"Well, it doesn't matter, just remember it later."

Chen Feng smiled sarcastically, looked at the clouds in front of him and said.

"Remember, my name is Chen Feng, and I'm your man. Don't forget it in the future."


At this time, Fang Qingtong, like an obedient little girl, nodded obediently, and then stared at Chen Feng tightly.

"Well, Tong'er, you left like this, are the Ming clan really all right? They won't come out on their own, will they?"

Hearing Chen Feng's question, Fang Qingtong thought for a while, then shook his head gently and said.

"No, as long as my saintess is not there, they will not take the initiative to come out. After all, this 257 is bound by the contract of heaven and earth. Without my blessing, once they come out, they will be backlashed by the rules of heaven and earth."

"oh oh……"

After speaking, the two fell silent again.

After a long time, Fang Qingtong was the first to break the silence and speak.

"You know? When I just woke up, my heart was always empty. On the one hand, it was because I lost my memory, and on the other hand, it was because I felt as if I had lost something very important."

Hearing her words, Chen Feng did not answer, but looked at her silently.

Flying to the top of the clouds, Chen Feng cast a spell to solidify a cloud, and the two of them landed on it.

Sitting on top of the clouds, Fang Qingtong looked at the endless sea of ​​clouds in front of him, feeling a little crazy.

"Although that feeling made me a little confused, but fortunately, the memory passed down gave me a basis to lead the Ming clan in my mind to complete the idea of ​​​​the millennium XX, so that I would not be troubled by amnesia."

Speaking of this, Fang Qingtong turned to look at Chen Feng, the confusion in his eyes made Chen Feng feel a little distressed.

"However, just today, when I was about to lead the Ming clan on an expedition, you appeared."

With a self-deprecating smile, she continued.

"Do you know that although I didn't remember who you were at the time, when I saw you, the vacancy in my heart was filled in an instant. Although I said that at the time, I was still very happy."

Fang Qingtong has been thinking about herself and Chen Feng since she saw Chen Feng and Fu Ying shopping together that day. She didn't know whether she should join in.

After all, she used to be a girl with a particularly strong personality, and years of independent life made it difficult for her to share Chen Feng with others.

However, at night, she had already thought about it.

It's just that before she could find Chen Feng, the latter thing happened.

Therefore, when I first saw Chen Feng, even if he lost his memory, he was very happy.

Although I don't know why I am happy, this feeling seems to be very good.

Therefore, she gave up the idea of ​​leading the Ming clan and rushed to the surface, and left with Chen Feng to find her memory.

"Okay, don't think about it so much now, things will always get better, won't they?"

Chen Feng hugged her gently, put her in his arms, and said softly.


Leaning in Chen Feng's arms, Fang Qingtong adjusted her position to make herself more comfortable, then sniffed Chen Feng's body and closed her eyes.

After a while, Chen Feng noticed that there was no movement. He looked down and saw Fang Qingtong's breathing was steady, and he was actually asleep.

Looking at Fang Qingtong in disbelief, Chen Feng sighed and gently kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry, in the future, I will never leave you again, and I will never let you leave me again."

Chapter 2 Beautiful Love (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Don't worry, in the future, I will never leave you again, and I will never let you leave me again."

After pondering for a while, he carefully picked up Fang Qingtong. Chen Feng released his spiritual power, forming a barrier around him, and then flew forward rapidly.

In an inn in Akabane City, Fu Ying woke up first (cada).

With sleepy eyes, he looked around, but he didn't find Chen Feng's figure.

However, she was no longer surprised.

However, looking at the women lying on the bed, their faces suddenly turned red.

Thinking of yesterday's madness, until this morning, Fu Ying felt a little sore in her waist.

"This bad guy knows how to bully me!"

Thinking of this, Fu Ying couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

Because the war was caused by Fu Ying, Chen Feng focused most of his attention on Fu Ying, until she almost fainted from the torment, and then Chen Feng turned to other people.

This battle, which lasted from yesterday afternoon until the early morning, did not stop.

"Well, Sister Ying, are you awake?"

At this time, a white shadow came over from the side and jumped directly towards Fu Ying.

Fu Ying quickly caught it and touched its head.

This white shadow is the little white left behind by Chen Feng.

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