Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 113: Signal connection, eye ancestor, you are here!

   The black smoke clan’s jailers looked dazed, wondering if they were not awake.

   After finally waking up a bit, they immediately asked the mopping forces from all sides if there were any new prisoners sent in recently?

   But I asked for a round without any gains. The sweeping troops were indeed dispatched recently, but now the surviving humans have struggled with them for many years, and they are not so easily captured.

   What's more, it didn't take long for their raid troops to be dispatched. Yesterday, the experimental base was destroyed. The national treasure No.1 was sacrificed... Now the entire Smoky Clan is in turmoil, so the raid troops have to rest temporarily and wait for subsequent orders.

   At this moment of panic, who has the heart to capture prisoners and fill the entire prison?

   After asking around, the black smoke jailers were even more confused.

   They stared blankly at the humans crowded with the prison... Couldn't it be that these humans sneaked in and crawled into the prison themselves?

   Is it crazy?

   Is it good to be alive? Climb over to find death by yourself, to be sacrificed?

  【This must be a human conspiracy. 】

   [It is said that the same was true for the laboratory base a few days ago. Suddenly, a group of dead humans were added, which upset the laboratory base...]

   [Report this matter to the parliament and let the parliament handle it. There must be no accidents here, and the responsibility is too great. 】

   [Or, shall we execute some humans? Increase the number of prisoners sent to the bottom of the black pillar today? 】

  【Don't mess around, God knows how many dead humans are mixed in. 】

   The black smoky warden and administrators responsible for the management of the Heizhulin circle of prisons are bald.

   They wanted to distinguish the humans who came out yesterday from the prisoners who had been captured before-but humans looked almost the same in their eyes, and apart from their size, they really couldn't distinguish the appearance of humans.

   And they haven't done population registration before... Anyway, they are all sacrifices, maybe they will be escorted to Heizhu sometime, and the registration is redundant.

   has no record, trying to distinguish the extra people, it is impossible.



   In fact, Xu Qijing didn't expect such a thing as'sneak into prison' to be so simple.

   This is mainly because his clone did a beautiful job while he was in a coma!

   His clone did not show his face directly after resting on his body. He slipped out of the'experimental base' quietly, and hurried to the location of Heizhulin according to his memory.

  In the middle of the road, he happened to encounter a black smoke patrol member-the clone will count, and after a few symbolic resistances, he was caught and transported to the prison near the Heizhulin.

   Instead of killing and wasting, it is better to send the prisoners to the prison here and become a sacrifice to fill the black pillar.

   After being taken into prison, the clone enters a low-energy operation mode and stays on standby until the main body wakes up and executes the new plan.

   The next thing is simple...

   While the jailer was resting, Xu Qiji reluctantly sacrificed about two thousand precious hairs and sent two thousand trialers into the prison.

   Among the five thousand trialers, 800 are trialers on the Island of the Saintess of Yule. The remaining 1,200 are all members provided by the second customer brought by Miaoge.

   At this time, after Xu Qiji's clone was charged remotely, he made the second step of the plan-he was in a blind spot of surveillance and attracted a fully armed jailer.

   With the cooperation of the human wall of the small island trialers, Xu Qiji quietly solved the jailer and changed into the costume of a jailer. Under the helmet, he put on new equipment-an invisible mask.

   After putting on this mask, as long as he doesn't take off the jailer's costume, even the black smoke jailer companions in the prison will not be able to detect the abnormality and will not recognize his human identity.

   [According to the agreement between my second customer and Miaoge, then...I’m sorry, there are a thousand trialers. The customer is supreme, the painful torture in prison is not what I meant, but what your boss meant. ] Xu Qiji secretly squeezed the big sword hidden in his sleeve.

  In the big sword space, there are some new penal tools...

   For a while, these tools will be used on the twelve testers, torturing them physically and mentally.

   Xu Qiji reached out and took out a steel whip, pulled it gently, considering how hard it would be to hit the twelve testers.

   At this moment, a black smoky jailer's cry was heard not far away: "Jijijili~"

   The cry seemed to be directed at Xu Qijing.

   Xu Qiji turned his head and looked around, and saw a black smoky jailer pulling a group of human captives—coincidentally, this group of human captives were all members of the twelve trials.

   It is estimated that when the black smoke jailer picked people, these guys who came to experience the ‘painful trial’ squeezed up one by one and were picked.

   The black smoke jailer pulled the group of human captives and shouted at Xu Qijing.

   Language barrier... Am I going to expose this?

   Xu Qiji was a little unwilling in his heart, he was just preparing to act, the plan is about to die?

   Or else, get rid of the black smoke jailer?

   Thinking of this, Xu Qiji's eyes flashed killing intent and approached the jailer.

   When he saw him approaching, the jailer stopped shouting, and instead nodded at him, then handed him a rope, indicating that he would also lead a group of prisoners and follow him.

   Xu Qiji: "..."

   It turned out that he was called to **** the prisoners, but it was not exposed.

   In addition to Xu Qiji, there are three black smoky jailers, each leading a group of prisoners, striding towards the black pillar in the center.

   This black pillar has the most tight defense, and there are invisible energy barriers around it.

   Originally, Xu Qiji's clone was still thinking about how to sneak into this **** pillar area, to see its structure-as a result, the opportunity came to the door.

   luck, very good.



   escorted the prisoners who had already been replaced, all the way to the thickest black pillar.

   The black column is hollow with a lifting platform.

   All the prisoners were sent to the elevator platform and escorted to the ground.

   "Huh?" When Xu Qijing's body entered the black pillar area, his eyes were touched.

Under the mask of   , the aurora quietly rotated in his pupils.

   Xu Qijing did not show anything unusual, keeping his pace, following the three black smoky jailers.

   And his mind sinks to control his eyes.

   After the artificial god's eyes circulated ten times, the signal was connected-this batch of black column forests and the hollow black column in the center continuously released a certain signal to the outside world.

   And Xu Qijing caught this signal at this time.

After    the signal was connected, part of Xu Qiji's mind felt like the sky was spinning around, as if he had entered a certain space-he was familiar with this feeling, which was very similar to the feeling he had entered "Xu Qiji Group Space".

   "Consciousness space?" Xu Qiji understood.


   His consciousness has undergone a certain transformation and appeared in a consciousness space.

  No hands or Qijing felt that her body had turned into a huge water drop, and she had a huge, watery eye that could turn.

   is exactly the water drop eye shape smashed by the "Roller".

   But at this time, he has an extra mask on top of his head-the mask can only be hung on the tip of a small drop of water, like an ornament.

   With his appearance, there were rays of light in the consciousness space.

   A total of seven figures appeared.

   One of them, the whole body is shrouded in the red mist, the shape is illusory, it seems to be a spiritual body structure, is it a spiritual life?

   "Huh? Eye ancestor messenger, you are finally here. You have been absent for so long, and we thought you would continue to reincarnate." The spiritual life individual communicated directly with spiritual power.

   Xu Qiji: "..."

   Eye Ancestor? Are you talking about what he is now?

   "I have arrived at eight this time. Among the representatives of the nine ancestors, only the human ancestor envoy did not come? Rarely complete." A huge giant muffled his breath.

   Nine ancestors? Eye ancestor? Ancestor?

   Hmm... Did I get involved in a weird organization?

   Xu Qijing's body trembles slightly, I don’t know if the "unsee-through mask" on top of his head can be supported, don’t persuade me, mask brother...


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