Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1014: Meteorite

Yi Shuihan's blood has long been not ordinary red, but golden. His blood, even the most ordinary blood, contains tremendous power. It is estimated that if someone gets it, it will not be a problem to cultivate to silver with a drop of blood.

However, this kind of blood fell downwards like rain, and the blood fell to the ground. There was an endless miracle in the depth, and the vegetation grew rapidly, accompanied by various visions.

Above Yi Shuihan was beaten to vomit blood, but he did not take a step back.

"Courage is commendable, but how long can you hold it?"

Ren Ancestor is not reluctant, he has developed a murderous intent towards Yi Shuihan, and Yi Shuihan's existence makes him feel threatened, and even he would rather kill Yi Shuihan by letting Po Ancestor a yard away this time.

Naturally, Yi Shuihan didn't know this change in his heart. While he was fighting, he silently estimated the time.

Regardless of the fact that he was beaten to vomit blood, in fact, it did not hurt the root, which is a minor injury level. Of course, if this continues, it is inevitable that a minor injury will become a serious injury.

Speaking of it, this is the first time Yi Shuihan has been so embarrassed in the battle. Before, he had come to the sky in various ways.

"It's really frustrated!"

Anger was contained in his heart, and before he knew it, Yi Shuihan began to squeeze the strength of his body, and his strength actually began to slowly improve during the battle.

"Death, he must die."

After noticing Yi Shuihan's change, Ren Ancestor's killing intent was even greater, and he directly used the extremely consuming supernatural powers, and his attack power increased again. This time, the damage caused by one blow to Yi Shuihan was comparable to the previous few blows.


A crack appeared in Yi Shuihan's hand bone, and for the first time he took a step back.

The 70th breath, only 30 breaths away from the completion of the mission, Ren Zu finally started to approach Po Zu again.

Yi Shuihan's retreat speed is increasing. If this continues, it is estimated that in 10 breaths, Human Ancestor will be able to reach Po Zu.

"It must be changed."

A touch of determination flashed in his eyes, and Yi Shuihan opened his trump card, and his fighting power exploded.

The power from the white tiger made Yi Shuihan's attack power soar a hundredfold, and finally repelled the human ancestor head-on, directly breaking one of his ribs.

It's just that Human Ancestor is Human Ancestor after all, and he recovered in less than a breath.

In a hundredfold attack power burst mode, the consumption of Yi Shuihan has increased tens of thousands of times. In his heyday, he could only hold 40 breaths. Now that he is injured, he can hold 33 breaths. Renzu had no other hole cards, and he had completed the task this time.

With a hundred times attack power mode, Yi Shuihan's attack power has surpassed the human ancestors. If this state can last for even a quarter of an hour, he will have the confidence to kill the human ancestors in front of him.

"This is the power I want! How did you get it?"

Ren Zu's eyes gleamed, looking at Yi Shuihan as if he had discovered some treasure.

The reason why Human Ancestor wanted to deal with the Four God Beasts was actually that he wanted to study the bodies of the Four God Beasts to create a magical power that could increase his strength by a hundredfold. The effect was stronger than Yi Shuihan’s attack power increase state. .

However, the human ancestor's magical powers have not yet been completed, it is only a theoretical state. Now that I see the familiar power in Yi Shuihan, I immediately feel that this is a bonus from Baihu, and I am a little excited.

Yi Shuihan's offensive power increased, but other aspects were not increased. It was still possible for Human Ancestor to dodge, so there was no harm to Human Ancestor except for the first blow.

Avoiding naturally is unable to move forward, so Yi Shuihan took Renzu to a distance, and the time between 100 breaths was getting shorter and shorter.

At the 97th breath, Yi Shuihan breathed a sigh of relief and cancelled the power increase state. The normal state was already enough to support 3 breaths.

At this moment, Yi Shuihan saw that Ren Zu didn't feel irritated at all, his eyes were full of peace.

A bad premonition came into being, and then Yi Shuihan discovered that Ren Ancestor had something familiar to him in his hands, the Phoenix's soul, to be precise, it was a few hundred threads of soul.

Ren Zu said a word, and then the souls in his hand burned violently.

"not good."

Yi Shuihan could feel the aura of Pozu in the back began to become disordered.

Although he didn't know what happened, Yi Shuihan knew that he might have to support it for a while.

It stands to reason that the 100 breaths of Yi Shuihan promised Pozu has been reached, the promise has been fulfilled, and he can leave it, but since he has chosen to help, he will never give up if he is not a last resort.

"Holy Spirit, select the most suitable skills to deal with this situation."

Fortunately, Yi Shuihan still has a system to rely on. There is no way out at all. At most the loss of his practice point will make him a little distressed.

"The golden skill, Meteorite Strike, exhausts all energy, and bursts out an astonishing attack. With the host's existing immortal energy, it can explode tens of thousands of times to attack once, which is enough to destroy the killing ancestor, and it costs 20,000 cultivation points."

"Golden skill restoration, unconditionally restored to the peak, can only be used once a day, and it costs 10,000 practice points."

"Golden skills swallow the sky..."

With dozens of options in front of Yi Shuihan, the power of the system is beyond doubt.

"It takes the least amount of cultivation points to recover, but it's not safe. Forget it, just use Meteorite Strike and buy a saint's life with 20,000 cultivation points. It's worth it."

From Yi Shuihan's help system, to the system giving a plan, and finally making a choice, all this seems slow, but in fact it only takes one breath.

After redeeming the qualification to use Meteorite Strike, Yi Shuihan was full of confidence, but it was inexplicable in the eyes of the ancestors.

Ren Zu had no idea what he would experience next.

A shining light like the beginning of the universe, as if it contains all the truth, the beginning and the end of all, from this beginning and ending.

He didn't even react to what happened, and Ren Zu saw Yi Shuihan fall down somehow.

"Exhausted because of despair?"

As soon as Ren Zu had this idea, he had to give Yi Shuihan the final blow. However, the idea of ​​raising his hand was born. His consciousness fell into eternal darkness, and his body was silently transformed into nothingness.

The ancestors died, the world screamed, the sky of the entire Tianyuan realm turned blood red, and a rain of blood began to fall. Everyone felt grief inexplicably, as if the closest person had died.

Even the demon who has already annihilated emotions, this time I have re-realized what sadness is.

"this is......"

"Ancestral Fall?"

"Who, who is the great dead.",,..

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