The current head of the Fu family is Fu Ying's father, but her father is missing now, so Fu Maoxun was able to overcome all opinions and marry Fu Ying to enhance the strength of the Fu family.

The current Fu family is the Great Elder, that is, Fu Ying's own grandfather.

Since there are too many people supporting Fu Maoxun, he has not been able to stop this.

Slowly walking out of the crowd, the Great Elder looked into the air.

In the darkness of the night, it is basically impossible to see An Yuan's appearance, only his general outline can be seen.

"Who is Your Excellency? Come to my Fu's house late at night, what are you doing?"

When the elder came over, he did not go up to attack directly, but first treated each other with courtesy, and asked with his hands folded.

"Who am I? Humph!"

An Yuan said sarcastically, then snorted coldly, fell from the sky, and stood in front of the Great Elder.

"I am the Sect Master of the Medicine Sect, An Yuan!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding discussions fell silent.

Everyone looked at An Yuan blankly, with disbelief in their eyes.

"He, who did he say he was?"

"Okay, it seems, it seems to be the Sect Master of Medicine Sect? Did I hear it right?"

"Well, that's what I seem to have heard."

"That should be right, Sect Master of Medicine Sect, what the hell!!"

Only now did everyone react, and the one standing in front of them was the sect they would vassalize in the future, Yaozong! !

The first elder was also stunned for a while.

"I don't know that Sect Master An is coming, and I have lost a long way to welcome it. Please forgive me."

"Hey, you really should atone for your sins, you know, this time, you almost put my Medicine Sect in a state of destruction!!"

Chapter 1 The arrival of Anyuan (Add 1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Hey, you really should atone for your sins, you know, this time, you almost put my Medicine Sect in a state of destruction!!"

Glancing at him coldly, An Yuan said with murderous intent.

When the first elder heard the words, he was forced by his aura, and he was sweating all over his body.

Wiping the sweat on his head with trembling hands, the elder asked cautiously.

"An, Sect Master An, why did you say this? How could my Fu family do such a thing?"

"Ha ha……"

An Yuan sneered twice, glanced at everyone in the Fu family, and then said.

"Your Fu family found a good marriage for my disciple, and it came to Chen Feng's woman first. Are you really capable?"

Hearing that, the Great Elder was stunned for a moment, and then quickly denied it.

"How is it possible, how could Fu Ying be Chen Feng's woman? Impossible!!!"

"Hmph, it may not be possible, that's not what you said."

An Yuan glanced at him before continuing.

"You can go and see if Fu Maoxun and the others are still there."

Hearing this, the Great Elder's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly looked around.

Seeing this, his face suddenly became even more ugly.

Because, at this time, Fu Maoxun and the others who insisted on marrying Fu Ying were not here.

It stands to reason that An Yuan's loud voice would wake him up even if he was fast asleep.

"¨'Where are their people? Go, bring all those people to me!! Live to see people die or corpses!!!"

The first elder shouted to the people on the side with some anger.


When the people on the side heard the words, they immediately dispersed to look for their traces.

But before he could act, he was stopped by An Yuan.

"Look for it now, don't you think it's too late?"

"Huh? What did Sect Master An mean?"

The first elder looked at An Yuan and became a little less friendly.

He thought that An Yuan had done something.

No matter what you do, it's definitely not a good thing.


Seeing his gaze, An Yuan narrowed his eyes and let out a nasal sound.

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