his face has returned to normal.

Chen Feng waved his hand and scattered the shield.

It didn't take long for Mouse San to open his eyes again.

From a mouth, a stream of red mixed with black gas was sprayed out by him.

This gas is the impurities in his blood, which was extracted by blood bodhi. Now his blood can be said to be extremely pure, and there is almost no impurities.

"¨'Thank you for your kindness and virtue, the three mice will never forget."

As soon as he turned over, he fell to his knees and fell to the ground.

You know, this is not the first time Chen Feng has helped him.

Speaking of which, he was still Chen Feng's subordinate (Qian Wanghao), but he had Chen Feng help him resolve several crises, which made him a little ashamed.

"Okay, okay, okay? Okay, let's go, there's something else up there."

With a wave of Chen Feng's hand, a force of spiritual power lifted the mouse three up, and then said impatiently.

After speaking, he turned around and walked outside.


After answering, Mouse San followed Chen Feng and walked out.


Arriving outside the palace, Chen Feng was stunned.

Because, the corpse of the black emperor envoy that he just killed disappeared.

"Master, look ahead!!"

At this moment, the solemn voice of the third mouse came over.

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