Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1024: Kunlun on Tao

"I don't want the remaining Three Lights Divine Water, you divide it!"

Yi Shuihan was generous once he got a huge benefit. Anyway, he took most of the Sanguang Shenshui, so just don't need the rest!

Hearing Yi Shuihan's words, Sanqing's eyes softened a lot when they saw Yi Shuihan, and they thought Yi Shuihan was interesting.

Without the Yi Shuihan points, the remaining Sanguang Shenshui was divided into 6 equal parts, each of which was divided into about tens of kilograms, enough to be used ten times.

Originally, the concentration of aura in the valley was very high. If the formation was not broken, the concentration of aura inside was about a hundred times that of the outside, but after the formation was broken, it dropped to about 50 times. Now the Sanguang vine fruit is mature and is taken away. Sanguang Shenshui It's gone, the aura has almost dropped to only a few times that outside, and it is still declining. It is estimated that it will not be long before the aura in this valley will synchronize with the outside.

It is natural to find a good place to discuss the truth, so Yi Shuihan accepts Sanqing's invitation to go to Kunlun Mountain. Currently Sanqing has no division, so they are still on Kunlun Mountain.

Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi were not together. They and Yi Shuihan were better off. When Yi Shuihan left Sanqing, he went to Wuzhuang Temple in Zhenyuanzi, and Zhenyuanzi would treat him to ginseng fruit.

As an ancestor witch, Hou Tu specializes in physical body, and naturally there is no way to talk about it. He also made an appointment with Yi Shuihan to let Yi Shuihan be a guest after finishing the discussion.

"It's a beautiful place, and the three Taoists really have a deep blessing."

When I arrived at Kunlun Mountain and saw the aura of Kunlun Mountain, Yi Shuihan naturally complimented him.

"If Taoist Fellow Taiyi has nowhere to go, he can stay and be neighbors with us. Anyway, this Kunlun is very big."

Tongtian smiled and said, he really doesn't mind Yi Shuihan staying in Kunlun Mountain, but I don't know what his two brothers think, I can't tell, Yuan Shi obviously flashed a touch of anger in his eyes, he was good at Tongtian. Advocate some dissatisfaction.

"No, I already have a place to stay, and my family is also there. Although it is not as good as Kunlun Mountain, it is enough. After all, our cultivation base does not have that great demand for the external environment."

Yi Shuihan said that the place to stay is naturally his portable space, which is not as good as Kunlun Mountain. This is a modest word. Although his portable world is inherently inferior to the prehistoric world, he, as the lord of the world, wants to get along with Kunlun. The hills where the mountains are almost or better are quite relaxing.

"Oh? I don't know where you practice?"

Tongtian asked curiously, Laozi and Yuanshi also looked like Yi Shuihan, and Tongtian also asked similar questions when they were in the valley.

With a slight smile, Yi Shuihan pretended to pinch several seals, a huge portal appeared in front of him, pointed to the door, and said, "It's inside."

The Three Qings are all knowledgeable, and only the breath coming from the door knows what Yi Shuihan is talking about, a world different from the prehistoric world, they also understand the three thousand worlds, and can understand the mystery.

"Are you interested in seeing it?"

Very generous invitation.

"It's important to talk about the Tao first, and wait until there is time."

Yuanshi said before Tongtian this time, he was really afraid that Tongtian would agree so stupidly. Who knows what is going on in the world over the door and is there any danger.

Following Sanqing, I came to a palace. This is the place where Laozi practiced. It was quite simple. Only a few futons were seen in the room.

After sitting down one after another, I took the lead and said, "Then let me start!"

"Friends, please."

When finally discussing the Tao, Yi Shuihan also got serious. He was looking forward to Sanqing's Tao.

"The way of heaven is like opening a bow. The taller restrains it, and the lower one lifts it. The surplus will damage it, and the inadequate will make up for it. The heaven’s way damages the surplus but makes up for the deficiencies. It is the power to become it. It is that all things do not respect the Tao, and the virtue. The respect of the Tao, the noble virtue, the life of the husband and the natural. Therefore the Tao is born, the virtue is the animal. The long-term education. The pavilion is the poison of Nourishment and overwhelming. To be born and not to be born, to grow but not to be slaughtered. It is called profound virtue..."

When he opened his mouth, he narrated like a golden lotus, and narrated his own way clearly.

Lao Tzu's Tao is extremely high and profound, and it is very useful for reference. Yi Shuihan immediately immersed in the Tao that Lao Tzu preached.

It took more than two months for Lao Tzu to stop, and Yi Shuihan was still in Tao's perception after he stopped, and he woke up after a full day.

"Friend Lao Tzu really has a profound knowledge, I have learned a lot!"

Yi Shuihan's words were not a compliment, but to tell the truth. The harvest of these seven days has caught up with his own practice for hundreds of years and made a lot of money.

Laozi smiled slightly and was recognized by Yi Shuihan. Even if he cultivated the way of doing nothing, he was very happy, doing nothing does not mean being ruthless.

After Lao Tzu, Yuanshi preached and then Tongtian. Their teachings were different, and they were good food for Yi Shuihan. Although it did not make Yi Shuihan break through, it also saved a lot of time.

It was Yi Shuihan’s turn, and Yi Shuihan was not stingy. He said his understanding of thunder and time. Although the overall perception of Tao is not as good as any of the Sanqing, it also makes Sanqing not small. Harvest.

After mutual confirmation, another few months passed, and finally there was a friendship battle with Tongtian, and Yi Shuihan deliberately controlled it for a tie.

"Brother, what do you think of Taiyi?"

When Yi Shuihan left, Yuan Shi asked Laozi.

"This person is unfathomable, and should be friends with him, not enemies."

Lao Tzu recalled the situation with Yi Shuihan, and slowly said that Yi Shuihan had a deep impression on him, with great strength and complicated background.

"Big brother is right, Taiyi Taoist friends are indeed worthy."

Tongtian agreed.

Yuan Shi was silent, he had a slightly different view, but Lao Tzu and Tong Tian had reached an agreement, and he did not intend to say it.

After Yi Shuihan left Kunlun, he rushed towards Wuzhuang Temple without stopping, and he was also a little greedy for Ginseng Fruit.

On the way to Wuzhuangguan, Yi Shuihan first replaced a Sanguang vine fruit with a contribution point. His contribution point reached an unprecedented 3,100 points, and he could already purchase it with confidence. ,, ..

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