Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 114: BOSS team undercover

   How strong the effect of this mask is, Xu Qiji has no idea.

   After all, this ‘invisible mask’ is just a gift from the second customer Miao brother contacted. Said it was an advance payment or something... But Xu Qijing never said asking for money.

   Brother Miao never said the identity of the second client, Xu Qijing also didn't know what the other party was, and couldn't infer how powerful the mask he gave him could be.

   Now Xu Qijing can only hope that the ‘mask’ will be stronger and must be resisted--he guessed with his toes, and he can guess that this ‘Nine Ancestor Envoy Council Space’ must be famous, and he hopes to stay a little longer.

   Xu Qiji's big eyes swept across the seven figures in the consciousness space. These seven guys, from the outside, do not look like species under the same evolutionary system.

  The muffled green giant, holding a cane in his hand, has a strong and old ambivalence.

   The spiritual species shrouded in the red mist gave Xu Qiji an instinct to'poke through it'.

   Then look at it in a clockwise direction... On the side of the spiritual seed is a weird skeleton with a big head and eight arms, covered with only a layer of skin, and it looks like it has been hungry for a long time and is malnourished.

   Then there was a mass of ooze-like objects, with bubbles from time to time on the ooze-like made people feel the urge to manually mosaic it. But if you look closely, you can find that this layer of bubbling ooze from time to time is somewhat like a ‘shell’ for protection, and I don’t know what it is inside.

Beside the ooze ball is its relative, a beast made up entirely of sand. The face of this beast is constantly changing and forming various kinds of'faces'-this is a Interpret the'twisted art' to the extreme.

   The one beside the slime is not so relative. It seems to be composed of various mechanical parts. In the center of the machine is a group of light glowing with vitality. Is that its core and soul, mechanical life?

Giants, mental bodies, necromantic skeletons, ooze monsters, elemental beasts, and mechanical life. Generally speaking, these six messengers can be classified as'monsters', but the last one is hard to describe... it is a piece. Huge meteorite.

   In the projection screen, it is slowly rotating around a certain planet.

   rotates around, it will jump away again, and turn to another planet.

   Typical likes the new and dislikes the old, **** meteor!

   These seven plus the "cute big eye droplets" that Xu Qiji transformed, a total of eight messengers representing their ancestors, gathered together-eight aliens?

   But I am not a monster...

   Xu Qijing felt like Erha who had been in the wolf pack.

   The wolves also regarded him as their own, and didn't notice him at all.

   The effect of the mask on the head is simply amazing.

   What Xu Qijing has to do now is to roll her big eyes around and stay silent. You can not speak without speaking, at most nodding or shaking your head-touching the body of the water drop, or shaking the body!


   "Human Ancestor Envoy will definitely not show up during this time. Now it is the end of the epoch. When the Nine Realms are sacrificed, she cannot come out to see us." The eight-armed weird skeleton made a dull voice.

   The mechanical life also buzzed: "What did the ‘Ancestor’ say?"

"On the human ancestor side, if there is no objection, it is silent. In order for the Nine Realms to survive the catastrophe of the era again, it is necessary to use the blood and luck of the human race to fight the imminent catastrophe. The creatures of the Nine Realms, only the qi, blood and fortune of the human race, can restrain the calamity at the end of that era..." The old giant paused on the crutches and looked at Xu Qiji: "Eye Ancestor Angel, your'Eye Demon Realm' is not controlling one Dark life empire, did you go to the human star to execute the eye ancestor's command? Which step did you do now?"

   [Control the dark life? Executing the ancestor of the eye? 】

   [Could it be the 713 world? 】

   Xu Qijing thought, while maintaining an indifferent appearance, moving the water drop body slightly under the mask.

  ——I don’t know what I mean by nodding my head. Anyway, I will give you a nod. You can understand it yourself.

   "It seems that the eye ancestor messenger side is going well, so there will be no problem with the "Sword of Humanity, Scabbard One" part of this era." The old giant nodded and understood.

   Very good, Xu Qijing needs such a tool man to interpret the meaning of nodding or shaking his head.

   "How is the progress of the other worlds?" The Mechanical Life asked in a muffled voice.

   It can be seen that this machine life and giant are the two most talkative among the Nine Ancestor Envoys. They are responsible for controlling the field and mobilizing the entire council, so they will not be cold.

   The other messengers were mostly stuffy gourds, and they couldn't make a fart for a long time.

   After the Mechanical Life asked, most of the other messengers did not speak, and all remained silent.

   "Silence means no problem, right." The old giant confirmed again.

   "Should there be a little trouble on the Protoss side?" At this moment, the eight-armed weird skeleton suddenly made a cold voice, looking at the spiritual life wrapped in red mist.

"Without any effort... at most five years, we will be able to break through the defensive layer on the Terran Star, and the remaining ten years will be enough for us to complete the'Blade Three' part. If it really doesn't work, I will shoot directly." The mental body in the red mist slowly said.

   "Defensive layer? The defense layer you can't break?" The old giant frowned: "Is it the action of the human ancestor? She has long been very dissatisfied with us."

"No, it's not the movement of the human ancestor's messenger. If it were her movement, how would I not notice it?" The spirit body said again: "Don't worry about me, I won't have a problem here. Instead, it's you, don't I dragged my Xu Qiji's big eyes glanced at this spiritual life, and remembered the appearance of the other person in his heart-the big heart at this time had its due effect, let Xu Qijin was able to remain calm throughout the whole process, with no signs of violent mental fluctuations.

"Since there is no problem... then proceed as usual. This is not the first time. I don't need to remind everyone of what to do next." The old giant finished speaking and looked at Xu Qijing again: "Eye Ancestral Envoy, you are in a special situation. You control the actions of the dark life. Be careful not to cross the line and don't let the human race in your realm be extinct. Otherwise, the human ancestor will make trouble, and we will not speak for you.

   Xu Qijing just blinked slowly this time.

   "Since you have reincarnated as the messenger, the special beholder that refines the scabbard should also come soon, I wish all the best..." The old giant finally stopped talking, and it always felt uneasy.

   This kind of uneasiness is very strange, as if you suddenly stripped naked and been seen-but they obviously didn't wear any clothes, why do they have this strange feeling?

   Xu Qijing blinked his eyes again, anyway, he didn't know what he meant by blinking, so he left it to the old giant to make up for it.

   At the same time, he began to think about the last news mentioned by the old giant.

   The special beholder that refines the "scabbard" is coming?


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