Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1149: Turn the tide

Why would you relax? You must know that they were facing the monster Yi Shuihan. Before, the four of them had no effect in the case of a sneak attack. The strength levels of the two sides were obviously different.

Is it because of the hole cards?

the answer is

"I know you are delaying time. Willite, you did not deal with the people of the Holy Empire, the Mala Empire is about to die."

Yi Shuihan's words made Willite's face stiff.

"Then why are you...?"

"Because I still have plenty of time for me! Solving you quickly."

Yi Shuihan's words came out from behind Willite. There is no gap between Willite and the Three Musketeers. When did Yi Shuihan move.

The power of time was used by Yi Shuihan, which was completely a cheating device for Willite and the others.

"Take out any hole cards, otherwise everyone will die."

Weili Xuan shouted, and then the four of them rushed towards Yi Shuihan with a tacit understanding, completely in a desperate posture.

When people rushed halfway, they almost stopped sprinting at the same time, and escaped in four directions.

"I go!"

Silently looking at the four people who are farther away, Yi Shuihan feels that he should admire their operations, and his heart is clear! It is worth saying that they are the reincarnation of the main **** space, they are very cunning!

Will Yi Shuihan tolerate these people running away? Naturally it is impossible.

"Why chase me?"

Velite felt that the figure in the back was very bitter, and without hesitation, he gave the order to entangle Yi Shuihan to his second pet.

"That feeling again!"

The feeling of being anchored before came back to Yi Shuihan's side, but this time Yi Shuihan easily resisted this power, and easily killed the creature that released this power. It was a plant. The reason why the styling Digimon recognizes the Digimon is because when it died, its whole body turned into a data stream.

This Digimon hardly played a role in delaying Yi Shuihan, and Velite was caught up in the next second and was seriously injured.

"I originally wanted to kill it directly. Have you escaped at the critical moment?"

"Puff" was vomiting blood while Willett looked at Yi Shuihan in amazement. The feeling that he was about to die just now was too terrifying, and he couldn't guarantee that he would have such good luck to hide away if he did it again.

"I give up, don't kill me, I'm willing to buy my life, 50,000 survival points, plus an advanced item."

Willite shouted loudly.

The answer to Willite is a light.

"You probably want to ask why I am so happy as a killer. I will answer you. That's because I am not interested in the conditions you offered. 50,000 survival points? Advanced props? Haha!"

Looking at Willite's puzzled eyes before he died, Yi Shuihan said slowly. When Yi Shuihan finished speaking, Willite's regret disappeared and he closed his eyes with a smile.

"There are three more!"

Looking in the other direction, the figure disappeared instantly.

A few seconds later, the three swordsmen were all dealt with by Yi Shuihan, so far the only Samsara who stayed in this world was Yi Shuihan.

From the mouth of Tianjian, Yi Shuihan knew who the person who sent them was, that is, the reincarnation who killed Pollick with his achievements. The reincarnation was promoted to silver in that **** battle and became a large organization. The elite members of, then discovered the relationship between Yi Shuihan and Atour, and sent someone to clean up Yi Shuihan, but he underestimated Yi Shuihan's strength.

"It's over, the Mala Empire is over, I want to become the king of the country, I am ashamed of my ancestors!"

When Willit died, King Mala IX had returned to normal. Before he could barely calm down, he was completely desperate after being normal. He stood on the city wall and watched the fight close at hand.

"Your Majesty, can I ask you to die?"

"It is the evil knight of the Holy Empire, hurry up and save your majesty."

"Your Majesty, run away!"

In the exclamation of everyone, the evil knight in black armor swung his spear at Mala IX. Mala IX had no response to this, as if he was waiting for death.

"Now you can't die!"

The magical voice awakened King Mala IX. He stared blankly at Yi Shuihan, who was holding the knight's gun in one hand, and his gray eyes began to light up.

"Master Taiyi, you are finally here, save me, save the empire, now only you can save the Mala empire."

King Mala IX begged. Yi Shuihan at this time was his only hope. There was only one Yi Shuihan, and there were many powerful masters in the Holy Empire. He didn't even think about it, or he didn't want to. Think about it.

Of course, Yi Shuihan's easy victory over Xia Yu also gave Mara IX some confidence, and he was willing to believe that Yi Shuihan was different.

"Who are you? A little bit of strength, but unfortunately you met me."

The evil knight said with an arrogant face, and was about to express his own loftiness, but before it was ready, I saw Yi Shuihan gently push him, without any resistance to ears, the evil knight was affected by this power Pushed out, hit the wall, and then fell.

Ever since, the evil knight in the Holy Empire who had the same status as the protector of the Mala Empire died so easily.

Next was Yi Shuihan's performance time. Almost the entire battlefield could see his active figure. No one could stop him from a move. It was simply looking forward and changing the whole battle with one person.

After Yi Shuihan killed the 4th Master Protector of the country, the army of the Holy Empire began to decline, and finally gave up the siege and retreat.

"Victory, we repelled the Holy Empire."

"Great, we held it."

"Master Huguo is so strong, too powerful."

The cheering voice sounded in the Imperial Capital, and everyone looked up at the voice in the sky, showing an expression of admiration and admiration. At this moment, Yi Shuihan became a **** in their hearts.

"There is still more than one day, so there shouldn't be any accidents, right?"

Yi Shuihan hesitated when he said this. After all, all of this seemed a bit too simple for him. At most, he was shocked when he was attacked. ,, ..

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