With a thud in his heart, and cold sweat pouring out of his head, he asked inexplicably.

"Is there something wrong?"

The things that the dean of Qimu Academy could come to inform were basically inseparable from Chen Feng. Now, looking at the dean's reaction, An Yuan suddenly understood something.

"That, Dean, is this matter related to Venerable Chen Feng?"

Now, in the hidden world, Chen Feng is called Venerable.

One is that Chen Feng's actions are very cruel in their opinion, and the other is that Chen Feng's cultivation is too high, they are simply out of reach.

"Hehe, you guys have done a really good job this time. Although the woman you are talking about is pretty, but the talent is very poor, it's Chen Feng's woman, what do you think?"

The dean looked at An Yuan sympathetically, and then said.

"Chen Feng's housekeeper told me just now that Chen Feng has now found the Chen family and said that he wants to solve this matter himself, you can do it yourself, whether to wait for Chen Feng to solve the other side, and then solve you, or you go out in person Woolen cloth?"

Listening to the dean's words, An Yuan's face suddenly turned pale.

"This, this, how can this happen!!"

He just helped his apprentice get married, how did he provoke Chen Feng like this?

However, since the dean has already told him the matter, it means that there is still room for recovery.

"Thanks to the dean for informing me that 870 my sect will be spared the catastrophe. In the future, I will use the place I want. Please open your mouth and give my whole sect's strength, and I will help you to complete it."

Speaking, An Yuan bowed to the dean to the end, his sincerity is self-evident.

"Okay, I'm just notifying you."

The dean shook his head, sighed, looked at An Yuan who was stooping with some pity, turned and left.

"By the way, at the Fu family's side, the person who promoted this matter has already been resolved, so you should hurry up."

Just a few steps away, the dean stopped and turned around and said something, then left.

"Thank you for your advice!!"

After nearly ten minutes, An Yuan raised his head, stood there thinking for a moment, and then hurriedly walked towards the valley.

After a while, he left the valley with another person and flew towards the exit closest to Yaozong.

An Yuan, who hurriedly rushed towards the exit of the hidden world, didn't know that Chen Feng was still reluctant to think about it among the pile of pink arms and jade legs.

He only knows now that he has to go to Fu's house quickly and put this marriage away.

Otherwise, if Yaozong disappeared from the world just because of a woman, he would become the last sect master of Yaozong and a sinner of Yaozong.

This result was not what he wanted. .

Chapter 1 The arrival of Anyuan (plus [-], please subscribe, please customize)

The performance of the flying boat was brought to the extreme by him. Generally, it takes at least an hour to travel, and it takes only a quarter of an hour to reach the exit.

After exiting the exit, he discerned the direction slightly and accelerated again.

As soon as he came out, he found that the location where he came out was exactly the opposite of where the Fu family was.

But now it is obviously too late to return to the hidden world, and in desperation, I have to continue on my way.

An Yuan was rushing frantically here, and he didn't stop even at night.

Finally, in the early hours of the morning, I arrived at Akabane Castle in Tenren Prefecture, which is located in the south.

At this time, people were still sleeping, even the people of the Fu family.

Because of what happened in the afternoon, no one knew at all, and no one found anything unusual.

Although it was said that there were so many fewer people at one time, since these individuals were all with Fu Maoxun, they were not very popular in the Fu family, so no one cared.

Besides, the people of Tianren Prefecture are good at drinking. It is common for people to eat barbecue and drink alcohol when they have something to do. Many people sometimes drink it until the next morning before going home.

The Fu family at night was a little quiet, but this tranquility was broken after Anyuan arrived.

"Where is the head of the Fu family? Come out for this old man!!"

A loud shout resounded throughout the Fu family.

Originally, An Yuan did not intend to control the volume. If he did not control it, at least the entire Akabane Castle would be awakened by his voice.

"Fuck, who, what's the fuss about at night?"

A dissatisfied voice came from below.

An Yuan looked at him coldly. A man was rubbing his eyes and walked out of the room sleepily, shouting as he walked.

Seeing that the man was still muttering, An Yuan waved his palm at will, killing him directly.

Just after he killed the man, voices of people began to be heard in the distance.

After a while, people gradually discovered the trace of An Yuan, and they all gathered.

"Here, there are people here! ' ¨!"

"Who are you, so arrogant?"

"What I care about is not whether he is arrogant or not, but whether he is insane, most of the night, doesn't he sleep?"

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