Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1047: Siege Yi Shuihan

"Is it finally here?"

This is the 55th year since Yi Shuihan came to this Wuming Mountain. Over the years, Yi Shuihan has been refining a magic weapon. It is a shop. In the prestigious sales system, there must be a decent shop, Yi Shuihan Suddenly, he started to refine a magic weapon as a shop.

This shop was refined by Yi Shuihan with various precious materials, and it took more than 40 years to form it. It was only a few days ago that it was completely refined.

In terms of level alone, this shop is also a top-grade Houtian Lingbao, but its usefulness is not small. The power of this magic weapon is related to the strength of its owner. As long as someone enters the shop, the strength does not exceed Yi Shuihan. They can't use force in shops, and of course Yi Shuihan is the same, but Yi Shuihan has a privilege to drive people out.

Not only that, the shops also have considerable protection, which can withstand saint-level attacks for half a day, which is quite powerful.

Dijun, Donghuang Taiyi, Nuwa, Fuxi, Kunpeng, and Styx formed a circle, trapping Yi Shuihan in the middle.

"Don't worry about the others, Nuwa, you don't have a good understanding of what Hongmeng Ziqi is doing here, so you are not afraid that they might even grab you?"

Facing the six top quasi-sages, Yi Shuihan still seemed to have no tension.

Not to mention six quasi-sages, even ten times more, Yi Shuihan would not take it seriously. Although he seems to belong to the quasi-sage level, he has already set his sights on the sage level. He is not a saint. , These quasi-sages are similar to ants for him.

"Friend Nuwa, don't be instigated by his words, we are so likely to steal your Hongmeng Ziqi, you are a closed disciple of Hongjun Daozu, even if we do, we have no life to keep Hongmeng Ziqi."

Seeing that Nuwa was shaken by Yi Shuihan's words, Di Jun quickly said, this is not only to appease Nuwa, but also to remind others not to mess around.

"Hand over Hongmeng and Purple Qi, otherwise we can't blame us for being ruthless. We have already sealed the surrounding area with a large formation. You can't escape."

Regarding Yi Shuihan, who was in the realm of the Wu Clan, Di Jun had no good feelings at all and said coldly.

When he flipped his hand, Hongmeng Ziqi appeared in Yi Shuihan's hands. Seeing Hongmeng Ziqi, everyone present except Nuwa's breathing became hurried.

"There is only one group of Hongmeng Purple Qi, how do you divide it?"

With a slight ridicule in his voice, Yi Shuihan's eyes were full of abuse.

"Don't want to provoke the discord. We have already negotiated the distribution of Hongmeng and Purple Qi. After we get it, we will take turns to study for thousands of years until someone can understand the mystery and become holy.

Dijun spoke lightly, Kunpeng and the others did not speak, obviously tacitly acquiescing to this distribution form.

"It seems that you are determined to grab me, don't you think I'm good to bully me?" His face turned slightly cold, and turned to look at Kunpeng. The cold eyes made Kunpeng trembled. He was chased. The memory came to mind.

"Give you a chance to quit, otherwise it won't be as simple as chasing you this time."

The murderous release makes people no doubt the authenticity of Yi Shuihan's words.

"He is just bluffing. No matter how strong he is, he can't beat us all. Let's do it together."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Di Jun made a decisive choice to act.

Donghuang Taiyi was the first to respond, suppressing time and space in the chaos, instantly making the space around Yi Shuihan extremely solid.

"Soul Eater"

One after another, the evil spirits roared out from behind the Styx, rushing towards Yi Shuihan frantically, not to stop swallowing Yi Shuihan.

"Bei Mingyu"

Kunpeng turned into the main body, and the feathers on his body turned into feather swords and burned. He went straight through the space to reach Yi Shuihan's back, and then attacked from behind.

Nuwa also shot, and the red hydrangea was thrown out and turned into a stream of light. With the power of shocking the sky, she came to Yi Shuihan in a blink of an eye.

Fuxi was muttering a word, and a gossip array appeared under Yi Shuihan's feet, and countless large hands transformed from spiritual energy swarmed out, about to drag him into the endless abyss.

And Di Jun, I don't know when he was already standing in the only position Yi Shuihan could break through, and when Yi Shuihan forcibly broke through, he would hit Yi Shuihan hard.

This kind of battle, even if Lao Tzu is holding the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Tower, his head will be numb.

"Are you still laughing at this time?"

Seeing Yi Shuihan's smile, Nuwa didn't understand why Yi Shuihan was still in a crisis. It wasn't until the next moment that her red hydrangea was directly caught by Yi Shuihan's palm, and her complexion changed drastically.

My own spirit treasure knows that Red Hydrangea, as the best innate spirit treasure, has an absolutely amazing attack power. Even if Nuwa herself faced this blow, she would only be seriously injured, and if she was replaced by the group of ancestral witches, it was also It is impossible for Yi Shuihan to catch the red hydrangea so easily.

After the red hydrangea, the attacks of Styx, Kunpeng and Fuxi hit Yi Shuihan one after another, making an astonishing roar and explosion.

"It's useless at all?"

Emperor Jun was stunned, Donghuang Tai was stunned, and Nuwa and Fuxi were also stunned.

Could he be an ancestral witch in human skin?

"Go on! Use any tricks to let me know."

Yi Shuihan didn't know what these people thought, so he said impatiently.

"Everyone, he must be bracing, using all his strength, or wait for him to escape..."

Dijun didn't say anything afterwards, but everyone knew what it meant. Let such a powerful enemy be outside, they will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Styx took out his companion spirit treasure, Yuantu and Abi's two great killing swords, the **** smell made people vomit, even Nuwa, who was also a quasi-sage, frowned.

Kunpeng glanced enviously at Styx's Lingbao, and didn't show his magic weapon. The best magic weapon in his body could exert its power rather than use his own magical powers.

On the contrary, Fu Xi, a guqin appeared in his hand, exuding the aura of innate spirit treasure.

Another round of attacks, this time is several times more powerful than the previous one, they really used their full strength, unless they use the secret method that damages the foundation, they will definitely not be able to break out a higher damage attack.

"Try my new Lingbao."

Yi Shuihan's thoughts appeared in the shop, and those attacks hit the outside of the shop without exception. The shop was hit with constant noise and vibration, but it was thunder and rain, which did not cause any damage to the shop. Any damage. ,, ..

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