"Damn it! What should I do, it's not a good thing for this guy to die!!"

Looking at the hoarfrost that was gradually spreading on their bodies, several people panicked.

Not long after, on the way to Broken Heaven Peak, there were a few more ice sculptures covered with hoarfrost. .

Chapter 3 Departure, do something (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

The last time I left Broken Heaven Peak, because I didn't expect that I would use this Broken Heaven Peak, I didn't set up a formation at that time, which led to many people running to it, wanting to pick up leaks.

Although Chen Feng basically swept away the things of the Shenyanzong, he did not move the things on the bright side.

That's why so many people are attracted.

Before leaving, Chen Feng directly arranged a large formation, the Nine Heavens Jedi formation he saw in Tianjun's mansion.

The Nine Heavens Jedi Array, since Chen Feng received the information from the Tianjun Mansion, the Nine Heavens Jedi Array appeared in Chen Feng's mind.

Naturally, Chen Feng also learned the Nine Heavens Jedi Array and deduced the Nine Heavens Jedi Array to the extreme.

However, this deduction is his own deduction.

The current system has very few prompts. Just like a few days ago, he evolved the magma ability at the bottom of the Demon Abyss, but the system didn't give any prompts.

Seeing that the entire Broken Heaven Peak was encompassed by a huge chessboard, and then the chessboard disappeared, Chen Feng turned and left in satisfaction.

The Nine Heavens Jedi formation is full of murderous intentions, one step is wrong, and every step is wrong.

It can be said that once you enter the Nine Heavens Jedi formation, as long as you make a mistake, you can say goodbye.

Moreover, the nine-day Jedi formation was shrouded within a hundred miles.

When I came to the Qi family station at the foot of the mountain, no, now it's time to call the new campus of Qimu Academy.

When I got here, I handed over the method of entering and leaving the formation to the dean to prevent people from the academy from accidentally falling into the formation.

After talking about Fang Qingtong again, Chen Feng left and returned to Qiyuan City alone.

With five women, he set off to rescue Fang Qingtong.

Of course, there are some things that need to be resolved before leaving.

For example, about the Fu family.

At the beginning, after Chen Feng killed the person with whom Fu Ying was engaged, the Fu family sent Fu Ying a series of messages asking her if she knew anything about it.

Under Chen Feng's advice, Fu Ying didn't tell the truth, she just said she didn't know.

The results of many inquiries were the same. Those of the Fu family who advocated for Fu Ying to marry the third son of the Qi family had no choice but to let it go.

Recently, Fu Ying received another message that those people still did not give up the idea of ​​using her for marriage.

"Ying Er, I heard that those immortals have found a relative for you again??"

On the Tiandi, Chen Feng said to Fu Ying with a smile.

"It's not what I thought, everyone is yours now, won't you help me solve it?"

Fu Ying gave Chen Feng a white look, and her eyes were full of charm.

Since being taken over by Chen Feng, Fu Ying's coquettish attitude has been revealed to the fullest.

When he was talking to Chen Feng, the gesture he naturally showed made him a little confused.

Thinking of what to do, Chen Feng stood up directly, ignoring the surprised expressions of the other four girls next to him, and hugged Fu Ying.

"Ah!! What are you doing!!"

Fu Ying was taken aback by his sudden movement, and after screaming, she pouted out of anger.

A pair of beautiful eyes flashed with doubts as they looked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was shocked and disappeared on the deck with Fu Ying.

"He, what is he doing?"

Liu Xia'er stared blankly at the place where the two disappeared, and murmured dumbly.

"What else can I do, it must be a bad thing..."

The 3th chapter set off and got things done (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"What else can I do, it must be a bad thing..."

Nami glanced at the place where the two disappeared, and said angrily.

"That's right, Brother Feng carried Sister Fu into the house, what can he do, it's definitely not something..."

The newly added Yulan Meng also rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

But before she could finish her words, she heard Chen Feng's voice coming from the cabin.

"You few, none of you can escape, so don't hurry in!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, several people immediately blushed, you look at me, I look at you, no one moved.

A few people have discussed it, and they can't just let Chen Feng come around like this in the future. Otherwise, if they do it at night and do it during the day, do they still need to get out of bed?

Thinking that in the past, they couldn't get out of bed the next day after being tossed by Chen Feng, and a few people felt sore all over.

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