Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1026: 6 hours of cleaning = half a year of practice

Under Yi Shuihan's guidance, Qingfeng quickly recognized the master and apprentice system successfully, and then exhaled a panel very similar to a web game and displayed it in front of everyone.

The system made by the company, this virtual panel, can be shown to others as long as the owner wants it. Yi Shuihan actually knew it a long time ago, but he has never used it like this before. The system is really his trump card. I don't want to show it to others.

Compared with Yi Shuihan's Ten Thousand Realms skill system, this mentoring system is undoubtedly a lot lower, which can be seen from his interface.

The text on the system interface is the universal soul language used in the world. This language, no matter who it is, can understand the meaning at a glance, which saves Yi Shuihan's explanation.

"It's really simple and clear to show the body in this way."

Seeing Qingfeng's property panel, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but wonder.

"Interesting, interesting, let Qingfeng try out the functions of the system!"

Hong Yun said impatiently on the side.

"How can this be used?"

"Let Qingfeng confirm the master-disciple relationship first, so that you, as a master, can issue tasks to him."

Qingfeng operates the system and sends out a request for an apprenticeship to Zhenyuanzi. Originally, if Zhenyuanzi's strength is not enough for the Jinxian, as long as Qingfeng's apprenticeship is verbally agreed, the system will automatically determine the relationship, but Zhenyuanzi's strength is the quasi-sage, the system There is no way to forcefully determine the relationship, and send a message to Zhen Yuanzi. Only Zhen Yuanzi agrees to the master-disciple relationship can be determined.

Zhen Yuanzi would naturally not disagree, so the relationship between master and apprentice was so determined.

"Okay, now Daoist Zhen Yuanzi can post missions, just as he usually orders Qingfeng to do things. The harder you make him do, the more rewards you will get for the mission, but if you fail, the punishment will be greater. I suggest Let me start with something simpler."

"Qingfeng, go and clean Wuzhuang Guan."

As Zhen Yuanzi opened his mouth, an infernal force was born in Qingfeng’s mentoring system. A task prompt popped up on his system interface. When he clicked on it, it was the task of cleaning the Wuzhuang Temple. You can choose whether to accept it.

"Task Name: Clean Wuzhuang View

Task description: Clean Wuzhuang Temple without Xianshu, the time limit is 6 hours.

Task reward: Successfully obtain the master's cultivation base for half a year, and fail to deduct the master's cultivation base for half a year


It only takes 6 hours to exchange for half a year's cultivation base. For Qingfeng, it is simply incredible. Even if it is not easy to clean Wuzhuang Temple without Xianshu, there is a 6-hour time limit. If it is normal, Qingfeng is definitely not motivated. , Now!

Qingfeng smiled and cleaned the entire Wuzhuang Temple almost all the way. It took 5 hours. After all, he was not a mortal. If he were to be a mortal, it is estimated that the cleaning time would be calculated according to the month.

Under Yi Shuihan's gaze, Qingfeng chose to submit the task, and finally obtained half a year's cultivation on the spot, which made him smile.

This sharp operating method makes Mingyue on the side a look of envy, and more and more desire for the system.

"Master, if there is anything else to order, I will definitely finish it seriously."

Normally, he would never take the initiative to find something to do. This time I begged Zhen Yuanzi to arrange tasks for him. He looked diligent and hardworking. The gap was so big that Zhen Yuanzi's old face was a little red.

In the end, Zhen Yuanzi randomly arranged a task to send Qingfeng away.

The mentor and apprentice system directly rewards the cultivation base. Doesn’t it have an effect on the golden immortal, in fact it is not, it is only because the Qingfeng cultivation base can’t reach the golden immortal, so it will reward the cultivation base. On top of that, it means to meditate for a few minutes and have time to do the task. It is better to practice on your own!

"I hope the EQ system can improve Hongyun's EQ, so as not to end up utterly devastated."

For Hongyun, Yi Shuihan can be regarded as the most benevolent, and this emotional intelligence system is specially selected for him.

Although he was very sorry for Hongyun's experience, the personality of the good old Hongyun also made Yi Shuihan a little close, but Yi Shuihan didn't plan to actually take action when Hongyun was in crisis. Their relationship had not yet reached that level.

Even if he wanted to help Hong Yun, he was still in a smooth situation. It was impossible to delay his own affairs for Hong Yun. Yi Shuihan could not guard Hong Yun and then attacked when he was besieged.

If Hongyun's EQ improves because of his EQ system and he does not die in the end, that is the best. If not, unless Yi Shuihan has become a saint at that time, he can easily help Hongyun, otherwise Yi Shuihan is at best when fighting Hurry over and do everything by fate.

After staying in Wuzhuang Temple for more than 2 months, Yi Shuihan set off again, this time for the Wu Clan where Hou Tu was located.

"After this trip to the Witch Clan, I will practice the Three Lights Secret Art, and then start my own job. Well, the third preaching of the ancestor Hongjun is to be heard."

The witch tribe is divided into twelve tribes according to the 12 ancestral witches. Each tribe is named after the ancestral witch. For example, Yi Shuihan is going to go to the Houtu tribe.

The Wu Clan is almost a natural fighting nation. Although they do not understand the way of heaven, they can still compete for the protagonist position in the prehistoric land, which shows their strength.

"This Daoist, why come to my Houtu tribe."

A very strong-looking young man stopped in front of Yi Shuihan, his body exuding uncontrollable evil spirits.

"I am a friend of Houtu, come to her."

"But it's too long?"


"In Xia Xing Tian, ​​Hou Tu Zu Wu had already ordered it down. If you come, you can take it directly to see her."

Xing Tian is another celebrity. In the myth, this ruthless man still fights without his head.

Xing Tianwu is afflicted, and Meng Zhi is always present, and he is talking about Xing Tian's bravery.

Under Xing Tian's leadership, Yi Shuihan saw Hou Tu. Seeing Yi Shuihan's arrival, Hou Tu seemed very happy and warmly welcomed Yi Shuihan.

The reason why Houtu is so enthusiastic is that besides Yi Shuihan, a real powerhouse, there is also the relationship with the system. She wants to get some systems from Yi Shuihan to enhance the strength of the Wu clan. ,, ..

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