Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1148: Teammate's attack

A ray of sunlight slowly crawled from the edge of the well to the center, and when it finally reached the center of the rock on the well, the well began to vibrate violently.

The enchantment of the seal broke rapidly as soon as it appeared, and did not play a role at all.


The stones used for the seal were turned into countless broken stones in the explosion, splashing around, many of them came towards Yi Shuihan, but they melted quickly when it was less than 1 meter near Yi Shuihan. Burning and disappearing.

The black breath rose into the sky, forming a huge black beam of light, dyeing the sky extremely black, like night.

The female corpse appeared above the well without warning, a pair of pitch-black and scarlet eyes looked at Yi Shuihan, her aura more than ten times stronger than before she was sealed.

"If you don't have reincarnations like us, you could really destroy the entire empire, and even this world would be under your control."

This kind of growth rate, even if Yi Shuihan had prepared, was still very surprised. At this time, the female corpse gave Yi Shuihan the feeling that it could be compared to Silver 4 stars.

In just over half a month, it has grown to 2 stars, and given some more time, it can grow to the silver limit.

At that time, with the characteristics of this female corpse infection, the entire world will become a paradise for beasts, not much better than Resident Evil.

"Dare to seal us, today is your death date."

Numerous voices were transmitted from the body of the female corpse, causing the air to vibrate, and the surrounding trees were shattered and turned into a mess.

"I want to return this sentence to you, so that you can see what a real sword fairy is."

Yi Shuihan threw the sword in his hand into the air and squeezed out a sword tactic. The swords in the air split instantly, changing from one to two, from two to four, and from four to eight...

The densely packed swords actually covered the entire palace area.

"Oh my God, what is that! So many swords in the sky, what is going on?"

"It's terrible, did the devil descend on the world? First the sky, then now..."

"Run! Stay here 100% and you will die. The empire is about to die, no one can save it."

The people in the palace were shocked by the vision made by Yi Shuihan and the female corpse. After a brief silence, they cried and fled outside.

"As long as I wave my hand, everything is over."

With that said, Yi Shuihan felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he was secretly vigilant.

The female corpse rushed towards Yi Shuihan at a very fast speed, and the sword in the sky received Yi Shuihan’s instructions, and kept shooting at the female corpse. The sword collided with the female corpse, and there was no direct shooting effect, but it also Let the female corpse appear small or small cavities.

In this way, the female corpse may not be able to wait to get close to Yi Shuihan and will be killed by countless swords.

However, at this moment, a fierce golden light broke out behind Yi Shuihan, and a huge figure was formed instantly, launching an attack on Yi Shuihan.

"Magic Cannon!"

"Stopped and bound."

"Heaven Sword, destroy the sky."

"Earth sword, cut the ground."

"Human sword, extraordinary."

Wei Li Te, the three swordsmen appeared at the same time, and unanimously launched an attack on Yi Shuihan, all of which seemed so mysterious.

Shouldn't they and Yi Shuihan be teammates? Why attack Yi Shuihan instead of the female corpse?

In addition to releasing the Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus Beast, Velite also released a pet except for him, and initiated a restraint on Yi Shuihan. This kind of restraint, even if Yi Shuihan is a silver 4 star, has no time for 1 second. Way, and this 1 second is enough for them to attack.

Faced with such a situation, Yi Shuihan's eyes still did not despair, but some were just a hint of surprise and surprise.

Desperate? For others, even a silver 5 star can only wait to die in this situation, but Yi Shuihan is different. His true combat effectiveness has not been liberated at all. The conventional combat effectiveness has been fully utilized, and the unconventional has been completely used from beginning to end. Nothing ever leaked out.



Yi Shuihan was completely smashed by the light and sword light, completely unable to see the hope of life.

"Did you die? It's a good death to let us lose so much energy. Our mission is different from the beginning!"

Willite's eyes were cold, like ten thousand years of cold ice, and the three swordsmen beside him exuded a biting sword intent, quietly staring in the direction where Yi Shuihan was.


Suddenly, Weilite was alarmed, and then he saw his little treasure, the Dark Fighting Tyrannosaurus beast, flying upside down, slamming towards them.

In the air, part of the dark fighting tyrannosaurus beast's figure suddenly turned into a garbled form, and its body also appeared a little unstable.

"How is it possible? You are fine."

Avoiding the dark battle tyrannosaurus, Willite even forgot to deal with the injuries of his pet, looking at the figure coming out of the smoke in shock.

"It's okay? It's okay! No, my clothes are ripped apart by you guys."

Yi Shuihan smiled and pointed a finger at his sleeve. There was an obvious gap, about 3 square centimeters.

"I already know the cause and effect. It was my carelessness. I didn't expect our mission to be different, but can you tell me why you knew my mission in the first place?"

This was puzzled by Yi Shuihan. I remember that when the mission was released, Velite said that it was a defensive mission. This was in line with Yi Shuihan’s mission. Yi Shuihan thought that everyone’s mission was the same. However, what they said was obviously Knowing Yi Shuihan's mission is very contradictory.

Faced with the problem of Yi Shuihan, the four members of Willite were silent.

"Forget it, since you don't want to say it, I don't want to pursue it either. Get ready to fight with me! I won't release water."

"Wait! I answered your previous question."

Willett said suddenly.


Yi Shuihan raised his brows and stopped, looking at Willite, waiting for the answer.

"In fact, someone asked us to get rid of you. We used props to come into this world with you. That prop can make our task absolutely opposed to you. Our task is to destroy the country, and your task is naturally to save the country. This is easy to guess."

"Originally, we planned to kill you at the very beginning, but we didn't expect that you were the first to be sober and the strength exceeded our expectations, so we could only quietly wait for the opportunity."

At the beginning, Velit was still a little nervous when speaking, but slowly relaxed afterward. ,, ..

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