Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1000: Thank you for your teaching

While others were horrified by Yi Shuihan's toughness, Yi Shuihan took out a chair and sat down, tasting Shangguan Rou's soaked cappuccino, and Shangguan Rou fanned him on the side.

"If there are two more people, one rubs my shoulders and the other rubs my legs, it will be even more perfect."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Yi Shuihan thought of a little greedy.

In fact, if Yi Shuihan really wants to think about it, he can pull out a large group of people rushing to serve him from the portable world at any time, but that is not what Yi Shuihan wants, like Shangguan Rou, if he doesn’t feel owed. The other party's things won't let her become her own maid.

Speaking of which, other people may not believe that Shangguan Rou became Yi Shuihan's maid, but instead of humiliating her, she made a lot of money.

Yi Shuihan is a big Luo Jinxian, and has his own portable world. It bursts out to be comparable to a quasi-sage. This kind of strength, I don't know how many people want to curry, let alone Yi Shuihan's other benefits, Yi Shuihan usually practices With just a few pointers, Shangguan Rou will not make mistakes in his cultivation, and the probability of reaching the world realm will increase dramatically.

If Yi Shuihan is happy and rewards something, it will be even more remarkable. What is the foundation that Shangguan Rou has laid down through so many hardships, he can recover with ease, and will be one step closer. If Yi Shuihan is trained with all his strength, Shangguan Rou The hope of achieving the world is more than 90%, and the remaining 10% of failure is because she is really unbelievable.

Not to mention Shangguan Rou, even in the world of this world, if you know Yi Shuihan's strength, ordinary people will vie for refuge.

"Pretending to be a scumbag."

Feng Wu looked at the envious look of those male disciples, and said disdainfully, she usually dislikes this kind of pretense behavior the most, but she knows that she will not be Yi Shuihan’s opponent, so she can only curse secretly, her voice He didn't dare to speak out, for fear of attracting Yi Shuihan's attention.

"This is senior, thank you for your mercy. I would like to offer a bottle of soul blood to thank senior for his teaching."

The insect king, with a very ailing aura, tremblingly came to Yi Shuihan's face, and said something that surprised everyone.

"It's so shameless, it can still be like this, so it will be difficult for Senior to continue to attack him."

"The Insect King is not weak, and his mind is also very fast, and he has learned another trick."

"It's worthy of an evil way, and I don't have the skin."

"Soul blood, that is a real treasure, it can strengthen the soul. It is rumored that if you take soul blood for a long time, it can greatly increase the probability of being promoted to the world realm. It is a rare thing for the insect king. Soul blood can only be short. Time splits the soul and creates more soul-dividing soul worms. It’s such a big deal."

The "sincerity" attitude of the insect king did play a role. For Yi Shuihan, soul blood is not a great treasure, but in this case, it is nothing to him and very important to the insect king. Yes, the value of wealth is different in some cases.

One hundred yuan may be a huge sum of money for a beggar, but for a rich man it may be just the price of a bottle of water. A beggar is willing to give you one hundred yuan, which is far more meaningful than a rich man giving one hundred yuan. The former It gave all the wealth, and the latter just threw a bottle of water at will.

"You have a good understanding, knowing that I am enlightening you."

Yi Shuihan motioned to Shangguan Rou to accept the soul blood, and then said to the Insect King in a teachable manner.

This attitude made the insect king breathe a sigh of relief, his own level is considered to have passed, although it is to save money and avoid disaster, but the fate is finally hugged.

The loss of soul blood really made the Insect King very heartbroken. He didn't dare to complain about Yi Shuihan. Instead, he hated the dead Poison King and the Variety Witch hidden in the dark. If it weren't for the Poison King's death, he would also He wouldn't use this excuse to vent, and if it weren't for the Variety Witch to hide, he wouldn't confront Yi Shuihan by mistake.

If the Poison King knew that he would be resurrected by anger, it would be my fault if I died?

Compared with the Poison King, the other person is actually more miserable, that is Ouyang Tu. If he had the wisdom of the Poison King, he would not lose 2 drops of Buddha's blood, and now even his talent is almost impossible to keep.

Shangguan Rou said that her foundation has been ruined, and she suffered the most, but she was a blessing in disguise. Now she is Yi Shuihan's maid, and her rise is just around the corner. If Yi Shuihan does not take her out of this world in the end, she will also protect her. If a world realm future is taken away, it is even possible to become a saint in the future.

"Chuck" a clear laugh came from the evil faction to which the insect king belongs.

"Master Insect King is so savvy!"

The voice was full of teasing.

"The disciples of the evil faction dare to laugh at the Insect King?"

This idea just came up and saw the laughing cult disciple's body change for a while, and finally fixed himself on a woman with blond hair, a hot body, and a pretty face.

"The Variety Witch!"

The insect king looked at the blonde woman speaking word by word, his tone was full of chill.

"The Variety Witch is hiding in the evil faction. It really is a good calculation. Before even the disciples of the sect she belonged to were killed, it was so cruel."

"It is now revealed that she thinks that the insect king who has been seriously injured is not a concern?"

"The Variety Witch is not a weak person. It's hard to say in the heyday of the Insect King, now! I haven't seen the Insect King's momentum, and it is a lot weaker."

The changing beautiful women of the Variety Witch walked out of the evil faction step by step, and the disciples of the evil faction gave way one after another. They didn't even look at the Variety Witch, which was obviously very jealous.

This kind of behavior makes other disciples very contemptuous, but they are not easy to say anything, if they are replaced, I am afraid it will end in a similar way.

"Is this your true face?"

Yi Shuihan asked suddenly, making Dongfang Ruo startled for a moment, and then smiled suddenly, full of amorous feelings.

"If the ancestor wants to know, the concubine can find time to chat with you alone, the kind that I don't reserve!"

The tone was full of different kinds of temptation. Many male disciples around couldn't hold it back, looking at Dongfang Ruo obsessively.

"Well, you can go with me when you get out!"

Yi Shuihan nodded and said, but the words she said made Dongfang Ruo be stunned in an instant. Seeing You Lian, she just talked casually.

"Why don't you find another time?" She said unnaturally. She already regretted invoking the old monster Yi Shuihan, so why did she just say something like that? ,, ..

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