Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1015: Goodbye Murphy

The fall of an ancestral realm powerhouse is also the first time in the Tianyuan realm. People have never experienced blood rain from the sky and inexplicable sadness before.

The vision lasted for about a few minutes, and then the world returned to normal again. For ordinary people, they did what they should do, but for the existence of the world, they were crazy guessing which one it was. The fall of a place, the fall of an ancestral realm has a great impact on the pattern of this world.

However, everything has nothing to do with Yi Shuihan for the time being. After performing a death blow, Yi Shuihan consumes a lot of money. Even if he has a world as a backing, he will not be able to fully recover for a while.

Without the interference of Human Ancestor, Pozu successfully promoted to the world realm, and everything will be on the normal track.

"You actually killed all the human ancestors."

Po Zu's tone was very strange, Yi Shuihan's strength was too far from his expectations, and he was very fortunate that he had encountered the incredible existence of Yi Shuihan.

In the past, Pozu treated Yi Shuihan as equals, and even put himself in the position of predecessors to some extent, but now he is faintly afraid of Yi Shuihan and he speaks a little cautiously.

Yi Shuihan knew that this was due to changes in strength. Yi Shuihan who could kill Human Ancestor also had the ability to kill him, so Po Zu's attitude towards Yi Shuihan naturally changed.

"I didn't expect Renzu's strength to be so weak."

Yi Shuihan said somewhat coolly.

"Renzu! Weak?"

Po Zu was speechless.

Because Yi Shuihan's state was not very good, Po Zu let Yi Shuihan rest on the spot, and he went to find the other three divine beasts that were injured.

Yi Shuihan recovered with peace of mind, but it didn't take long before he felt a huge sense of rejection, as if the whole world was malicious to him.

"What's going on? Is it because I killed the human ancestor."

The feeling of rejection is becoming more and more obvious, and Yi Shuihan's sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger, not knowing what will happen next.

"It seems we can't stay longer in this world."

Making a decisive decision, Yi Shuihan didn't even wait for Pozu to return to say goodbye. He immediately called the system and began to travel, but this time he did not go to a new world, but chose to return to the world with this company branch.


"Somewhat familiar!"

Looking around, Yi Shuihan smiled. Although the surrounding environment has changed a lot, he still recognizes that this is where he came to this world.

The last time he came to this world, he was very nervous. At that time, his strength was not strong in this world. There were too many stronger existences than him. This time, he was already at the top of this world.

Yi Shuihan could feel that the limit of power that this world can hold is at the level of Da Luo, and he is already beyond specifications.

Instead of going to Murphy first, he first found a place to restore the previous consumption.

"It actually took a week. The sequelae of the Meteorite Strike is not so big. I still have the support of the portable world. Otherwise, it is estimated that I will not be able to recover for decades."

But even with such a big sequelae, the power of this Divine Strike is unquestionable. It's not just a few decades of weakness. If you can possess the power of Quasi-Holy Slaying, it is estimated that even if it is weak to Ten Thousand Years, someone will rush to practice Meteor Strike .

For hundreds of years, he didn't leave too many traces in this world. Yi Shuihan inquired a little and found that nothing major had happened in the world, and the biggest thing was the fall of a god.

When he came to the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance, Yi Shuihan found the teleportation elder Yan Huo, and he did not alert the other party, but unconsciously inspired the teleportation formation and came to Murphy's office.

This is the third time that he has come to this room that changed his destiny. Compared with the previous two times, Yi Shuihan is undoubtedly much calmer this time. The first two times he was here, he was very nervous.

Murphy is still the same. Yi Shuihan can see through his strength. According to the official realm of the system evaluation, that is, he has just stepped into the level of gold. It belongs to the first gold star. Now Yi Shuihan can kill him with one hand. .

Murphy didn't notice Yi Shuihan's arrival, and still did his own thing.


A sound that Yi Shuihan felt very familiar came out, making Yi Shuihan startled, and then looked at Murphy with a bit of bitter smile. This Murphy was actually watching a movie.

With Murphy's strength and identity, let alone watching the movie, it is easy to directly ask the girl to come here to open the unobstructed conference. In comparison, watching the movie is undoubtedly a lot of low-level, and it shouldn't happen to him.


Walking behind Murphy, Yi Shuihan coughed to remind Murphy of his arrival.

Murphy's complexion changed, and he turned off the iPad-like thing as quickly as possible, and sat down tight.

"It's you!"

Murphy was obviously relieved to see Yi Shuihan.

"Are you just now?"

"What? Just now, I didn't do anything just now. By the way, I was studying the new development plan from the company last time."

Speaking solemnly, it really seemed like that.

"By the way, when you come back this time, that means your system has become genuine?"

Excitement flashed in his eyes, and Murphy seemed very happy.

A probe of Murphy's power was acting on Yi Shuihan's body, Yi Shuihan was moved, hiding most of his power, and retaining the strength of about 7 silver stars.

"Silver Seven Stars, you guys can do it. You've already improved so much in the past. It won't be long before you can reach my level. As expected, you are a system experimenter and your strength growth is fast."

Murphy looked at Yi Shuihan in surprise, and Yi Shuihan's rate of progress was also considered the forefront of the company's system experimenters.

"The system has indeed become genuine, so am I now a regular employee of the company?"

"Of course, as long as I report to the headquarters, your affairs can be settled. You will do a test with me first, and then I will submit the report to the headquarters, and then you will wait for the reward!"

After that, Murphy asked about Yi Shuihan's experience, and used special methods to explore Yi Shuihan's system. Most of the things he got were what Yi Shuihan wanted him to know. ,, ..

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