Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1025: Rebate system

"The efficiency of the company is indeed fast enough. This method of transmitting things across countless worlds is simply against the sky."

Seeing the Sanguang vine fruit in his hand breaking through the world, the contribution point was also on his account a few hours after the Sanguang vine fruit was sent, Yi Shuihan couldn't help but sigh.

Also, if there is no such means of transmission, it will be a lot of trouble for the company to start a business war. In an unclear world, with a lot of systems, in case of accidents, the company's losses are not small, but with this The means of transmission can minimize the loss.

The reason why Yi Shuihan’s contribution point was delayed for several hours before arriving, is probably because the other side needs to test the Sanguang vine fruit, and then there are a series of procedures, but the purchase system is different, the last time it took only a few seconds bell.

It took another few days to rush to the Wuzhuang Temple of Zhenyuanzi's dojo.

"Daoist Zhen Yuanzi, Daoist Hongyun, don't come here unharmed!"

When Yi Shuihan came, Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun personally greeted him at the door, giving Yi Shuihan a lot of face, and Yi Shuihan also smiled when he saw this.

"I finally waited for you, come in quickly, Zhen Yuanzi has to wait for you to come before giving me ginseng fruit, very stingy."

Hong Yun said with some dissatisfaction.

"Well, you Hongyun, you really think that ginseng fruit is not picked by the roadside. You can eat it at will. Besides, I didn't send you a few ginseng fruit when it became mature. "

Zhen Yuanzi laughed and scolded, he is not stingy, mainly because if he is generous, he probably won't have to entertain people with ginseng fruit in the future.

The ginseng fruit tree, as the innate spiritual root, blooms once in three thousand years, bears once in three thousand years, and matures in three thousand years. It takes only 10,000 years to eat on average, and the fruit of a tree is about 30, which is very rare.

Just ask the ginseng fruit to live three hundred and sixty years old, eat one, and live forty-seven thousand years, which is very sky-defying, but for quasi-sages like Yi Shuihan, it can only be eaten as fruit.

In addition to ginseng fruit, Zhenyuanzi also brought out a lot of fairy fruit, and the table was filled with aroma, which made people very appetizing.

"Friends, please!"

"Then I'm not welcome."

Picking up a ginseng fruit, Yi Shuihan bit it down in one bite. He didn't want Tang Monk to be so stupid. He didn't want to eat it when he thought of a baby.

The ginseng fruit melted in the mouth, beautiful and unusual, making Yi Shuihan unconsciously close his eyes and taste it, and bursts of spiritual energy wandered through the body, feeling like a full-body massage, very comfortable.

"how is it?"

"Sure enough, it deserves its reputation."

He exclaimed without hesitation, making Zhen Yuanzi on the side smile.

"I have an unsympathetic request, can you let me pack this ginseng fruit? I have a few Taoists, they..."

Needless to say, the words are so thorough, Zhen Yuanzi understands.

"Yes, since they are all taken out to entertain you, you can handle it whatever you want."

With that said, Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand again, and three more fruits appeared in front of Yi Shuihan, plus the three placed before, which is six, which is almost one-fifth of the ten thousand year ginseng fruit tree. Not to mention, Zhen Yuanzi was very angry.

"This is the end. If it is not enough, we can only wait for the next time the ginseng fruit matures."

"I have the remaining 2 here. If you are not easy to be friends, take it too! Anyway, I eat ginseng fruit to taste it."

Hong Yun also said enthusiastically.

"Then I will respect my life." Yi Shuihan collected the 7 ginseng fruits quickly, mainly because there were so many girls, and he was not polite, but just taking it and not giving it was not his. style.

"How about this, I have two systems here, and I will give them to you. Daoist Zhenyuanzi can let your disciples use it. If Daoist Hongyun doesn't have any disciples, he can recognize the Lord and play by himself, all to pass the time."

After turning around, Yi Shuihan used 500 points to exchange out two systems, which was slightly worse than the system for adding points to Laozi's attributes, but it was also able to assist in the cultivation of Jinxian.

It's not that Yi Shuihan buckled the door. Really speaking, these 7 ginseng fruits are not worth 500 exchange points.

"I don't want it. This ginseng fruit belongs to Zhen Yuanzi."

Hong Yun wanted the system to be shown on his face, but Yi Shuihan took out the system to thank Zhen Yuanzi for his ginseng fruit, which had little to do with him, he was embarrassed.

"I think Taoist Fellow Zhen Yuanzi won't mind. If you can't make it through your heart, you'll have a big deal next time."

Yi Shuihan forcibly placed the system in Hong Yun's hands as he said.

Zhen Yuanzi saw this scene on the side with a thicker smile on his face. The relationship between him and Hong Yun was very good, almost equivalent to a brother, and being good to Hong Yun was even more effective than being good to him.

"Let me explain to you the situation of the system in your hands. The system in the hands of Daoist Hongyun is called the EQ system. It will release some tasks related to EQ. There will be rewards for completing the tasks. Of course, this reward is not a good thing for Daoist Hongyun. There will be corresponding punishments for failing to complete the mission. This punishment is only enforceable for the cultivation base below the Jinxian, and Daoist Hongyun does not need to care."

"The system in Zhen Yuanzi's hands is called the apprentice system. The owner of the system can apprentice and accept apprentices, and then the master can post tasks. The system will reward according to the difficulty of the task, or accept apprentices. After receiving apprentices, train apprentices according to the training Apprentice’s standards to get certain rewards."

Yi Shuihan first introduced the two systems in general, and then listed the specific situations of some system tasks. Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun who listened to them both had great curiosity about the system and wanted to experience it.

"It's a magic weapon."

On the spot, Zhen Yuanzi gave this system to his apprentice Qingfeng, so that one apprentice Mingyue looked at him pitifully.

Qingfeng and Mingyue are both Zhenyuanzi’s apprentices. Their level of cultivation is not high. Only in the early days of Tianxian, they are still far away from Jinxian. If there is no chance, they will have to cultivate to Jinxian for at least tens of millions of years. , This system that has little effect on Zhen Yuanzi is invaluable to them.

"I will start selling the system soon. If you think this system is easy to use, just come and buy one for Mingyue."

After listening to Yi Shuihan's words, Zhen Yuanzi quickly promised Mingyue, which made Mingyue smile. ,, ..

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