Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1158: Mandy's changes

About a quarter of an hour later, when the bathroom door opened, Coleson saw Yi Shuihan walk out expressionlessly, and the sound of sparse clothes was heard from the bathroom.

"At this time, there is absolutely no way to compare with me. What about the strength? I can't do this. I can't lift my head in front of a woman. As a man, I am better than him."

That in Tony's heart called a refreshing, the resentment and anger caused by Yi Shuihan's lesson before completely dissipated, and the look in Yi Shuihan's eyes was even more compassionate, which made Yi Shuihan a little inexplicable for a while.

After another minute, Mandy's figure finally walked out of the bathroom. Her clothes had not changed from before, but at this time Coleson and Tony both looked at Mandy in shock.

"Why do you feel that she is a different person? She looks exactly the same before, but she feels that she has changed completely."

"The skin is whiter and tenderer, and the eyes are brighter, and I don't know why I feel that her temperament has suddenly risen from an ordinary person to a strong woman. I know it is very powerful at first glance."

Although Mandy was beautiful before, neither Tony nor Coleson paid much attention to her, and even regarded her as a passerby. Now, they see Mandy involuntarily put each other in an equal position, and Tony even more It was the impulse to pursue Mandy, even Coleson's heart was a little restless, it was the ugly duckling that turned into a princess, a gorgeous transformation.

Being stared at by Coleson and Tony with some fiery eyes, Mandy's heart is not calm. She is familiar with this kind of eyes, and many people usually look at her with this kind of eyes, but those people are ordinary Poor dick, a little better is that there is a small rich man with millions of fortunes, and there is no way to compare with the two in front of him.

Coleson won’t say anything. Tony is the richest **** in the world. Among the women he has played with, there are many prettier than her. Mandy once even thought of making Tony look more. Her blessing, the joy of one night is her pursuit, and she never thought of making the other person infatuated, but now...

Mandy knew that she was completely different, and the changes on the surface were only a small part, more of the changes within the body. She was a weak woman a quarter of an hour ago, and now she feels that she can even punch through steel. She even dared to fight with Tony wearing a steel suit, and she was likely to win the final victory.

Thinking of what happened in the bathroom and the information that appeared in her mind, Mandy felt that she was still in a dream, but the real sense of power coming from her body let her know that all this was not a dream.

All of this for Mandy was given by Yi Shuihan. The current love for Yi Shuihan has reached 100 points in numerical value. She is so crazy that she can no longer live in her heart from now on, no man can live in her heart. The same goes for Tony, whom she has longed for countless times.

From Yi Shuihan's actions, Mandy knew that they were too far apart, and vaguely felt that she could not keep Yi Shuihan, which made her very frightened. She really couldn't bear the loss of Yi Shuihan.

Now Mandy is thinking about how to deepen his position in Yi Shuihan's heart.


Yi Shuihan’s coughing made Coleson and Tony come back to their senses. Coleson is worthy of being a veteran agent with extraordinary determination and control of his desires. But Tony, an old driver, forced himself to think about Yi Shui. The horror of cold, the picture that a finger could kill him in seconds, gradually calmed down.

"Mandy has been taught by me. I gave her one step of the exercise. I also helped her get in a little bit. Let you see the power of our immortal cultivators."

Exercises? It should be the specific method of exercising strength! Immortal cultivator is probably called the same as a magician.

Coleson and Tony brained up.

"Mandy, come and try your power."

Under Yi Shuihan's gesture, Mandy picked up a piece of Tony's broken suit before, pinched it under Tony and Coulson's eyes, and then the piece of battle suit was directly squeezed into a ball.

"How is it possible? That is an alloy that can withstand hundreds of thousands of tons of force without being deformed, unexpectedly..."

Knowing his own equipment, Tony is going crazy. He can't believe what he saw. A woman who was still very ordinary not long ago has become so terrifying in such a short period of time. It is simply ruining the three views. How can the world be Is there such a thing?

Tony used to be very confident. Not to mention he is rich, and he has a genius brain. Even if he is caught, he can create a steel suit under the eyes of the enemy to escape from birth and become Iron Man. A heroic character worshipped by people.

Tony now feels that he has been hurt 10,000 points, and the hard work is not as good as the work done by others for more than ten minutes.

There is nothing wrong with that kind of sound. It can only be made by doing that. As an old driver who has gone through thousands of driving, Tony believes in this.

The exercise method is to do that, and then you can improve your strength, that's right.

"Envy! Why am I not him?"

Tony looked at Yi Shuihan, slowly envy and jealousy in his eyes, and this kind of sentiment appeared on Tony for the first time, before others were envied and jealous.

Yi Shuihan didn't know Tony's thoughts, he knew he would definitely scream injustice. He really wasn't snapping with Mandy just now, just kidding, how weak is his fighting power? If he wanted to, it would be easy for a few days and nights, Shenma Qijirou was far worse than the others.

Yi Shuihan is just helping Mandy get through the meridians throughout his body and transform his body. The reason why Mandy is so misleading is also because it is so cool. Don’t believe it, body transformation is sometimes better than doing it. That thing is more comfortable.

The practice that can improve your strength by doing that is called Shuangxiu practice, and Yi Shuihan actually has it! It's just that no one asked, he naturally wouldn't say it, he was such a low-key person.

"Are there any guns?"


"As a senior agent, don't you even have a gun on you?"

"Yes, but what can you do?"

"Shot at Mandy."

Coleson looked at Yi Shuihan dumbfounded. ,, ..

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