Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1046: Waiting for someone to grab

"Ten thousand years? In other words, within these ten thousand years, the human race will be born, and then fully grow up, possessing the strength to fight for hegemony."

The ten thousand years in Hongjun's mouth were a lot less than Yi Shuihan expected. Originally, he thought this time should be about one hundred thousand years.

Even if the human races at the beginning were innate Dao bodies, it would be too difficult to have the strength to compete with the Lich in Ten Thousand Years. It is already extremely amazing that the Da Luo Jinxian can be achieved in Ten Thousand Years.

Undoubtedly, in order to support the human race to a hegemony position, the heavens must secretly use a lot of means to accelerate the growth of the human race.

Although I feel that this is a bit unfair to the Lich race, Yi Shuihan, as a pure human race, does not intend to destroy the human race becoming the protagonist of the world. On the contrary, he still wants to help it.

After the Lich War ended, Yi Shuihan didn't go to the Wu Clan either, but randomly found a good mountain top, and silently studied the Three Lights Secret Art. He was waiting for someone, waiting for someone to die.

Hongmeng Ziqi is already a well-known thing in his body, and there will definitely be people with bad intentions coming to him, especially after seeing Hongjun's great power, these guys will become more eager for sanctification.

As long as they can be sanctified, even if they are a prehistoric overlord like the Wu Clan, they don’t have to be afraid, they can be at ease in the prehistoric, whatever they want.

On the 13th day when Yi Shuihan came to Wuming Mountain, Yi Shuihan welcomed two guests, Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun.

The purpose of Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun is of course not to **** Hongmeng Ziqi, but to invite Yi Shuihan to the Wuzhuang Temple of Zhenyuanzi, intending to help Yi Shuihan. If anyone comes to **** Hongmeng Ziqi, they would be fine. Shot.

"I appreciate your kindness, but I don't really need it."

"Brother Taiyi, don't be polite, don't be afraid of hurting us, Zhenyuanzi has a book from the earth, you can borrow the power of the earth vein, as long as we are three together, even 10 quasi-sages can't help us."

Hong Yun said hurriedly, with an expression that is not afraid of things.

They are also kind, and Yi Shuihan can only laugh helplessly at this.

"Actually! I'm here specially waiting for someone to grab it. In fact, you also know that I really don't care about this grandiose qi. If the situation is not right then, I will just throw it away and believe the person who comes to trouble me. I will not continue to trouble me."

"Waiting for someone to grab it?"

Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun stared at Yi Shuihan blankly, not knowing what Yi Shuihan was.

"Or whoever of you wants this grandeur, I'll leave it to you."

Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun are so friendly, Yi Shuihan doesn't mind giving them a good luck.

When Hongmeng Ziqi was in front of him, Zhen Yuanzi said that it was false to be unmoved. At the same time, Yi Shuihan once again said to give away, let him fully understand that Yi Shuihan really didn't care about Hongmeng Ziqi.

A doubt arose in Zhen Yuanzi's heart. Why is the foundation of a saint that others regarded as precious as the foundation of a saint so not be valued by Yi Shuihan.

"Why don't you care about the grandeur and purple spirit, don't you want to be sanctified?"

"Naturally, I want to be holy, but I don't want to rely on the grandeur and purple aura, so I will tell you in detail. The saint is..."

Yi Shuihan slowly told Sanqing and the others about the true and false saints again.

"So that's it, Taoist Fellow Taiyi really has great ambitions."

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Yi Shuihan with admiration, even if he knew about these things, if he had a grandiose purple qi in his hands, he would definitely not be as free and easy as Yi Shuihan.

After all, with the Hongmeng Ziqi, it is a way of retreat. If you can't break through on your own in the future, you can still use the Hongmeng Ziqi to become a saint of heaven.

Zhen Yuanzi is also a smart person. He didn’t ask why Yi Shuihan knew this, and why Hongjun didn’t tell everyone this. He didn’t believe that Hongjun would not know the problem. Even if Hongjun didn’t know before, he had become a holy. Even when it comes to the stage of harmony, it is definitely known.

Thinking of a certain possibility, Zhen Yuanzi's heart trembled, and he didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

"We cultivate Taoism, we cultivate freedom and freedom. If we are restrained because we want to be strong, it doesn't matter if we don't cultivate it!"

Yi Shuihan said with emotion.

"Brother Tai Yi said it well, I also want to become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian by myself, instead of becoming a puppet saint."

As an incarnation of a cloud, Hong Yun focuses most on freedom, and Yi Shuihan's words resonated with him.

"If you want to achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, one way is to thoroughly understand a rule. Here I have my experience about comprehending rules to achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and I will give it to two dao friends."

Yi Shuihan took out two jade tubes as he spoke.

"This gift is too expensive, but we have to accept it. We will not forget this love. If there is something to do in the future, just give it to you."

Zhen Yuanzi said solemnly.

Yi Shuihan's gift was enough to increase Zhen Yuanzi's chance of becoming Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian by 10%. After all, it was equivalent to a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's personal guidance.

Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun discussed with Yi Shuihan again in Wuming Mountain. Three months later, they left one after another. During this period, Yi Shuihan revealed the saint system, but even if Yi Shuihan cost Zhen Yuanzi and the others I couldn't afford it. In the end, Zhen Yuanzi only sold 2 Da Luo Jinxian's systems to go back. This almost emptied his old bottom, except for the necessary magic weapons, he has nothing left.

On Yi Shuihan's suggestion, Hong Yun also bought a Da Luo-level emotional intelligence system. Originally Zhen Yuanzi wanted to use ginseng fruit trees to support Hong Yun and let Hong Yun buy a quasi-sage-level one, but Hong Yun did not agree.

Originally, Yi Shuihan thought that those great abilities would come to him soon, who knows, after waiting for decades, nothing happened. Instead, Di Jun made a heavenly marriage and set up a heavenly court, proclaiming himself the Emperor of Heaven.

The Wu Clan didn't react at all to Di Jun's actions, but everyone knew that the Wu Clan was absolutely angry, and it was only because of Hong Jun that he swallowed his anger.

With the help of Heavenly Marriage and the establishment of Heavenly Court, Dijun descended from the heavens, and his cultivation level directly climbed to the quasi-sage stage. He cut out the two corpses of good and evil, and his strength soared several times. He barely gathered the remaining monster race, and recovered his vitality for a while. the trend of.


"Big brother, are you really going to grab the grandeur of that too easy?"

"Yes, as long as I can become a saint, the Wu Clan is nothing to worry about. You can rest assured that Kun Peng, Styx, and Fuxi will also be the ones who will make the shot together this time."

"I'll also go together. Although my injury is still not healed, it can at least spur the Chaos Clock to stop for an instant and a half."

Dijun originally didn't want to bring Donghuang Taiyi, but he was eventually persuaded by him. ,, ..

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