Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1150: Bloody tracking

It's just that the Holy Empire was defeated, so naturally it is not a solution to the crisis of annihilation. It is just that Yi Shuihan's task is to ensure that the Mala Empire will not be annihilated within 30 days. It is still more than a day away. Everything is fine.

Yi Shuihan did not intend to take the initiative to attack. He believed that the Holy Empire would not attack again if he knew his performance today. After a while, the other members of the Eagle Empire would receive news and naturally would not allow the Holy Empire to grow larger.

Besides, the Holy Empire has killed so many masters by Yi Shuihan, and now its strength has been greatly reduced. Maybe it needs to win over the Mala Empire to avoid being taken advantage of by the Eagle Empire.

Of course, all of this is based on the condition that Yi Shuihan does not leave, and when Yi Shuihan leaves, everything is different again.

At that time, if King Mala IX is smart enough to know the news of Yi Shuihan's departure, and then keep a low profile for a while and train some masters, it is possible to ensure the continued survival of the Mala Empire.

One day passed in an instant, and in the end Yi Shuihan still did not encounter any changes, and he successfully waited until the time to complete the task.

After announcing that he would be closed for a period of time, Yi Shuihan himself has already returned to the main **** space. What happens next depends on the abilities of Mala IX himself.

"No. xzq1328123, the second world report of reincarnation mission

The main task: to help the Mala Empire resist the evil invasion and ensure that it will not be destroyed within 30 days.

After the mission is completed, you will receive a basic reward of 20,000 survival points.

Task evaluation: level b


Following the return visit, Yi Shuihan's reward was also distributed. Compared with the previous two times, this time it was so shabby that it couldn't be more shabby, and only got the basic reward of 20,000 survival points.

"I don’t even have Grade A, let alone Grade S. It is estimated that the reward for reaching Grade S is to prevent the invasion of the Holy Empire and deal with the problem of female corpses perfectly. Can I get Grade B or the damage caused by female corpses is not too much. relationship."

Shaking his head, Yi Shuihan made a summary by himself.

"Fortunately, killing 4 hostile Samsaras is a little extra reward."

In the mission world, sometimes it is not allowed to kill reincarnations. At that time, you will be punished if you kill them. However, if you kill each other because of the mission, you will get corresponding rewards after killing.

"Four **** treasure chests, don't know what can be opened?"

Kill a person and get a **** treasure chest. What is opened from the **** treasure chest is not necessarily the thing owned by the slain, but the upper limit is the same as the thing owned by the slain, the lower limit is 1000 survival points, which is Said that no matter how bad luck is, he will not go home empty-handed.

"Just open the treasure chest here."

Taking out the treasure chest, Yi Shuihan decisively chose to open it.

There is a number on each **** treasure chest. Yi Shuihan doesn’t need to guess that this is the number of the reincarnated person. The four treasure chests are all silver, which makes Yi Shuihan guess that this is the level of the corresponding reincarnation, black Iron should be a black iron treasure chest, bronze corresponds to bronze, and silver corresponds to silver.

"Congratulations on getting 5000 Survival Points"

"Congratulations on getting a master ball, assault up to x-L one"

"Congratulations on obtaining the Three Talents Contract"

"Congratulations on getting a handle of Lingfeng Sword"

Four treasure chests, not to mention how good things are, at least not the guaranteed 1,000 survival points, Yi Shuihan is still acceptable.

"The Spirit Wind Sword can be used by Wu Qingxuan. It is enough for her to use silver, and the Assault Gundam is given to Adol, and if the three-talent contract is signed, the three-talent formation can be used to increase the strength below the silver by 3 times. It is to enhance the combat power of 1 star, which is quite satisfactory."

"This master ball is actually effective against non-human creatures at the silver level. It is really a small best, so just stay."

After allocating the trophies, Yi Shuihan chose to return to his room.

Due to the time difference, Atour and the others didn’t even know that Yi Shuihan had already passed through another world, because it took more than an hour from Yi Shuihan’s departure to his return, and they hadn’t learned from one practice. Wake up.

"25,000 survival points are not enough to support me to improve by another star. It seems that I have to continue the mission!"

Although this is the case, Yi Shuihan stayed in the main **** space for a few more days. In addition to handing over the Sancai contract to Atour, he also spent 20,000 survival points to obtain specific tracking items from Baiyuechu. Even if he is indecent, there is no need to wait if he has the strength of revenge. Next time he enters the mission world, he will kill the reincarnation who killed Earl Wanbao.

After sending Atour and the others to the next world, Yi Shuihan didn't wait long, and was informed that the other party had set off on the second day.

"Do you use props for **** tracking?"


A bright light flashed, and Yi Shuihan's figure disappeared in place.


Coming clearly from the drowsiness, Yi Shuihan found that he was alone in a protective cover, without any reincarnations around him.

"What's the matter? Is it fake that Bai Yuechu gave? Or something happened!"

The doubt did not last long, and the prompt from the main **** space made Yi Shuihan understand his current situation.

It turned out to be because of the **** trace of the props!

Prop **** tracking is a special item in the main **** space. As long as you use it, you can forcibly enter the world of the tracked person in the next world for **** hunting. If the strength of the person who uses the item is not better than that of the tracked person. The team will hide Yi Shuihan without telling the tracked person.

On the contrary, if Yi Shuihan’s strength is higher than the entire team of the tracked, he will directly inform the tracked of the news of Yi Shuihan’s arrival, and as long as he kills Yi Shuihan, he can obtain a special **** treasure chest, which is of value. Several times the ordinary treasure chest, you can get at least half of Yi Shuihan's net worth, and even if you are lucky, it will even explode, just like Yi Shuihan is a boss.

Yi Shuihan’s strength is clearly beyond the opponent’s entire team. In this case, if the opponent doesn’t know Yi Shuihan will be chasing after him, it is estimated that he will die 100%. The main **** will always give his reincarnation a chance, so this item is effective. That will be the case.

"Let them come a few days in advance? Seeking to balance the strength of both parties? The Lord God is really gentle!

After understanding the situation, Yi Shuihan was not depressed, but instead felt that it was not bad. Compared with being sneaky, it was more refreshing to be honest. ,, ..

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