The chubby little white who just ate at the barbecue restaurant came back after Chen Feng left.

"Cuckoo cuckoo..."

A strange sound made one person and one beast stunned.

Fu Ying's little face, which was already flushed, turned even redder when she heard this voice.

I didn't eat well at noon yesterday, but Chen Feng tossed it into the early morning and didn't eat dinner.

And now, it's almost noon, it can be said that I am very hungry.

The little white man snickered while covering his mouth with his small paws, and then jumped to the table. He didn't see any movement, and a table of barbecue appeared on the table.

"This is the barbecue I just brought back there. Come and eat it."

The aroma of barbecued meat kept lingering on the tip of the nose, making Fu Ying's saliva secrete quickly.

After swallowing a saliva, he got out of bed quickly, and with a wave of his hand, a piece of clothing was already on his body.

Came to the table, grabbed the barbecue, and started eating regardless of the image.

The rest of the women seemed to be attracted by the aroma of the barbecue, and opened their eyes one after another.

The first to act, of course, is Bonnie the foodie.

I saw that she didn't even have any clothes on, she jumped up from the bed, jumped to the table, grabbed the barbecue and started to eat.

"Boney!! You get me dressed before I eat!!"

Seeing her like this, Fu Ying screamed and said with a cold face.

Among the few people, Bonnie was like a younger sister, and the girls took good care of her.

Talking to her like this at this time is also a last resort.

If not, Bonnie will definitely ignore it and eat it first.

Seeing that Fu Ying's face turned cold, Bonnie reluctantly looked at the barbecue, then at Fu Ying, and finally replied with a pout.

"Oh, I see."

After speaking, he turned around a few times, and when he stopped, a light blue long skirt was already worn.

After getting dressed, I could not wait to eat.

Liu Xia'er and her daughters had just woken up, and now they got up from the bed and got dressed.

Seeing Bonnie's appearance, she couldn't help shaking her head helplessly, and then they all walked to the table, picked up the barbecue and ate it.


Chapter 3: The Method of Restoring Memory (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

After Chen Feng came back, the girls were sitting in the small courtyard of the detached house, drinking tea, not knowing what they were talking about. (Bookstore

"What are you talking about?"

Put Fang Qingtong in his arms on the ground, pulled her, and walked towards the girl.

When they saw Chen Feng, the girls were very happy, but when they saw Fang Qingtong, they were stunned.

"Huh? Instructor Fang? How are you..."

Yulan Meng looked at Fang Qingtong in disbelief and said.

"Hello, my name is Fang Qingtong, the saint of the Ming clan. Maybe some of you knew me before, but I have lost my memory now, sorry."

Fang Qingtong gave a gift and said to the girls, and then the last apology was said to Yulan Meng.

"What!! Saintess of the Underworld?"

However, after she finished speaking, Yu Lanmeng and Fu Ying's reactions were a bit big.

He suddenly stood up from the seat and looked at Fang Qingtong in surprise.

The reputation of the Ming clan in the immortal world is not very good. It is said that the Ming clan is a heinous race that attempts to seize the immortal world and enslave the human race.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Fang Qingtong knew that the reputation of the Ming clan was not very good.

If it was before the amnesia, she would have thought so too, because after living outside for more than [-] years, the impact was quite large.

However, now she has no memory of her past, and the occasional sporadic fragments are only about Chen Feng.

"Okay, okay, she's not a saint of the underworld clan now. Her current identity, like you, is a woman of Laozi, do you hear? Huh?"

Chen Feng rolled his eyes and pulled Fang Qingtong to sit down, but Fang Qingtong was sitting on his lap.

She struggled lightly with a blushing face. Since Chen Feng was around her waist, she didn't break free and had to resign herself to his arms.

Hearing Chen Feng's words and the nasty nasal voice at the end, the girls were all speechless.

Because they all thought of Chen Feng's powerful fighting power.

They didn't want to be tossed by Chen Feng anymore, so they could only smile brightly, and then drank tea on their own.

"Sister Ying, what about the dress you just mentioned? Let's go take a look?"

"Yes, yes, you said just now that you would take us to go shopping, let's go now, it just so happens that this is your site, you are familiar with it."

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