When those few people saw Chen Feng wave their hands, they flew up, thinking that Chen Feng had let them go, and there was a hint of joy in their eyes, and then they hurriedly ran down the mountain.

But is it really that simple? (cabf)

A wisp of indiscernible white gas drifted to several people.

The few people who were running for their lives suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Because, their speed, unknowingly, is much slower.

Moreover, the surrounding environment is getting colder and colder.

"Old, boss, good, good, it's so cold."

The one on the left couldn't take it anymore, and said to a man with a mole on his face.

The man with the mole on his face felt something was wrong after he said that.

Several people stopped and glanced at each other. Suddenly, the look of doubt in their eyes turned into a look of fear.

At this time, several people were surrounded by a layer of light white mist, but it was only this layer of white mist that made them feel chills.

"Old, boss, we, are we going to die?"

A person, looking at their boss blankly, said dumbly.

Because he saw, a thin white frost began to appear on the surface of several people's bodies. Although it was very thin, it was disappointing.

The boss also saw the white frost on the surface of several people's bodies, and immediately understood what was going on.

Chapter 2 The End of Greed (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

The boss also saw the white frost on the surface of several people's bodies, and immediately understood what was going on.

"It is estimated that the person just did it."

With a helpless sigh, the boss sat on the ground slumped, he had completely given up resistance.

Just now he tried to use his whole body skills to resist the chill, but, no matter what, there was no way to stop the chill from eroding them.

"Damn, it's all you, you have to encourage the boss to come here, are you all right now? You're going to die!!"

Under the threat of death, the affection of the past became less important, and they all began to complain.

"Fart, it was you who gave me the idea at the beginning, saying that I have a good impression on the boss, so I told the boss, and now I'm instigating it again? Fuck your mother!!"

"Oh shit…………"

As the two talked, they actually fought directly.

The boss didn't stop him, but just sat on the ground blankly, looking at the top of Broken Heaven Peak, not knowing what he was thinking.

It didn't take long for it to be quiet here.

Just when Chen Feng was investigating the entire Broken Sky Peak, someone else wanted to go up to the Broken Sky Peak to pick up the leaks, but they saw a strange scene not long after they reached the Broken Sky Peak.

Several people with white bodies, sitting or standing in different shapes, stopped halfway, and two people scuffled together.

But when they got closer, they felt an astonishing chill.

"How many brothers? What are you doing?"

Some people couldn't help being curious and stepped forward, wanting to ask.

When he touched the person sitting on the ground, the white frost on the person's body immediately followed his hand and climbed up.

At the same time, he also lost all feeling in this hand.

"Fuck! What the hell is this!!"

Screaming, the man jumped up and backed away in horror.

His companions were surprised to see his strangeness.

The hoarfrost spread quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it reached the shoulders.

"Help, help!! Help me!! Do me a favor!!"

He shouted in horror, but no one dared to come forward, they all looked at him in horror.

The man looked at his companion desperately, with a trace of hatred in his eyes.

"Damn, I'm dead, don't think about living!!"

Thinking about it, he used the fastest movement technique in his life and rushed towards a few people.

Several people didn't expect him to do this, and they didn't react for a while, and they were touched by him.

Immediately, the places where several people were touched were also stained with a hint of white.

"Damn! How can you do this? If you want to die, you can just die yourself, why do you want to bring everyone!!"

His move immediately made everyone angry, and they started scolding.


When the man saw that several people were stained with hoarfrost, he suddenly laughed. He was about to say something, but it was too late.

After Baishuang eroded the upper body, he suddenly accelerated, and in a blink of an eye, the whole person was wrapped up by Baishuang.

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