Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1016: Vending system

Originally thought that he would go through some conspiracy or something, but Yi Shuihan found that he seemed to think a little bit too much, or that he was not worth it at his current level.

After Murphy reported Yi Shuihan's matter, the division of the handling of Yi Shuihan soon came down.

Yi Shuihan officially became a member of the company. The company gave Yi Shuihan two choices. One was to continue to work in the system experiment department, and his salary was raised to the supervisor level. He could recruit system experimenters to work on his own. If an experimenter succeeds in the test, he will get a certain reward; the second is to set up a branch in a world, sell the system, and get the corresponding reward based on the turnover of the system sales.

"Brother, now we are also our own, I will give you a heart-wrenching talk about these two options. I suggest you choose the first one and continue to work in the system experiment department. Although the success rate of this system experimenter is not very high. High, but you can succeed one or two every ten thousand years, and as long as you succeed in one, you will get a lot of rewards. Like me, because of you, the resources you get are enough for one person to cultivate to 9 Silver."

"If you choose the second one, it is usually for you to develop a new higher world. No one knows what is going on in that world. With good luck, the system is easy to sell, and you find the right person, you will earn more than the first. There are still many choices. If you are unlucky, you may still lose money, or even risk your life."

"My life is dangerous, I can understand, what is going on when selling the system at a loss?"

"The company has indicators. If you can't reach the corresponding turnover within the specified time, it will be deducted from your salary. You are okay now, it's just silver. If you get to gold, without the company's support, you will rely on yourself. It’s too difficult to make progress, and our company is also eliminated. If it doesn’t make a profit for wages for a long time, it will be expelled."

Murphy kept telling Yi Shuihan the benefits of choosing to stay in the system experiment department, and Yi Shuihan could also see that most of what he said was true.

"I choose to sell the system."

In the end, Yi Shuihan still did not choose to stay. In fact, he did not want to rely on the company's resources to improve his strength. Yi Shuihan's strength is far from Murphy's recognition of Silver 7 stars. According to Murphy's statement , Choose the first one, it is estimated that a million years will not be able to obtain resources that can be promoted to a level.

From Murphy, Yi Shuihan basically knows the structure of the company. There are thousands of departments, the most important of which are the system research and development department, the system experiment department, and the system sales department.

The levels within the company are divided into general staff, director level, department deputy ministers, department heads, then company directors, and finally the giant-level control level.

Murphy is at the deputy minister level, while Yi Shuihan is now at the director level.

According to Murphy, the bottom-line condition for the vice minister of the department is to achieve gold 1 star, the head of the minister is gold 4 stars, and the directors are gold 7 stars or more. The control level of the giant is the boss of the company. It is said that the supreme existence of the 9-star gold is also the guarantee for the company to gain a foothold in the world.

Companies like Murphy have at least tens of thousands of deputy ministers, which shows the company's strength.

"There are no more than 6 saints in a prehistoric world, and Hongjun also has seven. The company has at least the equivalent of thousands of prehistoric worlds, no wonder it can become a behemoth in the world."


"Is this the world I will work in for the next 100,000 years?"

Choosing system sales, the company arranged Yi Shuihan into a world, and then no matter what the sales were, it would take 100,000 years before he could choose to leave that world.

The executive level of the company can only go to different worlds by relying on the time and space stones. Therefore, without the help of the company, the executive level generally cannot go to other worlds.

After all, the lowest standard for crossing the world is Da Luo, which is gold. Only in this way can we survive in the chaos. However, even a stronger saint, it usually takes more than hundreds of thousands to find a new world through the chaos. year.

If you don’t know the existence of the heavens and the world, the saints will generally not spend hundreds of thousands of years searching for a new world in the chaos. They will choose to stay in the world they were born in. Most saints can only play the strongest in the original world. strength.

"If it is correct, this world seems to be a prehistoric world. After Hongjun has been sanctified, the human race has not yet appeared in the period between the second preaching and the third preaching."

In the sky above Yi Shuihan, the Eye of Heaven appeared, looking straight at him, just because he slightly used the power of Quasi-Sage to start it.

A message appeared in Yi Shuihan's mind, letting Yi Shuihan know why Heaven was looking for him.

Tiandao asked him to choose whether to become a member of the prehistoric, as long as he became a member of the prehistoric, he would be treated the same in the future, and he would be restrained by the divine and obey the rules of this world.

The second option is not to become a member of the prehistoric, so Yi Shuihan has no merit in doing good deeds, but he will be punished if he does bad things, and once a power above the Da Luo level erupts, he will be punished by the heavens, and the heavens will suppress him power.

It seems that choosing to become a member of the prehistoric is the most correct choice. Compared to not being a member of the prehistoric, the treatment is so good that I don't know where to go, but Yi Shuihan finally chose the latter.

"There is no good thing about pie-dropping in the world. I am afraid that if I choose to become a member of Honghuang, I will take the cause and effect with Honghuang. If there is something to do with Honghuang in the future, if I don't help, it will hinder my continued practice."

Yi Shuihan also understands the principle of equivalent exchange. There is no love and hate for no reason in the world.

After Yi Shuihan made his choice, Tiandao did not do anything to Yi Shuihan, but Yi Shuihan could feel that he was being watched by Tiandao. Once he did something illegal, Tiandao would definitely jump right away. Come out and trouble him. ,, ..

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