Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 999: A cocooned insect king

"The Variety Witch, come out to me, or I will destroy all your fellow doors into the secret realm."

The insect king threatened, and at the same time he released the soul insects all over the sky, and the people who watched it were flustered.

"Senior Sister Dongfang, come out soon! We believe that you did not do it. You come out to make it clear and clear the misunderstanding."

"Yes! Senior Sister Dongfang, come out! Don't hide anymore, just make it clear if you have any misunderstandings."

The Qingfeng Sect that Dongfang belongs to belongs to the kind of moderate existence among the seven major factions. It is much weaker than the Tianxie Sect where the Insect King and the Poison King belong. Generally, the Qingfeng Sect disciples who meet the Tianxie Sect take a detour. , Didn't dare to confront the people of the evil faction.

The Insect King threatened the lives of the Qingfeng Sect disciples. These Qingfeng Sect disciples naturally panicked and yelled to let Dongfang Ruo come out. If they were changed to be normal, they would not dare to be bold. The title of Dongfang Ruo Variety Witch would also be a deterrent, if not Now their lives are worrying, and they absolutely dare not confront Dongfang Ruo.

However, no matter what these Qingfeng sect people shouted, if Dongfang has never appeared, even the Fire King and others have begun to doubt. If this Dongfang is hidden in the Qingfeng sect or among other disciples, or simply not here.

"Brother Chongwang, Senior Sister is really not here, or let us go out and let the elders handle this matter."

A disciple of the Qingfeng faction bit the bullet and said to the insect king.

"Aren't there?" A smile appeared on the Insect King's face, then he quickly cooled down, and said coldly, "Then you go to die."

The endless soul worm killed the Qingfeng faction, and someone died again in the blink of an eye.

There are only a dozen people from the Qingfeng faction, and they are not very strong. It only took a few minutes to be almost completely wiped out, leaving only one male disciple struggling, and it seemed that he would not be able to support it for long.

"Could it be that she is really not hiding in her own school?"

King Chong's face was not pretty, he felt like he was being tricked.

"Help, brothers help, I am innocent."

"No, I don't want to die, I still have great years, I... I'm still a virgin!"

Yi Shuihan's expression changed when he was watching the play. He didn't intend to care about this mess, but this guy made a virgin call, which made Yi Shuihan recall his previous life.

With a flick of his finger, a touch of sparks was bounced out, and it quickly became larger, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge pillar of fire, blasting towards the dying male disciple, and the flames drowned the soul worm and the male disciple.

Those soul worms were screaming in the flames and burned out, and the male disciple also screamed constantly, but the flame did not hurt him as much as the soul worms. In the end, all the soul worms were wiped out, and the male disciple fell on the ground. It was actually a scar, but his life was barely saved.

With this shot, everyone looked at Yi Shuihan, looking at the show.

Yi Shuihan is a mysterious person who is respectful and respected by many chiefs. His strength is certainly not weak, and the Insect King is not easy to provoke. Everyone is looking forward to what will happen next.

"How did he make the move? Does he have anything to do with the Variety Witch?"

Fuji's smile froze on his face, his eyes flickering.

Ouyang Tu, who was disguised as an ordinary disciple, was secretly excited. Insect King and Yi Shuihan were his enemies. They liked him when they met him, and if they did well, they would die together.

"Are you an accomplice of the Variety Witch? Or you are the Variety Witch."

Insect King Yi Shuihan’s eyes were a little jealous. If Yi Shuihan’s hand just now was really casual, he would definitely not be the opponent's opponent, so he guessed that Yi Shuihan was pretending to be easy, but in fact that move was extremely costly .

For the King of Insects, the King of Poison has a good relationship with him, but in fact, he is more just venting, venting the losses suffered by encountering Ouyang Tu, revenge is just smooth, if it is true, he does not mind. Let go of hatred.

It can be said that if Yi Shuihan behaves a little tougher at this time, and then he is giving the Insect King a step, the Insect King is likely to go down the stairs.

It's a pity that Yi Shuihan doesn't care about the idea of ​​the Insect King. Facing the Insect King's question, he didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he said to the maid Shangguan Rou.

"Suddenly it feels a bit hot. Take out the fan and fan me. By the way, I will have a cup of iced cappuccino. Put a little more milk. If you don't have sugar, I won't need it this time.

Having been Yi Shuihan's maid for a while, Shangguan Rou could understand the meaning of Yi Shuihan's words, unlike the first time she heard Cappuccino's face with a daze.

Looking at the insect king who had already begun to turn blue, Shangguanrou chuckled, then took out the table from the space ring and began to make coffee for Yi Shuihan.

The expressions of the others were extremely weird, making the insect king feel like everyone was laughing at him.

"You ungrateful animal."

The body of the worm king instantly dissipated and turned into a soul worm form. Compared with ordinary soul worms, the soul worms with the worm king split their souls are much larger, and their aura is far greater than that of ordinary soul worms. In addition, these split souls The soul bug can also release spells.

Hundreds of ice blades, hundreds of fireballs, hundreds of wind blades, hundreds of poisonous gas, hundreds of sand...

The overwhelming spells were thrown at Yi Shuihan, the expected wild bombardment did not appear, just like the master's gentle Ouyangtu's big move, the dense spells stayed in front of Yi Shuihan. The person watching has a numb scalp.

Even the King of Fire and Lord Leng who had seen this scene were horrified at this time. This method was unheard of before. Even if they were shot in the ordinary world, they did not think that they could do this, but more. Disperse or return spells with great strength.

The power of time is not so easy to comprehend, even at the level of Da Luo.

The Insect King is not a fool either. Seeing this weird scene immediately urged the ghost worm clones to escape. There are many soul worms, and there are a large number of soul worms that are not divided, as long as it is not a large number of dead and divided souls. The soul worm will not be hit hard.

Even if the drop of Ouyang Tu's blood at the beginning only killed hundreds of soul insects with the soul-distribution of the insect king, it has almost recovered, which shows that its life-saving ability is strong.

This time the Insect King can be regarded as a cocoon. The spells he released were tens of thousands of times, and they were returned intact. Even if he started avoiding first, thousands of soul insects died and were severely injured at once. .

"It hurts the insect king so easily, what a great guy."

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